Approaching on the dance floor

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Is is ever a good idea to approach a hb or group of hb's on the dance floor. The vast majority of material is all about working your game using your voice, along with physical contact, but on the floor there is no way in hell your going to strike up a useful conversation with all that noise, and there is a very slim chance that you are going to make eye contact if she's really into shaking that fine ass of hers.

So what I'm really wondering is if it is worth my time and effort to try and game hb's on the floor, or should that only be left till around last call when everyone's on the dance floor and a conversation is completely out of the question.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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young pat, good question man. From my experience, yea...its def something worth doing. There are two good ways to go about it. If the two girls are dancing close to each other, the hip bump is prolly the best alternative as she won't assume ur just a drunk guy(not our fault) and that you are a fun guy, then of course grind with her after.

The other alternative, which i love, is to literally take her hand and lead. Thats right, u take her hand while smiling and pull her toward you.

If she doesn't want to do the above, don't give up on her. Still continue talking and then probably try it again. The two i mentioned above work really great opening on the dance floor. :)

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
The key to this is "Play to the beat of your own drum" basically stay in your reality...

The two ways that I've done this and has worked consistently...

- Walk up and just open her without dancing...YES...go onto the dancefloor without even dancing and just open her, she will stop dancing, you can put your face right on her ear and talk...

- Your already dancing and you just pull her in and start dancing...I'm not big on grinding because I'm a big fan of retarded dancing, but sometimes the woman will just want to grind and start trying to do it, but eventually thats when I lead and grind in a different manner...

You must lead...the women will follow...

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys. Now that I'm hitting the clubs, it's time to read up on all of the dancing threads and make the most of my nights.
Mar 23, 2007
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the outdoor patio is a great area too ,carry a lighter or matches , trust me the words need a light are a miracle to some people, and a great way to start conversations ...


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
this is what I'm working on right now when I'm out at the clubs

if you like dancing, then dance with her with the sole intent of having fun. I find myself reframing dancing with her as a way of her qualifying how fun she is to me ("aww that was pretty weak, c'mon show me your moves"). a lot of girls can't dance at all. a lot just dance in the corner with their female cousin doing a lazy 2 step while value scanning the room hoping some cool guy will come and talk to her. personally I think these kind of girls are the equivalent of the guys who just stand on the wall holding their drink for 3 hrs. only difference is guys can't dance with each other, girls can

if she's genuinely enjoying dancing with you, the non-verbals instantly take care of attraction - it's naturally high energy, you can easily get powerful eye contact. the chemistry will feel like one humongous sustained BT spike. kino is taken care of and if you calibrate well, you can get her horny really fast and have her throwing herself at you. you can move in close, freak her, then if she's into it, move away (I do this a lot -it's basically a non-verbal version of push-pull), you can go for the makeout, there's a ton of fun stuff you can do that subcommunicates cool things, and it's all non-verbal. you figure all this out on the dancefloor when your focus is to have fun dancing with the girl, you're in a leading frame, and you don't give a sht about reading IOI's or anything like that. when you're making sexual state eye contact, both of you are smiling at each other, and you haven't even said a word to this girl and you don't need to, the chemistry is fun as hell to play around in

but if you need conversation it's easy to go there... you might actually regress from the drop in energy level. personally, even when I project well on the dancefloor, i cannot hear a damn thing the girl is saying so I don't bother opening there. instead I'll dance with her and if she's fun, move her to a quieter part of the club like the lounge area. but if you can hear the girl, then being congruent with your own reality will totally work.

grinding from behind is hard to pull off without being in state and even then you'll find a lot of girls don't like it because it's a cliche now. what I do is put my gently put my hand on her back or shoulder to get her to turn around, and use a come hither motion to get her to take a few steps and dance with me (compliance move). or I'll go in from an angle or the front and mirror her two step

you gotta be in your own reality when you're dancing with her, not reaction seeking with respect to her attention, or anything like that. and you gotta LOOK like you're having fun and the best way is to actually have your state pumped to the point where you're dancing and mouthing the lyrics

I also do the hip bump a lot, I used to do it to bump female friends who looked bored, now it's internalized and I do it all the time without thinking. i've bumped girls holding hands with their friend on the way to the bathroom, knocked them out of their reality and a second later, they're trying to dance with me to see if I'm for real. hip bumping is goofy so it shows you're fun, and it's a non-threatening form of kino that sidesteps uncalibrated grinding so she won't think you're creepy