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  1. S

    In the club

    From what I understand, it's mostly about kino (delivery). I have been able to do kino, but only on girls I have known for at least one date (even that took me a while. I had to start with friends). I still have a hard time doing it on someone I have just met. I feel like a creep lol Thanks for...
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    In the club

    p.s. I kinda wish I would have read this before I went out last night lol I danced a lot, but, like I said earlier, I just didn't know what to say and I think there were times where it would have been better not to say anything at all.
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    In the club

    foomee lol awesome! thanks!
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    In the club

    What's up DJs?! When I'm in the club and I'm dancing with a girl, I feel like I should be talking to her, but I don't know what to say. Any help would be appreciated. THANKS!
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    Girlfriend question

    pipe007, thank you so much for your advice! to be honest with you, i all ready fumbled (after a few weeks of not knowing what we were, I asked her what was up with us...), but I will just have to go along with it now. thanks again!!
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    Girlfriend question

    What's up?! I have another question for you all. Well, apparently, I have a girlfriend (or something between those lines...according to her we are "dating"). The thing is, I don't know how to go about it. We go to different schools and we don't see each other that often. My question is, how...
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    how to get a number

    DonutMan, I would but the thing is that I never see her. I met her at a party that was in a city about 45 mins from where I live and all I know is that she goes to the local city college. That's why I was thinking about asking my friend for her number. The advise was great because I never really...
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    how to get a number

    Thanks! i'm going to ask my friend and see where it goes.
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    how to get a number

    need some advice on getting a girl's number. A few weeks ago I met this girl at a party but she passed out before i could even try to get her number but I would like to get to know her better. My friend knows her and i was wondering if it's ok to ask her if she could give me her number. is there...
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    How to stop yourself from telling too much about your life?

    nano, i have the same problem! for some reason i tend to spill my guts out to people, even if i have just met them.
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    Watch the AFC unravel...

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    meeting girls

    i agree. i meet a ton of girls on campus: class, the cafeteria, library, the computer lab. I don't know if they offer Physical Education classes (ex. Basketball, Ballroom dancing), but if they do, take one because you will meet lots there. unfortunately, i always end up just being friends so...
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    don't know what to do with girl player

    Thanks for the replies!!! Even though it's really tempting, I think your right horaholic.
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    don't know what to do with girl player

    i'm a shy nice guy so what i was thinking was more in the lines of working on my game. i just don't know how to handle the situation. childish, maybe but i really need to polish my game and i thought what a great opportunity. your right, time is valuable.
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    don't know what to do with girl player

    hey, got another question for you all. ok, so i met this girl through one of my friends. my friend would always be talking about her and how they like each other and what not (she has a boyfriend by the way). At the time I didn't really talk to her, but not too long ago she contacted me through...
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    Cardio after Lifting

    i also agree with doing cardio after lifting
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    Need Help

    yeah, i figured i was in the friends zone early on, so it really tripped me out when she accepted to go on the couple dates we went on. thanks for the advice!!!!
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    Need Help

    How is it going? well, i'm not sure how to handle a situation and i need some advice please. here is what happened: i met this girl at school and after a while we went on a couple of dates. it didnt really work out cuz she would text and even answer her phone on our dates. plus she also gave...
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    should i ask this girl out on a date

    mothballs, your right I need to get a voice because I tend to keep my opinion to myself.