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  1. S

    How do keep your woman excited in your relationship ?

    Id like to hear how some of the men on here in a good marriage or ltr , keep their women from getting bored with them First thing, change that mind set. Women should be finding ways to keep YOU interested in THEM. If your girl (generally speaking) is not keeping herself in shape and wearing...
  2. S

    Can you be too aggressive with women?

    I agree with Alpha...
  3. S

    fear of rejection

    Average girls, bitties...I treat them all the same. My apologies, I take that back...I'm especially mean (playfully of course) to bitties, just for the hell of it.
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    Alcohol lowers people's inhibitions and boosts their confidence. If you need a drink to relax and get your head straight (in a social setting), go for it. However, do not become dependent on liquid courage to approach/talk to women.
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    How to handle rejection... or not?

    I agree with shyguy32 100%. I loved the third response (letter C), classic!
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    I can't figure this girl out

    It sounds like you have a nice, friendly interaction with this girl, which is fine if you are looking to place yourself in the friend zone. You need to build some attraction with this girl. Flirt, bust on her, have fun, raise her IL (interest level). Push/Pull, ****y/funny...use all of it...
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    Big Fights SEX **** Down MY gf is a *****

    what is the best way i can get to have more sex with her Show a lack of interest in her what happens.
  8. S

    I guess I still suck?

    I don't know why, I had every intention to, but something was holding me back. When we were walking back to her car I put my arm around her and she pushed it away in a tongue and cheek manner, but everything was so good up to that point that I think this threw me off. Careful, girls will do...
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    What's going on?

    for some weird reason she seemed like she was trying to avoid me or something.I don't know what's going on...whether she heard something or what. My suggestion, give her the same treatment. If she wants to act distant, help her out by giving her what she wants. When she's ready, she'll approach...
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    What effect does this have?

    Totally agree with this response. I have a blast with these types of girls, they are the ones I f*ck with (mentally and emotionally) the most. Funny thing is how they respond to it...
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    Met this amazing girl, didn't get her number....

    This may sting a big, but you need to stop being so dramatic. There were probably countless guys that didn't even get an opportunity (for whatever reason) to 'talk' with a girl. You had what it took to dance (and kiss) a hot girl who was willing to go home with you..stop complaining. There...
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    This Girl

    Despite trying everything, every bit of my life has always ended in failure and disappointment with absolutely nothing to show for it despite all the hard work and effort ive put in.I mean whats the point of this ****ing life? Sounds like you have bigger issues than meeting women bro. I'm...
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    Would you feel like an a$$ if...

    My 'manhood' doesn't revolve around the fact that someone can out drink me, so no...i wouldn't feel like an a$$.
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    How do u response to this??

    I hear ya, I would have given the same response... '
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    How to respond?

    Nice, my thoughts exactly...
  16. S

    Need advice from 25+ years please pt. 2!

    She was very sweet to me and the first thing I asked her was if she was going to go back to yoga the next day. She said yes, and i freaked out because she had just fainted and took it like nothing happen. I would have said...'yeah, that makes sense after passing out the other day, have fun'...
  17. S

    How do u response to this??

    'Yeah, I get compared to allot of boyfriends and husbands, maybe it's because I'm so awesome...'
  18. S

    Question about no contact

    I would string her along for the bootie call, but beyond on that, move on and meet other women. Like Logic said, there is no point in trying to rekindle a relationship with someone who isn't interested in you. Don't get clingy next time...
  19. S

    really need help with this one!!!

  20. S

    Do you think it's right to tell a girl you have a crush on her?

    You don't have to 'say' anything, girls can read your interest a mile away. If you want to communicate your attraction, do it by your actions/vibe...but don't be a wimp about it.