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  1. H

    The Secret To A Healthy Relationship

    My parting shot PK, we're all onto you now. Stop with the emotional affairs on here. Does your H know you're PM'ing with single guys? Yeah, you're "helping". Puhleeze. Who are you fooling? We all figured it out really quickly. Nice. Buh Bye.
  2. H

    Getting a fvcking green card...

    :crackup: I seriously doubt it. Go back to Deutschland!
  3. H

    The Way it Really Is Not.

    First let me say that I've never actually been "dumped" as you mentioned. Secondly, the only thing that you've exposed is what a fool you are. You never even answered my question. But thirdly, and most importantly, I have a personal rule on line. I don't "play" when the playing field isn't...
  4. H

    The Way it Really Is Not.

    Well, all kidding and sarcasm aside, you're assuming that YOU are a real man. And from your few posts of seen, I'm not really feeling that vibe, bro. Real men don't whine. Anyway, I have a question for you. Since you have this all figured out and you know what women want (adrenaline for...
  5. H

    The Way it Really Is Not.

    So true. They're either real bad boyz and who in their right mind wants them (just dumb bimbos..strippers and such) or they're wannabes. And they're even worse. No one with half a brain would be fooled. Why don't they get this? Why do they keep believing this stuff really works...yeah...
  6. H

    The Way it Really Is Not.

    Well it's no wonder you're having so much trouble. I've even used some of those lamo lines myself. (the ones in your number 2) You're a typical lame whiner. Who wants that? Whine, whine and blame, blame. (Mommy, women are so mean...waaa, waaa, boo hooo.) Funny, but I used one of those...
  7. H

    I cant believe its this easy!!!

    Johan, is that you?
  8. H

    My GF uses a DJ trick against me!

    Ok, I didn't read all the responses but I do agree with the little bit I read of Mr. Mom's post. Sounds like she's trying to get rid of you but you just won't take a hint. You need to get out of there, bro. This is not going to go anywhere. Trust me.
  9. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    You know you're making me laugh don't you?
  10. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Hey, if it makes you feel better about your life to say that, I don't mind. I've met a few people on LS in person and they can tell you. Research some of my posts on there. I really don't mind. What reason would I have to lie to a bunch of strangers? I'm completely being myself and I've been...
  11. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Gotcha there, Michael. Thou doth protest too loudly, wouldn't you say? So why are you here then? Go do the one thing you do perfectly, k? Oh and don't forget the lube buddy! (wink, wink)
  12. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Actually, my husband is really very attentive of me. I don't lack for male attention. I know this is weird but I'm finding this kind of interesting and entertaining now. I guess it's because the movie is so boring. I'll get bored with this in time. Don't worry your pretty little head...
  13. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Hi drak..good question. Well first of all it's not afternoon where I am. Secondly, I've already mentioned that my husband is sitting next to me on the couch and we're watching a movie. I'm not that into this movie though so I'm mostly posting but i'm also talking to him and emailing with my LS...
  14. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Nope, I would never kick anyone when they're down. None of these men on here sound that down to me though. I can see that there are good guys on here. I'm not exactly blind to that fact. But hey, thanks for the lecture.
  15. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    "Grew?" I'm not sure I want to know how, k? Just keep it to yourself there, reset.:crackup:
  16. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Sounds kind of science-fictiony to me...not really into that. You're a sarcastic bastard, reset? Hmmm, wonder how I missed that part of you? You might want to take lessons from NightHawk. Now THERE'S a sarcastic bastard you can sink your teeth to speak. He's almost like the male...
  17. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    What the hell are you blathering about? AFC? ABC's WHAT? I'm not "stunting" anyone's progress! Do I have THAT much power? WOW, I didn't know that. Hmmm. I'll have to be more careful in how I wield my Goddess Pvussy Powers. Thanks Brother Rex. I've been told! I've seen the light! (And damn...
  18. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Ok, since this is my thread you have to tell me what this Mr. Me stuff is about. Sense what? He's got some kind of powers? What kind of powers? Can he detect BS too? Wow...that's rare in a man. Tell me!
  19. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    How do you think you look even posting on here? And what do I care about how I look to some of you. You think I care? If I had any respect for most of you, well maybe but most of you are losers. Let's be honest. So get lost and go post on one of the DJ threads or whatever you call it. At...
  20. H

    The Way It REALLY Is

    Yeah, can quit your blathering. I know why you hate me. I made fun of you on LS last night. Whatever. You guys made fun of many of the members over there. So take it like a man. I just found your particular "problem" particularly funny that's all. I know that's why you're yapping at...