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  1. M

    "Stripper in training?"

    always been, Mctwist Love, Marvel IQ
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    "Stripper in training?"

    Hey how is it going guys. I haven't posted for a while, my bad. I know, I love you too. Ok so today I approach four sets, the first three were way older than me but I did good, the fourth was close to my age. I number close the fourth. This fr is about the 2nd approach. She was a HB 8.5, 20...
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    FR: Bus Sarging

    I opened this single set, HB8. I saw her on the bus and sat across from her. I called my friend just to let him know I was on my way. So I felt like opening this set, to keep my approaching constant so I can get even better. Me: (opening with a weird but funny opener not my own) You are a...
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    Does playin cool = not acting desperate????

    Ok first being desperate isn't good. But the most important is not to be needy. You weren't being desperate with this girl, you were being needy. Giving her a lot of attention in order to get something from her. Bad move. Once you found out she plays hard to get, you had two options: bail or...
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    Are you feeling the pressure?

    I don't think we are on the same page here. My mindframe isn't "I'm here to pick up chick" It's "I'm here to have some fun and I am not worried about the outcome of our interaction." That mindset wouldn't make girls feel like you are coming on to them, buddy. Reread my post and think about...
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    Are you feeling the pressure?

    How are you guys doing today. One thing I noticed about high school kids is they place too much pressure on dating and girls. See, after watching all those movies and what-not, we start to feel that this has to be a big deal. You start to focus all your energy on the outcome. This is counter...
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    DR: Dated a shy HB9

    Good and simple DR. You did good, i think. Here is a simple trick to go to ice skating with her and have her see your dogs and get her into your house. If its possible have her meet you near your house. When she arrives, have a reason to go back to your place. When you get there, be like...
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    Number closing

    This is similar to David D.'s get the email then ask for the phone number too. I don't see the big deal about numbers. Alot of my natural friends spend more time on aim than phone. For one you can talk to multiple girls and it gives you time to think of what to say. NICE Harith. Love...
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    Active Disinterest vs. Passive Disinterest

    Well spoken, Harith Love, Marvel IQ
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    I still don't get it

    Wow ok, all of the relationship you describe are all unhealthy relationships. One person is putting in more than the other. Signs of diasters. Yes, yes. On the surface, it looks like a great relationship but play close attention to the way things work in that relationship. We aren't saying...
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    Active Disinterest vs. Passive Disinterest

    What I said was if you present yourself as completely unattainable as in you want nothing to do with them not even stopping to acknowledge them or say hi. You are saying you still be the great guy but just alot busier. I completely agree with that. In a way that is just active disinterest...
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    Ugly girls can hurt your inner game

    Wow how is that possible. That doesn't make sense right. Wrong. This has happen to me before and to many other DJ's. You see this game was constructed to attract high value girls i.e. hot girls. Ugly girls are usually low value for whatever reason. And what happens when human see someone...
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    Active Disinterest vs. Passive Disinterest

    Hello everybody. I noticed sometimes some DJ don't realize there are two types of disinterest. Active and Passive. Passive disinterest is when you show disinterest by ignoring the girl and not saying anything. This could be walking by her in the hallway and not even acknowledging her...
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    what went wrong here?

    OK OK Showing disinterest does get you the girl for sure. But here the funny thing. Let's use an example. Let's say a celeb walks into your school, would you approach her just like any other girl. You might say yes to be thinking positively but the real answer is most like no. Here is...
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    need a legend Don Juan's advice

    Hey bud, How are you doing today. Good I hope. Now I'm no legend by no means but it seems no one has answered you. So I'll help you out. The one place to look for "legends" is forums but they are way older than you and wouldn't even answer your question. Seriously, they...
  16. M

    Should I really feel bad about canceling?

    It's cool Viper, I'm pretty sure no one will Bit*b You Da** MutherFuvker, Wat Can of USELESS SH** IS THIS :D I'm just messing with you. Here my opinion. If you didn't cancel you were heading into what seem to be a lose- lose situation. You would have sucked on stage, and you would have...
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    Graduation dilemma

    By super senior, I'm guessing you mean you repeated. Well I say this, unless you go across that stage you will never know that feeling of "I graduated". From my experience, aniexty should be met with assertiveness. So if you feel weird, go for it. It seems you are thinking more of "What...
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    How could I have made this a better approach?

    I would have used a ****y and funny statement gets a good laugh makes it easier to continue conversation if thats what you want. HB: I'm going out of town Me: Hmm, don't mess me too much now. this is one of my favorite lines. Sometimes the girls play along and say "O i'll try but you...
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    My Story: From a young Natural to a up and coming PUA

    My Story: From a young Natural to a up and coming PUA (yes, yes I know its DJ here lol) Some of you wouldn't care about this, some will read and relate or it will help you progress in your game. It starts in 4th grade back in Africa. Not village Africa, Africa isn't a country either, I...
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    Today I tried something that I heard Craig does and seen some naturals do. I've done it but not knowingly. Baiting. It is simple really. You throw out little comments to the world. It can be anything from a "Hi" to a remark about a way a girl is walking. The trick to baiting is that it is...