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  1. P

    The winner is the one who gets the women pregnant...

    The original post has a lot of merit, such as the entire weight of evolutionary biology behind it. The people who are giving the knee-jerk reactions bring up the consequences to the dad; but in theory, the guy who has lots of babies and has no consequences, is the winner. This scenario could...
  2. P

    Guys who are in their 30's

    Haha, that's a funny way to look at it. Using your outline here, I have to say that I have pretty much been doing money and career, then health, then women (socializing). At 26, I'm way off the curve on the professional side of things, and I take good care of myself, but I have been...
  3. P

    My story

    This is good advice.
  4. P

    My story

    Online dating has potential I gotta say. Maybe try some other sites if you're having such a horrible response rate. I met a girl once through a brief online chat search on icq a few years ago, she basically tried to jump my bones the first night I met her. I've been doing this online...
  5. P

    My story

    You're a loner dude. I'm much the same way. The next big project in my life is to get a social life. You're 36, it's now or never. You can see that lots of uglier, less successful guys can get chicks, so you can too. Your brain is probably not built to be a good social animal. So it...
  6. P

    serious performance anxiety problems

    Are you only having condom sex? For me, condom sex and no-condom sex are completely different. If you actually have real sex, the kind man has been having for millions of years, you will notice a big difference, you actually get great sensations without working too hard. My first...
  7. P

    Forum for chicks trying to self improve and find guys?

    I was wondering if anybody knew of a forum similar to the DJ forum, but for girls. There have to be tons of lonely girls looking for advice to turn their situation around. It would be interesting to see in to the women's psyche.
  8. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    LOL, I like this philosophy. This is Utah, so the bar scene is literally worse than anywhere else in the country. The few places that serve alcohol are officially "clubs" and you have to get a "membership" to get in -- state law. All beer sold cannot be higher than 3.25% by law, and...
  9. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    That's what I want to do Espi. But what about the idea of waiting a bit so I don't sound desperate? I do think calling on Monday for a date on Friday is too slow. I don't think I could call her up today and set a quick date for Saturday because that'd be too quick. And I couldn't set...
  10. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    Alrighty then, if you want to be VIOLENTLY skeptical of this aspect of me, that's your choice, and really your problem if you're so hung up about it. Were you drunk when you wrote this? Assume for a second that everything I've written is true . . . . you sure come off like a big a$$. I...
  11. P

    The powers of consistency to gain complaince

    I think there's a lot of truth to this idea. I realized something similar happening in my life, but I kinda screwed it up. This cute girl works at my gym, and just about every time I go in, she's the one that scans my card, and I often tease her in a pretty direct ****y-funny way (I give her...
  12. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    Oct 12 update: I number closed a HB7.5 at the mall! I'll get to that in a bit, let me go over the other news. I've been working on my voice, and I can tell I'm getting a better feel for it. I'm going to start talking to a speech therapist soon. My particular problem, I think, is that I...
  13. P

    Overcoming Failure with Women

    I'm in a similar situation to you. I'm 26, my academic and professional credentials put me way at the top of the curve. I'm reasonably attractive, an easy 7, with some chicks thinking I'm hot. But guys are not chicks. Let me say that again, GUYS ARE NOT CHICKS. We can't just hang back...
  14. P

    People in Japan (tokyo and Osaka) and Dubai (plus middle East)

    Go to Asia. With a significant percentage of chicks in Asia, you get to be a minor celebrity by virtue of being a white man in their midst.
  15. P

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    Great stuff man, it's inspiring me to get out there again.
  16. P

    Not talking makes you creepy

    Your experience is exactly inline with a chinese study of 10 men I read about. It found that testosterone levels in the men remained fairly steady, but on the 7th day, it had a giant peak, of approximately 147%. But soon after it went back to normal again.
  17. P

    buying some bling ->over doing it?

    I second that. If you're so rich that these purchases don't phase you, then good for you. I say have fun and use it to your advantage. But if you're blowing money and not putting much away for the future, well, a lot of guys could do that, but choose not to because it's stupid.
  18. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    Espi: I appreciate the advice. I've read a few of your posts on other threads. I currently live in a particularly conservative, religious, country kind of area, so the night life is lacking to say the least. However, I'm only about 4-5 hours from Vegas, and I know how to work the casinos to...
  19. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    First email/number close attempt Today I tried for an email/number close. This is the first time I've ever just walked up to a girl and tried to get her contact info within a few minutes. And the rare times when I would have tried to be this forward (though I never went right for the contact...
  20. P

    Rich, decent looking, nervous, social retard (long)

    Thanks Analytic. Yeah, I tried to take the hip hop class but it was full so I took this one, turned out ok. And I'm enjoying your thread man, keep it up. I can relate a lot more to your thread -- walking around by yourself on a campus -- than to a journal from somebody with wings walking...