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  1. Y

    Confusing virgin

    I'll try that next time ethos, hopefully it works for me, thanks. Shoots out sperm, last time I checked chics don't create sperm, they can ***, but theres no sperm in female ejaculate, I'm not too sure what the scientific term is, but that is one of the hottest things that I could think of...
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    Confusing virgin

    Lately I have been hanging out with this hb 7, she came on to me surprisingly, we met through a common friend. When we hang out she seems to have a couple of distinct personalities (not multiple personality syndrome), the one seems as if she's an animal in bed, making the first moves out of...
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    how to tease her but being nice at the same time?

    That "mean thing" is definitely something that you don't want. I was gaming this chic at one point, with a very fragile ego i might add, my naturally sarcastic nature got me that "mean" title. I found out later she took every C+F & sarcastic comment (no matter what the subject was) as a...
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    i went on a blind date

    Gangster, you hit the nail exactly on the head, blind dates are never a good idea.
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    Defending myself

    Thanks guys, the more I think about it, the more I realise that your all right, I need to just blow this **** off and forget about it. Your right flush, if they really cared/thought they could prove **** they would have done something about it. I guess that I still have a lot to learn, but...
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    Defending myself

    The a$$hole thing, its the taking advantage tag that I'm worried about, I couldn't care less if we never see each other again but is there anything that I can do to rid myself of that unwanted title, or is it just smarter to cut my losses now and hope nothing else comes out of it.
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    Defending myself

    Well to make a long story short, a friend and I were at party on the weekend, it just so happened that a girl that I have been making some serious progress with, hb 7-8, was there also, but three quarters in the bag by the time we got there. Anyway we make our way over to what seems like the...