Ex girlfriend, why tell me this ?

sparky uk

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
Midlands, England
An ex girlfriend of mine who i see quite often, has admitted too me that she still likes me and misses me and still has feelings for me that she can`t shake off. but she also told me that she played jealousy games by flirting with other men when i was close by, and if she saw me talking or laughing with other women she would get really jealous.
But i never went out of my way too make her jealous because the relationship was over.
i also noticed that she has become quite ****y and has an answer for everything, i asked her about this and she said maybe your rubbing off on me.

So guys why did she tell me all this, is she still interested or is it something else.

advice needed please



Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
She's interested and playing games with you in order to get back with you on terms favourable to her.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
her ego. she wants to mess with your head to prove SHE still has a grip on you.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Well . . . she admitted she's interested, so you shouldn't even be asking that.

Yeah, she wants to have a hold on you. Which means, either you allow her to have this hold and you become her "b.tch", or you dominate the frame and see if she sticks around.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
She's interested in you. I think you should consider banging her, but do not get into a relationship with her again. In the former situation you retain your power, buut in the later you will just be giving her power over you.

sparky uk

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
Midlands, England
Why does she deny doing this?

Hi guys, need your help please,

caught her watching me while i was out with a few of my mates, she went bright red in the face and just laughed,

Then i was chatting too a few girls and she came over too me and said are you trying too stir it up, obvoiusly she was jealous.

Then later we were chatting and she said too me your my little pet, in reply too that i said i`m not your pet and i`m not any one`s pet, and she just stormed off.

well later i asked her about the above 3 scenes and she denied all of them and said i was telling stories, i said i saw it all happen with my own eyes, but she still denied everthing,

so guys why does she deny all of the above and say that i was telling stories, Advice needed please.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Was she drunk? I have a story about a girl from an LTR of mine and she did stuff one night as well to get me jealous, to try to get my attention. She also denied later that she did the stuff. But, after a while she admitted to it. She's trying to save face man. Don't worry about her denying. It's not an important issue.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
yeah she's obviously into you but is trying to have it on her terms. the whole principle of the DJ concept is to do it on your terms. if you do it her way, the way she's trying to get you to conform to right now, she's going to just f*ck with your head and your heart and we all know what that feels like.

do some reading, detach yourself from this situation emotionally to the best of your ability and devise a gameplan for how you're going to present yourself to her in all of these situations. prepare for all the cases you've listed happening again, and prepare for the little nuance things and prepare for worse things to come. run through your actions and reactions in your head so you don't have a lull or a brainfart when she tries to catch you with something, and in turn spots an inconsistency in your behavior.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
sparky uk said:
Hi guys, need your help please,

caught her watching me while i was out with a few of my mates, she went bright red in the face and just laughed,

Then i was chatting too a few girls and she came over too me and said are you trying too stir it up, obvoiusly she was jealous.

Then later we were chatting and she said too me your my little pet, in reply too that i said i`m not your pet and i`m not any one`s pet, and she just stormed off.

well later i asked her about the above 3 scenes and she denied all of them and said i was telling stories, i said i saw it all happen with my own eyes, but she still denied everthing,

so guys why does she deny all of the above and say that i was telling stories, Advice needed please.

You want to know why she denied all of the crazy comments she said to you,right? I have a better question. Why do you continue to be a part of all this foolishness? The original post date of the post was on 9-30-08,but I'm sure this started loooong before then. This reminds me of those daytime soaperas. Just one long continuous,never ending cycle of drama,on and on.

Aren't there any other girls you're interested in,who you would like to date?
You still like this girl? Look at how she's behaving right now. You me to say that you would like a relationship filled with all this chaos,nonsense,mind games,and stupidity?

This girl (imo) has zero respect for you. She can twist you around her finger at will whenever she chooses. Dude,she called you her pet? How degrading!
But you know what? She wouldn't have said that if she hadn't of gotten some sort of vibe,impression,or reaction from you that make her "feel" that way.
Something about you,(and I don't know what it was),makes her feel that she can treat you this way and you'll still keep coming back for more. And she's right.

My advice would be to stop trying to figure this girl out and just move on.