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  1. B

    Girl told me not to be mean/jerk

    Who gives a Sh1t if it's a test? I'm so sick of hearing "is this a test, or this, what about that? test? And you don't have to be mean to get her attracted to you. What are you a noob?
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    WTF is up with all these TROLLS lately???

    Here's a little log of skip's posting (keep in mind this is just recently) 11-30-2006, 01:18 AM 11-30-2006, 01:15 AM 11-30-2006, 01:13 AM 11-30-2006, 12:46 AM 11-30-2006, 12:42 AM 11-30-2006, 12:40 AM 11-30-2006, 12:37 AM 11-30-2006, 12:36 AM 11-30-2006, 12:34 AM 11-30-2006...
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    WTF is up with all these TROLLS lately???

    I'm not talking about the ACTUAL time. I'm talking about the interval between posts. Dumbass. Anybody with at least a little common sense can spot you as a phony. You post every hour or so, yet you're meeting aaaall these women, and macking, and dating, and whatever else you claim...
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    WTF is up with all these TROLLS lately???

    Ya know skip, viewing your posting history and given the times, there's no way you could be working, posting and sarging so much as you claim. Post History doesn't lie. Unless your viewing the forum from all these chicks houses? rofl
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    WTF is up with all these TROLLS lately???

    Because most of the posts here are a joke. let me ask you a question skip. How many of the guys here do you think actually have gotten laid? You think just as much as the people giving advice? rofl. nerds.
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    WTF is up with all these TROLLS lately???

    I've been here for like 4 months. Everytime I view this forum you're trying to make yourself the center of attention skip.
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    Skip told me on AIM he was a troll

    He admitted he's doing this just for laughs. I have screenshots if mods want them. Tisk tisk.
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    Mother Daughter Set

    You guys are so full of sh!t. None of you would walk up to a chick, not to mention a chick with her mother. rofl nerds. Seriously, some of you are a joke.
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    My picture

    He did it with such class.
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    Woman *Must read*

    Sorry, I wasn't that thrilled. There are waay too many flowery prose threads with babbling, half eloquently written posts. This is a pick-up forum, not a Shakespeare monologue.
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    My picture
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    Man I love the way I look

    If anybody on this forum was ever a troll, it's you skip. everybody knows this.
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    Man I love the way I look

    dude she does not. she just has symmetrical features.
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    Man I love the way I look

    I'm not gonna post a picture of me, but I will show you a pic of a girl I dated. She's an entertainment reporter for CNN Headline News. Solid 9.
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    Surprisingly Did it Right...

    I think it was rather lame.
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    Man I love the way I look

    I've been the mainstay in here for quite some time.
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    Man I love the way I look

    PRMoon Does '69 Nova ring a bell? lmfao
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    Man I love the way I look

    no way. I don't show guys my pics. Sorry Boy George.
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    Girls w boyfriends : my own case

    There's this saying called.. You reap what you sow.