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  1. N

    feel tired all the time

    Im 21, been bodybuilding for about four years (natural) eat healthy, take my vitamins etc. Do cardio twice a week unless im dieting down. Ive noticed for 2-3 years that I feel really worn out though. All I feel like doing is lying down, even little activities like taking out the trash...
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    Wireless internet basics?

    Ok i know nothing about computers and just want to know the basics of how to work with wireless internet. By this i mean A. I have DSL so being able to roam around the house without cables attached and B. I see people in class at my college online all the time... how does that work? I already...
  3. N

    What kind of board is this (has become)?

    Frankly I think even everyone that wrote that DJ bible is putting women up on a pedestal... why are we here? why was that bible written? To get women! We have a whole freakin website designed to help people attract women... to feed our obsession with women. We are here posting everyday and...
  4. N

    should I take her back? (serious)

    Yea it is a potential LTR, deep down I have never met anyone (not just relationship-wise, im talking guys, girls, family) that thinks as similar as I do... ive been through enough oneitis in the past to know the difference between infatuation and caring for someone by now. As far as spending a...
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    should I take her back? (serious)

    ive been in a relationship for a year, we mesh perfectly well together, she shows tons of interest in me etc. and on personality/passion alone it has definite long term potential. However, she got screwed over really bad in the past and has HUGE trust issues that she never got over.... she...
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    Please help (kicked out of school) need a plan

    no she's already a senior in college, this would be her last semester, she's been an A student all through college.
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    Please help (kicked out of school) need a plan

    My cousin got put on dismissal in college for the next semester, she was given a chance to appeal it though if she can prove that there was a good reason why her school work suffered. she has been a great student all her life, A's and B's, this past year she was just really stressed about...
  8. N

    How to invest in stocks?

    I want to give it a shot but have NO clue about anything involving the stock market. Not really looking to make money, ive got some cash that i have set aside and I don't really care if i lose it, just want to see how the stocks work and maybe i'll like it, if not it's no big loss. I've read...
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    Ok things like this are examples of people just looking WAY too much into things. There's no manual on how to be a man or not, if you have to consult a website about whether you should get your g/f flowers or not, something is not right.... If something like this crosses anyones mind, you are...
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    How to start a social circle from scratch?

    I'd love to go shopping with someone, BUT again, you have to at least know one person to be able to do that. I can't just call a random number and ask if they'd like to go shopping... lol well that could be interesting I guess. I don't think people get the severity of this, I don't know a SINGLE...
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    How to start a social circle from scratch?

    I've dug myself into the biggest hole in life and it's just becoming more obvious... Im going to get out, even though ive been saying it for years, I don't know how but im gonna get out Join clubs, organizations etc.... ive heard that so many times. The problem is I have no interests or...
  12. N

    How to start a social circle from scratch?

    Oh i'm not into the party scene or looking into it, but I need human contact. If I died right now there would be two people at my funeral, my mom and my dad. Nobody else is aware I exist... that's not healthy. It would be nice to have my phone ring once or twice a week, it'd be nice to go out...
  13. N

    Women who you are most atracted to are attarted you more than other women.

    Like minds attract. Superficial likes and dislikes mean squat, men and women are different, for a couple to like EXACTLY the same things is odd and a rare find... and frankly i would never want to be with a woman who is into "guy" things, I want a FEMALE with female qualities... otherwise I...
  14. N

    How to start a social circle from scratch?

    These past few years i really lost most of my old friends and here I am now, I have nobody left and my life, to be honest, is pretty damn lonely (If you think I'm exaggerating, it's Saturday night and im sitting here in my room posting this) Im 21 and live at home. i'm a little more mature...
  15. N

    chinese girls have too high standards-good job, nice car, uni educated

    LOL how is a good job, nice car and uni education considered "high standards"??? That's pretty much something i'd expect out of anyone I got involved with, as a minimum. That's pretty much someone looking to be with someone who isn't a bum. now the uni education can arguably be done without...
  16. N

    Do you believe in "the one"?

    Some time back I met a woman, we fell completely in love with each other but b/c of circumstances beyond our control we were forced to go our separate ways. Aside from my father this is probably the only person Ive ver trusted in my life, we completely opened up to each other, it was just...
  17. N

    So Should You Always Just Give Up When You're Told "I Have a Boyfriend?"

    I was told a girl had a fiance, which she did and had been together with for years, and I still had her fall in love with me, break up with him and tell me that I was what she had always dreamed of in a matter of less than a month. I believe you screwed your situation up though. If I...
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    Is being Alpha the only way to DJ?

    Absolutely man, there is nothing wrong with being introverted even if it has always carried a bad stigma. Now, birds of a feather flock together... we tend to flock with our own kind, if you are a quiet reserved type the odds of hooking up with a Paris Hilton (attitude-wise) type of chick are...