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  1. J

    when to introduce kino on a first date?

    You should KINO right away on a date. The longer you wait to initiate KINO the more uncomfortable it will be to make that move. If you look back on your past dates you will know this to be true. Jay Lance
  2. J

    Asking a girl out to a movie or dinner on the spot?

    In today's community Don Juans and PUAs alike look down upon a movie date for the first date. They, or I should say we, see it as not being unique enough compared to other guys. But I believe that movie dates are fine for the first date. There are many reasons for this but I will say it doesn't...
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    Advice needed for second date

    She agreed to go out with you. Green means GO. Don't worry about eye contact. Eye contact does not make a girl like you. Don't worry about emphasising your social value. You should assume higher value. It's much easier that way. Don't worry about your chances for a second date. You can...
  4. J

    would you rent a car for a date ?

    Hey man why don't you have the girls pick YOU up? If you are cool enough to her and she has enough interest in you she will do things like this. Jay Lance
  5. J

    email feedback ...

    This second email sounds way too much like the first one. Not only that but since she didn't reply to the first one things aren't looking good with this one. Respect for TRYING though. People think it's really bad to get an email instead of a phone number. I would say that in this day and age...
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    quick advice!

    Good. Listen before you go do a quick workout. It will help you enormously with feeling comfortable. Don't forget your KINO! Good luck. Jay Lance
  7. J

    quick advice!

    Call her right now! Talk about waiting until the last minute :) Sometimes if plans aren't confirmed girls will make other plans. Especially is the girl is hot. A hot girl's phone rings all the time. Jay Lance
  8. J

    quick advice!

    Call her tonight between the times of 9 and 11. At those times she will likely be at home doing nothing. Vibe with her for a bit and then confirm the plans of where and when you will be hanging out. Personally I'd pick her up. Jay Lance
  9. J

    if she calls to "talk"

    It depends what you want from her. Do you want to go out with her or do you want to be her friend? Picture yourself at a fork in the road. The left path is the path to be her lover. The right path is the path to be her friend. RIGHT NOW the left path is slowly closing. If you want to go out...
  10. J

    Girl asks if you have girlfriend

    On Point was just that when he talked about introducing and escalating KINO. She IS for a fact interested in you. I'm 100% postive because I've personally seen this exact scenerio many times. :p Try not to overanalyze why she asked you if you had a girlfriend. Does she want a new...
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    do chicks dig the car??

    In my first two years of college I drove my mom's white mini-van to school everyday. I had no problem picking up girls. Even when I was doing Red Light Game (picking up girls while stopped at a red light) with that mini-van I got numbers which turned into dates and more. "Do I look good...
  12. J

    i think my stepsister likes me

    :crackup: Jay Lance
  13. J

    FR: My friday afternoon/night date

    Haha niiice FR bro. Keep up the awesomeness~! Jay Lance
  14. J

    C+F - I've met my match

    I would say keep it where it's going and escalate as necessary. You should have a nice vibe going with this girl and it might turn into sexual tension. Don't forget KINO escalation which is one of the most important things to do. Jay Lance
  15. J

    Shaved, or scruff, Glasses or contacts?

    I've gotten girls with glasses and without glasses. I've gotten girls with a clean shave as well as a scruffy face. The hottest girl I've slept with so far I had BRACES at the time. Hope this helps. :) JLance
  16. J

    LTR FBuddy problem

    Damn dude I would hate to be in that situation after a year of exclusiveness. It's crystal clear that your girl doesn't care about how you feel. I think it would be very hard to verbally persuade her not to hang out with him. If it was my girl I'd just hang out with her less until the thing...
  17. J

    How do you get a girl to accept your polygamy?

    What's up tadhire? The best thing to do is not tell girls you are seeing other girls. That's ONLY if you aren't in a committed closed relationship. If I'm not in a relationship other girls are none of her business. JLance
  18. J

    Smart DJs opinion wanted

    Cool man. I would have isolated the girl that you kissed. She seemed most into you. Sometimes you can game two or three girls at the same time and treat them like one entity. Other times one girl from the group will be into you. When that happens just isolate that one girl and game her...
  19. J

    Ouch.. Got turned down.. for like the first time in my life?

    Nobody who learns this stuff doesn't get good without getting turned down. You will learn to not feel bad about it. Wear your "rejections" loud and proud. They are like experience points. I've been rejected hundreds of times. And now I know better what I should do and not do. What to say and...