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  1. Y

    What to do with this AW

    Rhoto, that's the problem, this AW gave me all the attention in the world, and even threw around a couple of "we should hang out sometime"'s yet when it came down to setting it up, like "hey lets hang out on xxx" this is when she'd flake out, indirectly, which did piss me off even more...
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    What to do with this AW

    I almost hate to bump this thread, but. I got another text tonight from this AW, basically the same "how are things going, how's life?" and now that I have taken a step back and though about it, this is very annoying. Maybe I'm taking this a little too personal, thinking that she just wants a...
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    FR: dad ****blocked me lol

    Wow, I don't know anyone who is AFC enough to watch his "gf" make out with another guy like that, he deserves to get the boot from her after that. If you ever get a chance with hb #2, rail her as hard as you can. Too bad you were c-blocked though, good story and I wish you the best with this...
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    Isolate or Stay?

    John Paul hit the nail on the head. Always find an excuse to isolate. I was once at a party, there was this chic hanging all over me, and we were in the middle of a fairly large crowd. I whispered in her ear that we should find someplace to sit down, there were benches right behind us, but...
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    Stall / Ignore tactic used by chicks

    I have had this one a from a couple of chic's "Sure but not until (such and such a day), I'm really busy/work alot from now until then, but I'll let you know when I have free time" and this one "Sure, but just let me figure out what I'm doing (on proposed day)/if I'm working, and we can go...
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    What to do with this AW

    Thanks guys. I always had that thought that there might be a chance that I could hit it, but now that I have taken a step back and got some great advice I've realized that there was no chance at all and I'm just going to completely forget about this and go on about daily life as if she never...
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    What to do with this AW

    I haven't replied to her yet and am not going to. I was never going to giver her advice with regards to other guys.
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    What to do with this AW

    In a couple of posts that I have made recently about this one AW that I have been "involved" with. Anyway the story goes like this. She originally approached me through a mutual friend/school, well I though that we hit it off, she was showing crazy interest, she even flat out asked my for my...
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    sex slang

    How about these cherry cheese cake- when you cvm in a chics mouth and then punch her in the nose, causing it to bleed, thus her face looks like a cheery cheese cake Superman- When having sex doggy style, fake ejaculation inside, then pull out and cvm on her back, then when she rolls over and...
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    Females who pursue us

    True, but I can control myself, she isn't(or wasn't that this point) the only hb I'm gaming, it's just that I figured that she would be an easy lay, seeing as she was showing me the same interest that an interested female would, until she started to flake, then come back as if nothing ever...
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    Females who pursue us

    Per, that was what my buddy was referring to when he suggested that I go after that later on this summer. I'm all for that I should just clarify that when I said shes just an AW I don't think that it would be worth the time, I could be wrong though. I would just like to know if it would be...
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    Females who pursue us

    Thanks man. I hate to hijack this thread, but I just have one more thing to add to my little side story. Yesterday I got a text from this AW, she was *****ing at me because I haven't texted her since she pulled this little stunt, and she a was wondering if I am angry with her. There is one...
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    Females who pursue us

    I was recently pursued by an AW if that counts any. This chic, cute maybe hb6-7, would always Im me (she somehow got my email from a friend), she was bold enough to ask me for the number to my new phone two days after I got it (first cell, I was still learning how to use it and didn't get...
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    Good idea?

    Well played man,thats a priceless line. You took control of the situation, and showed her that you can lead and know what you are doing.
  15. Y

    Playing hard to get or just playing

    I'm seriously thinking that I should drop her cold. My reply to the "why do you deserve.." was just "because," now if that qualifies as afc I don't know. That's when I got the "maybe, but not this weekend" reply. If that helps clarify any questions you guys may have. I forgot to...
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    senior prank? comments needed.

    A couple of friends of mine were thinking that on the last day we could by a bunch of those window markers that they use at racetracks and write on every cars window in the parking lot. Not really ground breaking stuff, but just enough to be a pain in the ass.
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    Hmmm....Dealing with Insults....

    Why does it matter what she thinks of you, she shot you down,so what. If she shot you down what does it matter that your phone had minutes or not, why are you going to give some strange person your phone anyway, let alone a chic who I assume made you feel like a douche in the past. Just blow...
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    Playing hard to get or just playing

    Lately I have been working on this one HB. She originally initiated contact with me, and I just ran with it. I have been playing the c&f, negging, and all the other cards the games has to offer. I always get this great big child like smile from her when I see her in the halls, she try's to...
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    Confusing virgin

    Very weird indeed, and yes it has been a purely sexual relationship to this point. I thought about migrating from the fingers to the tonguing and at this point in time I have no idea why I didn't do that in the first place. Thanks guys One last thing, in a situation like this, would it be...
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    I need to forget my ex

    I would have to say, as stated before by Corner, you must seriously think about why you left, and what happened, and go from there. hardly none really is worth going back to are as far as I'm concerned as it would show tremendous amount of weakness if you went begging for her to take you back...