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  1. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    Don't think bugging is a good idea
  2. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    Are you getting the point here? I do let them go if this happens, but what if there is a way to change it around and get some extra action? Maybe there are a whole bunch of chicks we all next that with a tiny bit extra work we could keep on the side.
  3. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    I'm not too fussed about this situation, I was just wondering what to do if this happens in general. Thanks for the reply, I guess it's all about switching it up at the start, by changing it from them having the power to you. But when you don't, is there a way to get it back? Probably not.
  4. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    Thanks for the "advice." Anyone actually got anything worth saying besides the same old rehashed stuff?
  5. R

    I'm in love with a stripper

    I'll have to step in here and stick up for strippers. It's not fair to generalise. I picked up a stripper at a high class club on a buck's night a few months back. She approached me as they all do, looking for someone to pay for a dance, and I just ignored her requests for a dance and started...
  6. R

    Better Sex

    Through not threw.
  7. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    Thanks man, but the point of the thread isn't to read long winded theories of why they do this, whether they like the guy or not. I was just curious if anyone has actually reversed these situations, or has an idea how to. Take it as a no from you?
  8. R

    FR:I made love to an obeese woman last night(kindof long)

    Haha comedy gold. And I'm laughing even harder at the people who thought it was serious. Get some humour people.
  9. R

    "I'll let you know" (No I won't)

    I've just discovered this site and have been reading around.. some good stuff here. Did a search but couldn't find a discussion on this, so thought I'd post a thread. Is there a way back once a girl says "I'll call you" etc.. then doesn't? Whenever a girl has said that to me, like "I'll...