Are my views on women way off?


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
Reaction score
My activity on the field and on this forum over the past several months since I joined has been close to zero and I can see why. The answer is simple. I kind of burned out... already. Excuse my ignorance but how some males are truly successful with women is beyond me. It appears that the way interaction works between the genders in society is so manufactured and twisted. The truly experienced and succesful males from what I can see know this game and seem to know how women work by the back of their hands. Hopefully I'll be able to reach that level of expertise someday before I'm 90 years old.

Let me begin by saying though that through years of close observations I see women of all walks of life acting the same exact way. Many of the women I encounter on a daily basis, regardless of whether she's a 4, 7 or a 9.5 have the same attitude. First thing I immediately pick up on is an aura reeking of nothing but extreme arrogance and a superiority complex. The way they carry themselves just speak volumes about them so I'm not going to write an entire book on that. I assumed once that past high school things would change and they wouldn't be so clique based and ****y. I figured that maybe females would mature some but I couldn't be anymore wrong. I see it virtually everywhere in college and they never seem to grow out of it. Older women don't seem to be any different either other than the fact that they're just... older. Maybe I'm missing the other part of the equation and behind all of this lies nothing but mere insecurity.

I'm convinced that according to women we are below them by default and they think only they get to do the choosing. We are in the wrong if we approach because we "victimize" them but we are also cowards for not approaching and we also lose out on what we want. Women want to be swept off their feet but they won't give anyone a chance unless he fits a certain unrealistic criteria. Many women sleep with x amount of guys but clock their odometers back and make it seem like it's something special when it really isn't. It's all seems like one big joke and I could go on making an entire list.

I don't want to come off sounding like I hate women. I really don't, but The whole concept of seduction and pickup just seems so alien to me. My views may be twisted but this is what I'm seeing in society and more which I really don't feel like going into... any suggestions on anything, or do I just have to stop thinking so damn much?

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
One problem is truly overanalyzing. I've taught guys before that think about every little detail, even AFTER they have an answer for it, and end up blowing their answer and chance out of the water before they get anywhere. Pick up is COUNTERINTUITIVE. It really is. What a girl says she wants and what she actually goes for are usually two very different things. You have to accept that, period. Then you have to learn what they are really saying. It's not hard, you just have to open your mind a bit. Or a lot.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
C-quenced said:
or do I just have to stop thinking so damn much?

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Look at your defeatist attitude as well. You are negative and sound like you have low self esteem. You need to raise your own value in your own eyes. Basically you need confidence and inner game work big time.

Read my sig about a million times. I put it there for myself as a reminder, but you need to read it.