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  1. Y

    A Simple Debate

    Being home for school over the Easter weekend has got me back together with some good friends of mine, many of them are very good with women. Women are always the topic of conversation when we get back together. The one debate a bunch of us were split over this time involved your buddies and...
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    Ex sticking around

    WC2 there was no hope in hell of me jumping on the bandwagon again, at most it would ever be again is a NSA roll in the hay at some point down the road. I have witnessed too much of her **** to want a relationship, that's why I basically demoted her to FB in the first place. Kailex I think...
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    Ex sticking around

    I'm keeping this in mind every step of the way. One of the reasons why I posted this. The other is that she is not showing more interest in me now than she has for months and it's a little concerning. I would love to have her to the little sh*t shes offering to do for me but the question is...
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    Ex sticking around

    My LTR and I have recently broken up. The ex had begun to flake on me, so I began to spin other plates. I moved her into the fb category as the relationship dwindled into noting but a physical one as neither of us was putting any emotional effort into it. She finally pulled the plug...
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    Some LTR advice

    Ok 'gave' probably wasn't the right word to use here. Fvck I've become quite the afc and I haven't realized it until I read this post over and over. Everything that you guys are telling me I should have figured out on my own, looking back on it, it seems like such common sense. Thanks guys...
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    Some LTR advice

    Thanks guys. Now that I think about it I have been putting in a little more then she has lately. I have been trying to make a conscious effort not to show emotion, there has only been one burst of emotion and that was the one that I have already described. It's definitely is time for a...
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    Some LTR advice

    There's this little problem that has been coming up quite a bit lately that I do not know how to handle with my ltr of a year. My ltr now is seeming to "forget" some of the things that I tell her. For example a couple of weeks ago we we had made plans, or so I though, to go out in the...
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    With my GF in the club. WTF!

    Warrior said it best, but IMO NEXT is the only option here, it's not worth your time and energy
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    Flirty girl toying with me

    Truth. This chic will be the biggest mind fvck you could possible come across. I was in the same boat a while ago, and ever since I came to my senses and nexted the b!tch I realized that doing so has done nothing but good for me. Look at the actions, always postponing the "date" canceling the...
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    Approaching on the dance floor

    Thanks guys. Now that I'm hitting the clubs, it's time to read up on all of the dancing threads and make the most of my nights.
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    Approaching on the dance floor

    Is is ever a good idea to approach a hb or group of hb's on the dance floor. The vast majority of material is all about working your game using your voice, along with physical contact, but on the floor there is no way in hell your going to strike up a useful conversation with all that noise...
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    Fat chicks are the best DJ's I've ever met

    The very social fat girls do have the best game that I have ever seen. I know this one fat chic, and I mean fat, but she has the absolute best personality that I have ever come across. We joke around all the time, she seems to use pretty much every DJ tactic in the book. There are points in...
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    Text Game

    I can not grasp how to game a chic through text messaging. I don't consider myself a DJ yet, but I cannot figure out how to use text messaging to game hb's properly. I never feel as if I am creating a connection through text messaging. I am beginning to think that text messaging is a little...
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    Does playing online poker mess up your social skills?

    Playing online poker, or xbox/ps3 all day doesn't hurt your social skills. There is no reason why partaking in any hobby of the sort would hinder social skills. Life is all what you make of it, if you refuse to talk to people, and become a hermit, the what do you expect from yourself. I...
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    She asked me for my number but...

    I gave her my number, and when I woke up this morning and checked my phone she texted me so I had hers. And no she wasn't drunk, she was DD'ing for her friends. She doesn't know that her bf cheated on her but I wouldn't doubt it, according to a friend of hers who I started talking after she...
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    She asked me for my number but...

    Maybe I shouldn't post still a little drunk but... Well I was at this party, and I was having a good time, got a couple of #'s, but nothing else. Anyway this chic that I have known for a couple of months, I had class with her, we were talking and she was like "I have a couple if pics of you...
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    Too "****y"

    John Paul is right on the money. I think that it's only ****y if you put yourself out there. I'm very confident in just about everything that I do, and if you ask about something that I well I will tell you, no bullsh*t here yet staying general enough not to give away too much about myself...
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    So i kicked my friends bf's azz............

    [s]alvatore is right, this chic seems sounds a bit nuts, I'd completely forget about her, and just worry about covering your ass if any of them try to come after you with some legal bull****. Good job man, I'd have done the same thing, except my sister's got her black belt so I think I...
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    She thinks I don't pay attention

    Oops, sorry about that, that was a case of posting when I should have been sleeping. It should have read something like "I'm going to the city today and am going to..." not "I went to the city yesterday and...." To answer your question 02, yes she does seem to take equal interest in my life...
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    She thinks I don't pay attention

    I have been gaming this chic for a little while now and there is one thing that is very odd about her. When ever we have a conversation, in which ever form it may be in, and she tells me something unique, ie "I went to the city yesterday and...." (she lives in a small town, I'm in the bush...