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  1. B

    Nasty e-mail

    Making girls feel like sh!t is not a DJ. Quit with the mind games. You're a loser man.
  2. B

    The Reason why you don't have a women yet..

    I don't think that post was all that good. Sorry dude...
  3. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    Not getting laid isn't my problem. There's plenty of girls who want me. I came here for advice on a breakup and how to avoid certain things in the past.
  4. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    Okay, I see what ya mean.
  5. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    Why do you keep repeating "conversation over"? Are you on a power trip or something? BTW - Nice talking to you too. :crackup:
  6. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    What else do you want me to say? Would you like me to comment on how you said you like good debate, or how you don't care what people think about you. That's all you basically said. You don't make very much sense man.
  7. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    "They" does not mean "you", you're correct. So you should have realized it was directed towards them. Very simple English syntax.
  8. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    First of all, I don't have a problem getting girls. That's not why I came to this site. My mentality never was "I'm good looking, why can't I get girls?" Never had the problem. I came here because I was upset about a breakup. So I don't know what you're talking about. I'm the one who got...
  9. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    First of all, a girl has came in this thread and said the guys who posted pictures were very cute. So there goes your little hypothesis. Second of all, I'm willing to bet you're nowhere near as good looking as anyone who posted pictures. Thirdly, don't hate on others because you're ugly.
  10. B

    Confidence Great....Now How do I get it?

    People are quick to give a solution to lack of confidence, but few people talk about where it actually comes from. The majority of people who lack confidence also lack a social circle. This case is no exception. (You said you were ridiculed earlier in your life.) It's the guys that sit on their...
  11. B

    My problem: Im good looking LOL... I'm a model you idiot. My pic ranked a 9.8 on hotornot. My jawline can slice roast beef. BTW - Since you're so much more handsome then me, post your pic.
  12. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    They're right. That's what it comes down to, excuses. I'm good looking and don't have a problem getting the girls I want. Sure I'm nervous sometimes, but it doesn't stop me from approaching. So either you guys aren't as good looking as you think, or you're just too scared...
  13. B

    My problem: Im good looking

    Approach, not hard.
  14. B

    Women see my approach game

    Yeah im not nervous at all, usually real smooth and say the right things. but for some reason I think thats hurting me. I can just imagine these girls thinking \"im not giving this jerk my number\", but Im not a jerk about it. I get looks from girls all the time, but most of them think im a player.
  15. B

    Women see my approach game

    I\\\'ve approached a lot of women, and the response I usually get is something of \\\"Sorry, I don\\\'t give my numbers out to players.\\\" Another one said \\\"How many girls number have you asked for today?\\\" They somehow know. Is there a way to avoid this?
  16. B

    Story: Looks only get auditions but doesn't seal the deal

    So what? Most of the guys on this site don\'t even get a chance to show a girl their personality. They can\'t even get an audition.
  17. B

    Having problems approaching an HB 10

    I\'m gonna be honest with you man. Don\'t get your hopes up. These guys keep saying ask her out right now, but I mean c\'mon think about it. Some random HB, especially a 10 is not going to just go out with some random stranger unless he\'s good looking. Even then she\'ll probly wouldn\'t. Most...
  18. B

    The Tragedy Of Being Labelled As A Hunk

    I think it depends. Younger chicks (18-25) are gonna want a good looking dude. Personality counts at that age, but not as much compared to chicks who are older than 25.
  19. B

    Fellow DJ's, you aren't gonna believe this!!

    I've always had binoculars. I use to use them at night to look at the sky. And they weren't "on hand", I just went into the other room and got them. As far as why I've never seen her there before. She was setting up the rummage sale with a few other women and an older man. So I'm assuming...