Are you feeling the pressure?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
How are you guys doing today.

One thing I noticed about high school kids is they place too much pressure on dating and girls. See, after watching all those movies and what-not, we start to feel that this has to be a big deal. You start to focus all your energy on the outcome. This is counter productive because all this does is make you nervous.

And when you become nervous, this energy is prejected on to the girl. Now the girl is uncomfortable. Girls naturally follow and Guys lead. If you set a pace, she will follow. What does this mean? Simple, lead her in the right direction. A big key to learning game is having fun in the process.

The Process. THis is key. Focus on the process not the outcome.

Thinking about how you are going to kiss close her at the end of the night doesn't help your game, it hurts it seriously. About 2 years ago, I messed a perfect set because of thinking like this.

When you are in the right mind frame, I'm here to have fun and see what how far I can push myself, you go further. That is game, completely illogical at times. The moment you stop worrying and stop caring about what happens at the end is the moment you become the perfect guy in her eyes and she can't stop having enough of you. She will want you and will be willing to chase you, if thats the only way she sees as ever having a chance with you (KEY POINT).

So stop putting some much pressure on yourselves and the interaction. I learned that when I come in with the attitude of "I'm a playful confident guy who isn't too worried about where this goes," I'm money!

This attitude leads to sets that you have no idea how you opened, simply because it was just natural. This is what learning game is about. One day getting so good, its all instinctive and natural.

Keeping living. Have fun. And you know it,

Marvel IQ


New Member
May 21, 2006
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How do you attain that mindset, and still approach girls without them feeling like you are coming on to them anyways?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
ClassicStyle said:
How do you attain that mindset, and still approach girls without them feeling like you are coming on to them anyways?
I don't think we are on the same page here. My mindframe isn't "I'm here to pick up chick"
It's "I'm here to have some fun and I am not worried about the outcome of our interaction."
That mindset wouldn't make girls feel like you are coming on to them, buddy. Reread my post and think about it.

Marvel IQ
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
Like that our good ol emo friend Mystery says "Only focus on getting better on your game and not getting laid" "Its like fishing or golf. the reward is in the whole entire process" and some other obvious bullsh*t...


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
So stop putting some much pressure on yourselves and the interaction. I learned that when I come in with the attitude of "I'm a playful confident guy who isn't too worried about where this goes," I'm money!

This attitude leads to sets that you have no idea how you opened, simply because it was just natural. This is what learning game is about. One day getting so good, its all instinctive and natural.
While I think you are right a lot of people need the methods and techniques at first to get started, you pretend you have confidence until you accually obtain it. You can't just say one morning "I'm going to be confident and playful" it takes a month or two of conditioning yourself to reach that point and when you do you'll know you no longer have to follow sets or anything dumb like that and that your natural game has reached a point where you don't have to worry about technicalities.