A Different Kind of Club Game

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
I've been running club game for a while now. In fact, I have VIP status at at least one local club. There are 3 different major clubs currently in my city. I know people at all 3. I can walk into any one of them and have instant social proof. Then, I have a few girls that go to clubs with me at times to give me instant pre-selection if I don't have someone in the club for that.

Even on those nights I fly solo, I still have the instant social proof. With that I easily get the pre-selection.

I have never bought a girl a drink, and refuse to do so on the first night. In fact, one girl I am currently seeing in a LTR that I picked up at a club, I didn't buy her a drink, or anything outside of the club for that matter, for about 2 months into seeing her. I refuse to buy girls drinks, especially when they ask me to. If they want me to wait for them outside the bathroom or while they go to the bar to buy themselves a drink, I won't. Either they will go to the bar with me, and pay attention to me while at the bar, or I find other people to be social with, and they find me again after they get their drink.

I do not personally drink when at the bar or club either. I will at home, after the night is over, but I don't even get buzzed when out clubbing. I want my game to be on point, period.

Also, the dance floor is my friend. I have not only taken girls to the dance floor after picking them up, but have literally picked up girls ON the dance floor. I have opened, built comfort and attraction, kinoed, etc., right on the dance floor, then isolated later, kissed and number closed while on the dance floor, and had the girls want to go home with me that night, all after opening on the dance floor.

I usually kino IMMEDIATELY when opening a set. As in, as I"m opening, whoever is close to me, I will touch, because it's NATURAL. I have no problem kinoing the target right away. Touch should be NATURAL, and it also shows confidence. It shows you are comfortable in your own skin, comfortable with who you are, with your sexuality . . . and it tends to convey that you actually GET LAID. I will even tug a girls hair that I DON'T KNOW and have gotten hugs and kisses from opening in that manner.

I"m not the best looking guy out there either, but I'm not ugly. I'm not a fashion guru, but I've found my own style. I do have muscles, but I'm not a big guy. I can pick up two girls at the same time on the dance floor and carry them half way across the dance floor, and have done it before. However, I'm 5'8" and about 150lbs, so as you can see, I'm not a big guy.

I think the conventional rules of pick up are being revolutionized. Don't get me wrong. The CORE PRINCIPLES of attraction ARE THE SAME. What has attracted females for centuries STILL attracts females. The switches are still the same. However, the taboo areas are no longer taboo. Things are changing and have changed.

This is something we need to EMBRACE.

The way I run club game, I can easily pick up girls that would rate everywhere from 6's to 10's. No problem for any of them. I can pick up loners and sets. I have played sets against each other before. I can pick up a set of two girls and have them both remain with me for the night. I can achieve SNL's and ONS's, if I want. I can pick a target and isolate her away from her friends as most guys do.

Any comments or questions about how I run game, feel free to drop them here.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Actually, I have two LTR's at this moment. So, MLTR's. And yes, I still pick up other girls too. Part of the reason is because I teach other guys how to do it, so I stay in practice. That doesn't mean I have sex with every girl I pick up, because I'm more selective than that. But, I do have several that I hang out with and they love to hang and have a great time with me, even just as friends, which is totally cool with me.

As far as day game, yes, the core attraction principles are STILL the same, it's just a different pace and environment. I have a theory I call the two layers of pick up where I go into this a little more, but basically, there's one level that never changes and one level that constantly changes. The core attraction switches never change. So, that applies to day game as well.

However, with day game, you have to understand that the girls are usually more rushed, getting things done for the day, not drinking, so they aren't drunk and have their state altered. You can be direct or indirect, even with day game. That depends on your personal confidence level mainly. The vibe that you put off.

It still comes down to your inner confidence, how you feel about yourself. This will come through to the girl regardless of where you are gaming her. She will pick up on this. I still wouldn't openly offer to buy her anything, not a coffee, not a meal, not a movie, nothing, at first. If you open one, can get the bantering going, and proceed on the spot, then go dutch. If you and/or her are in a hurry, it's a GREAT opportunity to number close, because "you seem to be an interesting lady, and I'd like to find out if my gut instinct is correct, so we should swap numbers and talk more later." I would not go for the kiss close as quickly during the day. However, if she is really into you, and is triangulating you with her eyes, and wants the kiss, denying her at that moment, yet continuing the rapport you have with her, will make her want to kiss you more the second get together, and then you SHOULD kiss close.

Hope that helps.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind

How often do you go clubbing?

I concurr, socail proof is a beatiful thing, espeically if you can get v.i.p or best of all when girls know you. That's the best type of social proof. I remember 3 weeks ago i went to a bar not knowing anyone. Within 10 mintues I had strangers (guys and girls) buying me drinks and all that. Granted the town, i was @ was small. However lot of people don't realize that if you use social proof with guys it works just as well as females. Especially in a small college town where everyone knows each other

I've noticed lot of guys on here, rarely talk about going on the dance floor, the dance floor can be a gold mine, typically I've picked up 1/3 of my numbers that way in the best, can't beat it. you are dancing with a girl, got your hands all over her hips and thigs, grinding away, what more do you need? close that b***, close!!!

I love your mentality on not buying a girl a drink, thats the ulitmate afc thing to do. Lot of guys don't realize it, but women don't respect that, you look like a sucka

One thing is though, sometimes its hard to open a 2+ set, without a wing, I can do it but its just hard cause usually someone is CBing the heck outta me


L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Solomon, it depends. Some weeks I'm out there 4 nights, some weeks I might only be out one night. Just depends on what else is going on. That's my current level of clubbing. I used to be out there 4 nights every week.

Yep, the dance floor is a great place to build attraction very quickly. Kiss closes are not hard at all on the dance floor most of the time. And if you can kiss her, you can get her number.

I understand what you are saying about 2+ sets without a wing. With me, I've had wings before, but 90% of my "training time" was without a wing, so I learned how to play the girls off of each other and build attraction in one if not both in the process. Then I turn the non-targets into friends. I've had guys see me in my club now and they are rarely with a girl, but are regulars, and comment about how I've always got a girl or girls with me. I've had the DJ's girl tell me she wonders which of my girls I will bring into the club on a particular night, and she can't wait to see "what girls Tripp is bringing with him."

I normally have the friend of my target, if it's a two set, to end up wanting me to go home with the target. Even before the target openly admits she wants it, lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
L.A. Tripp said:
Solomon, it depends. Some weeks I'm out there 4 nights, some weeks I might only be out one night. Just depends on what else is going on. That's my current level of clubbing. I used to be out there 4 nights every week.

Yep, the dance floor is a great place to build attraction very quickly. Kiss closes are not hard at all on the dance floor most of the time. And if you can kiss her, you can get her number.

I understand what you are saying about 2+ sets without a wing. With me, I've had wings before, but 90% of my "training time" was without a wing, so I learned how to play the girls off of each other and build attraction in one if not both in the process. Then I turn the non-targets into friends. I've had guys see me in my club now and they are rarely with a girl, but are regulars, and comment about how I've always got a girl or girls with me. I've had the DJ's girl tell me she wonders which of my girls I will bring into the club on a particular night, and she can't wait to see "what girls Tripp is bringing with him."

I normally have the friend of my target, if it's a two set, to end up wanting me to go home with the target. Even before the target openly admits she wants it, lol.

mmh kiss close on the dancefloor? yo you gonna have to break that down to me, I think the last time that happend to me I ended up boinking the girl, usually I don't kiss close like that, but i do agree if you can kiss close, you getting the digits eassssyy