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  1. B

    Fellow DJ's, you aren't gonna believe this!!

    I know, I mean usually I wouldn't even bother if I saw her again. but she lives across the damn street lol, I gotta do something.
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    Fellow DJ's, you aren't gonna believe this!!

    I was hoping for a little helpful advice, and not joking around. That isn't gonna happen though. Whatever.
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    Fellow DJ's, you aren't gonna believe this!!

    Damnit, this really happened, and it's not a joke. That chick is the very reason I came to this site. I mean c'mon, you gotta admit the odds of that are slim to nill.
  4. B

    Fellow DJ's, you aren't gonna believe this!!

    There was this one "special" girl I worked with over a year ago who I had "oneitis" for, and is the REASON I came to this site. (Been viewing here since I met her, recently registered). We flirted like crazy, I asked her out... but for some reason she rejected me. I was crushed, and she ran...
  5. B

    Something I've noticed about this forum

    I'm not going to help people who don't help themselves. There can only be so many motivational threads before people realize, they have to do it themselves. Motivation shouldn't come from me, or anyone else... it should come from within the person to change that part of their life. Therein lies...
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    I Will Tell You How To Impress Girls Because I Am One

    I agree with skip and Jez. There's so much brainwashing in this forum it's ridiculous. Most guys here wouldn't know good advice if it hit them in the face. They think "Oh no, it's from a girl it CAN'T BE TRUE." There's the problem with this entire forum - way too much generalizing and...
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    waitress help

    I got an idea. This may seem crazy. Ask her out.
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    Problem with my friends

    They're about a year younger than me.
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    The ONLY Way To Become Successful With Women!

    I personally think the DJ Bible is overrated. For the people in this forum who are trying to pick up women, the last thing they need to do is read a bunch of theoretical articles to confuse them more. That's the whole problem I have with it - completely overanalyzing women. This isn't aerospace...
  10. B

    Problem with my friends

    Hey guys. Well, since I've turned 21 there's kind of been a dilemma. Most of the guys I hang out with aren't 21 yet, and well I really haven't seen them much since I've been able to go to the bars. We were all really good friends and I feel like this is kind of hurting it. To them it seems like...
  11. B

    Something I've noticed about this forum

    I've been viewing here for about a year and a half. There's some good info here no doubt about that, but I realized it's the same people over and over talking about tips and techniques, with very little mention of LTR's or success. I know this isn't the case for every situation, it just seems...