Is being Alpha the only way to DJ?


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
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I've been reading, watching, and testing DJ'ing inner game material lately. I've noticed that being ****y+funny, confident, all that good stuff tends to work wonders. But I worry if this is the only way to have great success with women.

Every book, post, and person tells you outgoing is the way to go. But what about in a more recessed/shy person's case? Do they have a natural disadvantage in DJ'ing? I mean, I can improve all I want to; go out there, become a different person. But I'll always be introverted, no matter what happens. And it's killing me in my game, it seems everyone wants someone who is fun; noone cares for a down-to-earth, calm type these days (even me ironically...). I can study all the joke books I want, but I'll only be able to be mildly funny; a great, almost crippling disadvantage it seems.

Pretty much I ask, what advantages can introverted people use in DJ'ing, if there is any at all?


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
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I think its possible it depends on what kind of girl your going for. With shy \ reserved girls you can pretty much be the confident silent type. Even if your quiet \ shy \ reserved whatever if you get your inner game aka confidence nice and high then these thing won't matter. Just don't be a wuss.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Nice guys certainly finish dead last.

It's one of lifes truisms my friend. LEARN IT, LIVE IT, LOVE IT.

You read guys spouting off about how we mimmick the animal kingdom in heirarchy and most of it is crap. The shy, introvert can use dj skills to get a gf, even the occasional one nighter, if that's what he can get and settle for.

What some of the deeper thinking gents will have you learn is to look inward and hopefully garner some much needed perspective.


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2006
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jester, you're absolutely right.

i think in many cases, the more reserved, cool dude gets the girl, whereas the obnoxious, flamboyant dude does not.

you can be totally outgoing...but still not come close to getting a girl's panties wet.

remember...alpha is a state of mind.

It's NOT necessary to be quick and witty.
It's NOT necessary to have a sense of humor..(though i cannot imagine some situations without one)
It's NOT necessary to be the life of party.
etc, and so forth. IS NECESSARY to stand your ground, hold to your values, treat yourself with more reverence and respect than you treat anyone else.

That is an alpha male. One who is not tamed to have a group mentality.

An alpha doesn't follow. He leads.

Just be a leader.

When you don't feel confined by a system of thinking or doing things, and become innovative and creative...your true personality traits will shine, and the natural strengths you have will appear.

Funny and outgoing may or may not be some of these....who cares, either way? You'll be a hot commodity once you come to terms with yourself.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
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Okay, sounds good enough. What specific tips (I already understand I need to come to terms with myself, that's going to take a good while) do you recommend a more reserved person use in seduction?

Specfic actions I can take.


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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To answer your question... YES.
All DJ'ing is an extension of alpha behaivor.

But... you need not confine your definition of "ALPHA" so small.

While the general surface definition might be of the outgoing, jock, type-nature. Look into what constitutes the definition. Qualities.

etc etc etc.

Now... looking at the basket, not any one of those traits is solely a ****y-extrovert's domain. A laid-back cool guy, could definetly pimp those qualities, and thus be the Alpha. Its all how you understand it.

Personally, this is how I am as well. I'll kick back, let the entertainers entertain, yet I know my being is dictating the situation. This is key! Also its part of the answer to your question.

Lock down your inner-game SOLID. Since the majority of your interaction is going to be of this nature, given your personality type... look how critical its going to be. Not only that, but 90% of relating is non-spoken. Other channels of communication are in effect. So lock down your inner-game. The deeper you know yourself, the stronger your influence will be. Your frames will dominate your environment, and the people within it. This is control... the seat of the ALPHA.

Now with that said. I would still reccomend learning and practicing the otherside of the coin. Especially cause its your character's weakness (so to speak). So while your inner-game stacks the cards, and attracts the behaivor your seeking from women... outer-game is how you keep that energy in flow. And you want to keep it flowing all the way into SEX. So learn how to approach and open people. Learn how to charm them in creative fun conversation. Learn to build light sexy interactions, to counter-act the heavyness of your power.

You w. me!?

The good thing about such a character is, we're excellent in calibration. So your abilities in finesse will be outstanding. But make sure you keep your balls in tact, and plow forward with action as well.

So take up a practice of meditation.
And learn some what constitutes a charming, sexually enriching, fun conversation.

There really is no way of ignoring any aspect of game. But what I hope you gleamed through this is... Game is still what you make it. Your a certain type of player in the game. So, know that the best game your gonna be able to develop and play, is naturally going to be YOUR OWN.



Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
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I was thinking I was going to have to travel the hard path, sigh...

Anything I can put to use right away, like being coquettish, mirroring, etc?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Absolutely man, there is nothing wrong with being introverted even if it has always carried a bad stigma.
Now, birds of a feather flock together... we tend to flock with our own kind, if you are a quiet reserved type the odds of hooking up with a Paris Hilton (attitude-wise) type of chick are really slim (well, money erases all of that), but who cares? You wouldn't get along with her and it wouldn't last anyway so no loss.

A confident joker and a confident strong-silent guy can pull the same amount of women, just different types... types that they each will feel more comfortable with.

You have to be yourself and then improve that self. First thing to do is put down the joke books, you can't turn into someone else, you can only turn yourself into the absolute best YOU can be. Don't ever force anything, it will fall apart on you.

im going to use a really strange example but does anyone ever watch WWE? i catch it every now and then and there's a lot of interesting characters there.
Look at Mr. Kennedy, he's ****y, in your face, loud and a complete sarcastic jokester... that's his personality, but the inner quality is that he is confident.
Look at Dave Batista, he is ALWAYS calm and doesn't say much, doesn't joke around etc. ... that's his personality, but the inner quality is that he is confident

Two guys that could both attract a lot of women in real life, not because one is funny and the other is really quiet and suave but because the inner quality they both have is confidence.
Weird example but it's true.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
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I see what you mean NewDestiny. But this David person must be a star if he's on WWE, which would naturally attract women. And I'm sure he could get women even if people didn't know he was on tv.

What I never understood was what causes girls to fall for these introverted types. I can easily see how an outgoing person would get much love, he is fun to be around, etc. Even I tend to fall for these types because of these traits.

What does the introverted person do to attract women? I know inner game is a large part, but I see all the time introverted people at school who are wildily successful, yet I am sure that they don't have any extraordainary personality traits. So what is causing them to have so much success without inner game?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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To answer your question, no. Being alpha is one strategy, and it doesn't neccesary get you women being the AMOG. There are different types of games, since I'm small and I'm not the alpha of my group I up my sexuality using kino and it lets me slip under womens defences easier. However my game would not work for some other people, mainly large alpha guys.

noone cares for a down-to-earth, calm type these days
I disgaree, those are alpha traits. The alpha and the joker are different personalities. However you say you are this and you are that but you can always change yourself. Hell, I did! But by saying 'I'm this and always will be and can't change" obviously you aren't going to.

You just have to try and get the confortable around you which you should be able to do faily easy if you are calm and laid back. The introverted people you are talking about probably just have some quality, they might have a large exposure to women or they might be able to make them confortable like I mentioned. Maybe they are less introverted and have more inner game than you think?

People like outgoing people but they also need other types of people to eb around sometimes too.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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No, what you have been studying is not the only way to get women, to be attractive to women. I’ve never been ****y + funny or any of that and have been highly successful with women. As long as you can comfortably look a girl in the eye and talk with her, everything else is just fluff.

Quite often when I am out I’ll run into a woman and catch her eye and flirt with her with my eyes, with a smile. Once we make a connection, with our eyes, everything else comes rather easily.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
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manchester UK
potato said:
Quite often when I am out I’ll run into a woman and catch her eye and flirt with her with my eyes, with a smile. Once we make a connection, with our eyes, everything else comes rather easily.
Again, unneccessary.

To the OP, you're in your own head too much. Stop thinking about what to say and how to say it. Difficult I know, but once you start living in the moment more, your interactions will become natural and easy.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
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Wherever I am.
The only right way to DJ is to relax and have fun doing it, not hypothesize over whether it fits into your comfortable ideas of what seduction is.

Play the game that best suits who you are. We all possess a wealth of natural strengths and weaknesses which make us unique... thank God for that!

Contrary to what a lot of the guys here will tell you, beta males and even AFCs can be wildly successful with pick up... it's the relationship part they usually fukk up on, because they lack the wisdom that comes from experience (or they refuse to learn from their mistakes)

I'm not totally discounting the Alpha Male Theory, I'm, just sayin:

Think, Do and Observe before you blindly accept popular ideas.

If you really are that curious, Try Something Different®


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Yes, being alpha is the only way to go in this life.

You either run sh!t or you eat sh!t.

That doesn't mean you have to be the outgoing a$$clown that high fives everyone and goes hochasing.

I'm introverted myself.

Watch this movie. We should all try to be like that guy. THAT is alpha.