We broke up, now a lot of games happenin


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Well my girl of the past year is a pretty jealous one and had a lot of issues, i'll be honest though I kind of saw us working through them b/c aside from her jealousy she was a cool person, I don't know if leaving her was the right call.

It was sort of a mutual breakup I guess. I told her I should just leave her if she wasn't happy/always so stressed/jealous in this relationship, we said we'd stay friends. This was the most awkward conversation I've ever had! You should have seen the two of us trying so damn hard to act like we didn't care, and it was some BAD acting... even on my part i'll admit.
In the middle of all of this she actually tried to come on to me and suggested we should "let out our frustrations" (and you know what she meant by that...) claiming that is what would make her happy, i casually declined and she tried to insist a few more times then gave up.

She then throws this random line at me saying how she's going to go out with this guy friend of hers in a week... oh man, here come the mindgames! Obviously trying to burn me with that one! I just threw some C&F line at her which seemed to throw her off guard.

What's up with this one guys? To be totally honest there's obviously still strong feelings on both sides but IMO we're both trying to out-do the other and prove who's tougher. Do I have odds at winning this one back? Should I play the jealousy card (which is her huge weakspot)? I already have another girl very interested in me at the moment so there'd be no need to fake anything, in fact I plan on dating her ASAP... I see no bad coming out of that, i'll meet a cool new girl AND when word gets around the ex will realize what's up and either come back to me or try to out-do me. Win-Win situation but I've never been in something like this, am I taking the best approach?

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
I'd next her man, she sounds like way too much trouble/drama.
Make her jealous though if you want her, get this other girl who's interested in you.
Or you could be AFC to her to get her back because you know your feelings are mutual.. and by being AFC I mean simply apologizing to her for being unfaithful...lol


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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she is a lot of drama, my hope was that if she sees me seriously moving on with someone else her jealousy will drive her so mad that she'll realize she's a nutjob and come back & apologize. See ive threatened to leave before, but this time there's another girl that is willing to do anything I want so it would be much more legit.

Either A. I end up with a cool new girl
or B. She goes crazy with jealousy and comes crawling back

On a side note, if she keeps suggesting that we should sleep together and as she put it "we could be way more than friends for that little while, nobody will know"... should I go for that? I know f i put on a "good show" she'll probably get more attached to me, then I can just ignore her for a while sine I'll be out wth my new date. I could see that working for me, OR backfiring horribly lol.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
you can only have one girl, your ex or this other girl.
think about which word sounds better:

ex, or another girl?

It's called an ex for a reason lol


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Well my confusion comes from the fact that in the mddle of our argumen, she gets all turned on and suggest we have sex.... when I say no, she throw the line about going out with her guy frend next week.

Now, does that all seem a little fishy or what? Seems to me like she's trying to make ME jealous, and im thinking i'll fight fire with fire. I know her well enough, if word gets out that I'm spending nights at this girls appartment, she is going to snap... that could either work for me or against me.

As of now all my energy is going towards the new girl; but deep down I admit, I want my ex to really feel the pain from this and see how she reacts.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Wizzard Alamar said:
you can only have one girl, your ex or this other girl.
think about which word sounds better:

ex, or another girl?

It's called an ex for a reason lol
I see where you're going with this, only prob. is the ex is obviously still into me but putting a really good act on that she 's "moved on".
No worries though, most of my focus is on the new girl... if if my ex hears about it and gets her panties in a know well, that's just a bonus.

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
all right.. the more man thing to do would be not to try to make your ex jealous though, cause you'll be just like she is to you.. and you don't wanna be like a woman, do you!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Its over at this point man.

You initiated the breakup and rejected her sexual advances to try and get you back.

Even if you were to change your mind and get her back with you now and think things were going good all that would be on her mind is getting revenge on you for breaking up with her and rejecting her sexual advances.

She'd eventually find some way to screw you over badly giving her the precious revenge that she craves as well all the power and making you feel like a fvcking idiot for going back with her.

Besides she's a games player to boot and do you really want a woman like that?

Obviously not or else you wouldn't of broken up with her in the first place.

Its normal for you to grieve a bit now over the relationship's end but it ended for a reason.

Go after the new chick and get a fresh start.