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  1. N

    lol ... my ex just sent me this msg on myspace ...

    omg lol, i seriously got the same message from my ex almost word for word. they all share the same brain
  2. N

    Am I being lied to?!?!?!?

    That's exactly what i planned on doing, Im going to completely turn it around on her (tonight, since she she was going to call me again), tell her i can't talk b/c i'm with my girl, hang up on her and just ignore her calls from now on. two nights ago when we talked she was actually asking to...
  3. N

    Am I being lied to?!?!?!?

    Guys, something fishy is going on i broke up with my g/f two months ago. now let me tell you, she was 22 living at home and still a virgin. her parents were incredibly strict... she couldn't go out during weekdays, they watched me like a hawk while i was at their house and i couldn't go near...
  4. N

    Should I apologize to her....?

    My g/f of sometime and I recently broke up, kind of mutually. I always blamed it on the fact that she had a lot of jealousy issues, and that I just got tired of it. When I really think about it though, I think I had a LOT to do with it. See, several months into the relationship I started to...
  5. N

    What was your breaking point from nice guy to dj?

    I chased a girl in high school for a whole year, wrote her poems, told her i loved her constantly (without getting it back)... all this while she complained to me about the guys she liked. I would constantly snap over this. We finally stopped talking for like a month, she eventually called...
  6. N

    Really Important, Guys do this too much.

    I never ask women out... might be a crazy approach but it works well for me, I tease them/flirt until they can't take it anymore and THEY are begging me to go out with them. Even then I still act pretty uninterested for a while... I just feel uncomfortable asking people out, it feels very...
  7. N

    Broke up, she's still sending signals...

    My girl and I broke up, it was kind of mutual, we had a killer relationship but she was starting to become extremely clingy and very paranoid about me cheating etc. That made me start distancing myself and we broke up about two weeks ago. Since then i've made no contact with her, but she has...
  8. N

    Good social psychology books?

    Not like textbooks, but any good books on social psychology relating more specifically to the type of stuff taught here on this site? I took a social psych. class and there was a section on attracting people etc., a lot of the same stuff that gets discussed here, very interesting but it was...
  9. N

    We broke up, now a lot of games happenin

    I see where you're going with this, only prob. is the ex is obviously still into me but putting a really good act on that she 's "moved on". No worries though, most of my focus is on the new girl... if if my ex hears about it and gets her panties in a know well, that's just a bonus.
  10. N

    We broke up, now a lot of games happenin

    Well my confusion comes from the fact that in the mddle of our argumen, she gets all turned on and suggest we have sex.... when I say no, she throw the line about going out with her guy frend next week. Now, does that all seem a little fishy or what? Seems to me like she's trying to make ME...
  11. N

    We broke up, now a lot of games happenin

    she is a lot of drama, my hope was that if she sees me seriously moving on with someone else her jealousy will drive her so mad that she'll realize she's a nutjob and come back & apologize. See ive threatened to leave before, but this time there's another girl that is willing to do anything I...
  12. N

    We broke up, now a lot of games happenin

    Well my girl of the past year is a pretty jealous one and had a lot of issues, i'll be honest though I kind of saw us working through them b/c aside from her jealousy she was a cool person, I don't know if leaving her was the right call. It was sort of a mutual breakup I guess. I told her I...
  13. N

    I have really bad scarring on my body....

    Wait.. what?? Congrats on the weight loss (unless it was due to illness) but what does that have to do with scarring? You talking about stretch marks? I have those too on my arms due to bodybuilding, I don't mind those though b/c they are like a mark of an accomplishment.... the others scars...
  14. N

    I have really bad scarring on my body....

    I had a condition when I was younger that left a lot of my back, chest and some of one leg heavily scarred.... I mean there's NO way to hide it, it's some heavy scarring. This is such a killer for me, attitude wise I have no problem attracting most women and getting them to flirt with me...
  15. N

    Slapping a girls ass playfully?

    Holy out of touch with reality batman! I dare you to go out on the street tomorrow, find some random women and just slap them in the ass and see if your not in jail at the end of the day. If you KNOW someone it's no big deal, you can spank them, squeeze their boobs, whatever while playing...
  16. N

    G/f is very jealous

    Actually she does have her V-Card... she's a rare one in her twenties, and im actually in no hurry to take it b/c if she is this jealous NOW i can only imagine afterwards... i want things at least somewhat stable before I do that. It's not a "little bit of healthy jealousy", it's constant...
  17. N

    G/f is very jealous

    Me and a girl had really settled down, we get along great and really enjoy each other, the relationship was really starting to mature into something very serious. One huge problem though, years ago she was cheated on multiple times by the same guy and she never got over that. She is now...
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    Penis too dark

    Serious post, is there any safe way too lighten the color of your tool? Mine is much, much darker than my skin tone. I know that's normal in some people but it just looks off.
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    Letters of Rec. for grad school?????

    Grad school is coming up, looking for letters. I'm confused about two things though: 1. I keep hearing about a recommendation form??? Are you supposed to give your professors a form to fill out or do THEY have that?? Ive searched all over my schools website and I see no form mentioned...
  20. N

    How much does the weather affect your mood?

    It affects me a lot BUT I'm the complete opposite, I'm a lot more happy and energized when it's either cold, or really gloomy/rainy ... I pretty much hibernate all summer. I can't stand hot sunny weather. I go out and im drenched in sweat, the sun blinds me when I'm driving, it's just really...