Playing hard to get or just playing

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Lately I have been working on this one HB. She originally initiated contact with me, and I just ran with it. I have been playing the c&f, negging, and all the other cards the games has to offer. I always get this great big child like smile from her when I see her in the halls, she try's to bag on me for not stopping and talking to her in the halls when I have somewhere to be, etc.

One day she texts me and basically says in that female way "I want to go out on a lunch date, but I don't want to make the first move," I couldn't make time for the lunch date but we went out for ice cream instead. Ever since then, when I turn my phone on I have multiple texts from her, when ever I text back I get an instantaneous response, basically I get a bunch of little ioi's.

When I suggest that we do something together and hang out I get the response "I'm not sure about that date/time but I'll let you know" I don't get a response (only happened twice and not happening again). Then out of no where I get a text saying that we should hang out. Throughout the rest of the day we randomly text each other, she says something and I jokingly make the comment that she had just lost her opportunity at a date with me.

She gets all serious and starts questioning me on why I deserve a chance with her etc, then all of a sudden she definitely remembers that I had mentioned something last week about hanging out this weekend, then tells me that "maybe you deserve a chance, but not this weekend." the very next text is "I have to wake up early tomorrow so im off to be, but text me and tell me how your exam goes tomorrow"

I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be not her main interest at the moment (not like she's my only, but I don't like playing second fiddle), and that she is just trying to string me along just encase, but I haven't been able to come to a defiant conclusion at the moment


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
Kinda funny acutally, I had a very similiar situation happend this year during school where this girl would tell me a few times in a row (within 5 mins or less of each other) that we "needed to hang out this weekdend." Then when I called her, it literally lasted 30 seconds because she "had to eat."

Basically I cut off contact for a while, until she initiated again, and then started fresh. It worked well, try it. :cool:


New Member
Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
Ha this is an easy one drop her cold... active disinterest and if she does something like asks you why you deserve a chance just reverse it or use her line first ... Me' why I deserve you?? Hmm that's an interesting thought I was wondering the same thing after all you are the flake...


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
faiNt` said:
Basically I cut off contact for a while, until she initiated again, and then started fresh. It worked well, try it. :cool:
Just curious though, what do you consider to be a while?

I want to try that whole "drop them cold" theory but im not sure how long i should wait until i can just totally move on.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Etch said:
Ha this is an easy one drop her cold... active disinterest and if she does something like asks you why you deserve a chance just reverse it or use her line first ... Me' why I deserve you?? Hmm that's an interesting thought I was wondering the same thing after all you are the flake...

I'm seriously thinking that I should drop her cold.

My reply to the "why do you deserve.." was just "because," now if that qualifies as afc I don't know. That's when I got the "maybe, but not this weekend" reply. If that helps clarify any questions you guys may have.

I forgot to mention that a few days before this situation happened, she just had to text me and ask "why is it that guys are afraid to make the first move, are they scared of rejection?" I told her that I was not going to answer that question, she texted me while studying for an exam, and kept hounding me for an answer, until I shut my phone off. Then the next day, once I completely forgot about it, after my exam she comes up to me and was like "are you going to answer my question?"

I didn't answer the question, but I want to know what kind of chic logic is summed up with asking a guy a question like that