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  1. R

    Girls that you haven't seen in a while

    Yeah, because seeing other guys and cuddling and kissing doesn't count as cheating does it? :whistle:
  2. R

    Your HB10 - or equivalent.Show us!

    So you like ugly chicks then? The whole point of this thread is just to compare tastes. I guess you probably just take what you can get then.
  3. R

    Your HB10 - or equivalent.Show us!

    Everyone has different tastes, but I'm curious to see what they are. So I figure, with Miss Universe just on the other day, and pleny of gorgeous babes to choose from, post a pic of your favourite one or two that do it for you. Since we're all picking from the same bunch, it will be an...
  4. R

    Alpha Male Status at new job within 6 hours

    She spat in your face and went home to her boyfriend?
  5. R

    Making her Prove herself

    I tried something similar once and all I got was a really *****y and defensive rant back about how I don't even know her and I shouldn't judge her etc. etc.. She's probably the hottest chick I know and also one of the biggest headcases.
  6. R

    Making a move on the 1st date....

    Don't take this the wrong way dude... but have you been out with a girl before? Seriously, you're reading too much into it. I kiss every girl on the cheek as a greeting, whether it friend or lover. And I always go for a proper kiss on the first date.. and usually you have already been...
  7. R

    3rd wheel how do i deal with that?

    She can't be very interested if she asked her friend along.
  8. R

    Giving Compliments The Right Way?

    "I like your hair... it's kind of daggy like the Beatles"
  9. R

    How do you show her that you don't want her YET you do?

    I like to say "I love you" whilst beating her over the head with a blunt object. Confuses the hell out of them
  10. R

    "I'll call you later"

    What was the deal at noon? Meeting somewhere? You picking her up?
  11. R

    eye contact

    There's this one girl, that every time I see her, I wave, and she sticks up her middle finger, mouths the words "**** off and die you mother****er", and gestures in a slit throat manner. Do you think she wants me?
  12. R

    "I'll call you later"

    Just organise to do something else tomorrow with a buddy or something.. and if she gets upset at you later just say you didn't hear back so you made other plans.
  13. R

    OMG! I've just realized the answer to everyone who's ever been nervous to approach!!!

    I prefer nipple contact to eye contact anyway
  14. R

    CF things to put in b-day cards...what do you use?

    Write : "Happy birthday, sorry I didn't get you a card." or write "Merry Christmas"
  15. R

    Win a FREE Copy of "The Non-Juan" Dating Guide - Tell Us Your Best Story of Failure!

    Mine was a serious entry. I can't believe it's not being accepted. That's it.. I'm not promoting your book anymore!
  16. R

    what the hell happened.....?

    This TIP should make the hall of fame!
  17. R

    eye contact

    While you're talking she stares at the floor and looks off at other things? Yep, she sounds REALLY interested in what you're saying...
  18. R

    Win a FREE Copy of "The Non-Juan" Dating Guide - Tell Us Your Best Story of Failure!

    I'd like to enter the contest please! My worst failure was very recent. I have been studying all the techniques from a book called "FROM PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to LOSING the Girl of Your Dreams!" I don't know what went wrong.. I followed all the advice from the book word for...