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  1. M

    really interesting idea

    jay, thats funny as hell. lol pure genius
  2. M

    Semi Long Distance Question

    what you should do is pace. You talk to the girl, telling stories, rountines whatever have a good convo. Then let say you ask her to chill or whatever and she gives an excuse. Make fun of the excuse or ignore it or accept it for what it is and then continue the convo. You do this until...
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    Lookin 4 PUAs in Boston

    go to and join the lair you meet alot of great guys for sarging and monthly meetings to discuss alot of different aspects of pick up
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    advice plz

    Hey welcome, This journey is going to be long but its worth it for sure. Ok I'll save you a lot of time by making this simple. Move on. Thats sounds harsh but its true in everyway. If i didnt say it someone else will but im not just going to leave you like that. OK so i dont...
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    Being A Person Of True Value

    Brando is makes totally sense thats what i was hitting at. And its not just for girls you want to make friends but for everyone you ever meet and want to keep around for whatever reason. B-Lemond, thanks. I do write alot but then again i do want to be a writer. Love, Marvel
  6. M

    Why did this work?

    Ignoring a girl doesnt necessarily create attraction and if it does its usually when u ignore her for a little while in the beginning. Just because no confident girl (and this girl was confident seeing she had the balls to game you) will go after something that seems totally out of reach i.e...
  7. M

    Why did this work?

    Dont reconsider anything. Why? Simple. She was gaming you. And you handled it perfectly by not gaming back. When a girl is gaming you, the best thing you can do is just be laid back and chill. So you have that down. Thats awesome. Its weird when a girl games you, it doesnt have alot but...
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    ughh i really need help

    You need to get out of the mindset that the outcome of your actions will be embrassment. Because the more you are in that mindset, the more likely you will ended up embrassed. And dont worry about being embrassed because if you do something that ends up where most guys would be embrass and...
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    ughh i really need help

    Hey buddy, hows it going. Good i hope. Well the first thing i noticed is you seem to love to put yourself down alot. Your post was filled with that. You make apologizes for yourself even posting. I have no idea why you would want to do that. BUT STOP. Stop feeling you need to apologize...
  10. M

    Girl is quick to put me into friendzone

    The reason may be you are too available just all her other guy friends. You want to stand out so start running really good attraction game and build attraction. And o yea remember that IT'S ALWAYS ON. So even if it feels like you are in the friendzone, if you have good attraction game you...
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    Blast from the past

    Thats possible. Since nothing is impossible. In my experience, its never been about age. Age range doesnt seem to bother anyone once you are over 18. For some even younger. Its funny how something like age that used to be a big deal is reduced to nothing once you understand the game.
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    Blast from the past

    Come on we know very well age has nothing to do with. David Deangelo, Style, Mystery, Juggler i believe are all in their 30's and they still date girls in their 20's. Dont make age a limit for yourself. It just doesnt matter. Celion Dion's husband is twice her age. Demi Moore is married to...
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    Being A Person Of True Value

    One thing that i noticed over the summer while in the field and posting was a lot of guys arent people of value, simply valuetakers. What do i mean by valuetakers? This are people who when in the field or set arent giving value but taking it away from the group. I'll explain further. When...
  14. M

    Blast from the past

    YOUR PLAN TO WIN IS SIMPLE. STOP BEING SO NEEDY. you said earlier in the post that she said she didnt want to be with you. You failed to mention what you said that caused this. I bet you were moving to fast in a needy way. Examples of this, It was really nice talking to you last time...
  15. M

    What should an Alpha do?

    It seems you went into comfort zone too quickly. This is how you get into the friend zone. You have to first attract her before you start going into comfort. You obvioulsy didnt create attraction. What you could do is back off a little for a while and go get another girl and run a jealously...
  16. M

    Your first approach

    Good to hear. The one advice i have is learn all the types of openers there are. This is just cause situational opener can be very weak at times and it sometimes places immediately under the category of "every other guy". So just do some research on all the types of openers, it's good to have...
  17. M

    Did I handle this right?

    You handle it right expect the movie part. Going to movies sets too much of the "dating" mindset. So do something else. The park is a good idea. My favorite place to go is the mall just cause it's so many opportunities in one place. But thats just me. Love, Marvel IQ
  18. M

    Challenge: 21 Days Of Approaching

    Well people, they say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. So why not apply that to approaching. It is obvious this forum has been saturated by a lot of guys who aren't here to get better at game but to get a specific girl. I and I'm definitely sure others feel the same, think...
  19. M

    This has to be said

    There are few here who really post things with solid background. Alot of post here aren't about getting better in the game but more about getting a specific girl. It is sad but true. You could challenge guys to focus more on their game than one girl but that is highly unlike that they will...
  20. M

    My stupid oneitis story is it going? good i hope. The thing here is that you are forgeting one thing. It is all up to you, you have the able to make yourself forget her. The way i handled something similar to this was having a talk with myself. Have a convo with yourself figure out why you are so into...