Blast from the past


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys
I have a problem that I think you can help me. I'm sorry if I write incorrect.

Two month earlier I met a pretty girl who is the friend of my friend's girlfriend. First she called me and we talked for a few minutes and next day we met each other but not alone my friend and her friend came with us too .we had good time together ,I think I established a new relationship and at the end I said:" call me" and she replied :" ok "
After few days I didn't receive a call but in the afternoon I see her on-line in the messenger so I tried to talk to her after few minutes she write this: "I don't want to be with you." And I said:" ok, no problem. ".I don't think I have problem because my body is in good shape and I'm handsome enough (lol):cool: ;) .I ask my friend Sam why she don't want to be with me and he said she thinks you are too old. (I'm 17 but I'm look like 20 ).after that I forgot her until today. we (me and sam) went to a sport complex and he had a date with his girlfriend(Ana) .when we walked through the desks in the caffeteria I saw her sitting beside Ana so I looked into her eyes and say high with high confidence and a great bodylanguage.First she freezed then she say hi .Sam sat beside them and I went and sat on another desk.I thought she become nervous if I sat beside them .after few minutes they stand up and came and sat beside me.3 other girls came with them too and we talked but not too much. She is too shy.I think she gave me some signs that she want me but she is shy and couldn't do anything .
I think I like her and want to date with her.I have a chance to meet her next week and I hope I can do something .

What should I exactly do?How should I break the ice ?How should I talked to her?I want some topics for conversation?and ……

Please give me a complete plan to win.

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Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
at the end I said:" call me" and she replied :" ok "
NEVER leave it up to a girl to contact you, unless the two of you are in a serious relationship. Generally, even if they like you, they won't do it.

After few days I didn't receive a call but in the afternoon I see her on-line in the messenger so I tried to talk to her after few minutes she write this: "I don't want to be with you." And I said:" ok, no problem. "
Hmm... tell us the details of this conversation. From what I can tell so far it seems like she's probably not interested in you, but it's possible that she may be testing you.

I thought she become nervous if I sat beside them
So what? Sitting beside them would have been a good way to get a read on this girl :D.

She is too shy.I think she gave me some signs that she want me but she is shy and couldn't do anything .
It may be that she's shy, but it also may be that she's uncomfortable being around you after she rejected you on MSN.

What should I exactly do?How should I break the ice ?How should I talked to her?I want some topics for conversation?and ……
Read the bible, bro.

Btw, I could understand your post just fine this time :).


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score


you said earlier in the post that she said she didnt want to be with you. You failed to mention what you said that caused this. I bet you were moving to fast in a needy way. Examples of this,

It was really nice talking to you last time.
I'm so glad you called.
I kinda like you.
I think you r so hot.
You are perfect.

Whatever. If wat you did or said during the first convos was close to this or had this underlining, thats why.

What your plan is take a step back. More like two steps. You didnt get her attracted the first time, thats where your problem is coming from.

I personally dont like go back into sets I couldnt get the first time. But it seems thats what everyone here is all about.

I bet the one reason you want her so bad is cause you cant have her huh. Two words, Man UP. I understand everyone has been through this but you need to be more confident and leave this girl behind instead of trying to get a plan to GET HER BACK.

But if you want to thread crazy/stupid waters. Here is what you do.

You have to take steps back. I.E. build attraction (i would say again but you didnt seem to do it the first time). The easiest way to do this is ****y and funny. IF you don't know that, learn it.

Then when you get to a point you feel she is into but you still dont have her fully. Use a jealous plot line.
Here, you just go talk to another girl and get the number close, simple.

Why would you do that you ask? One, social proof. Second, you are valueable (other girls want you). Third, you are not needy (she isnt the greatest thing that ever happened in your life and probably wouldnt ever be)

Then you have her fully attracted. And now before you go recite a poem of love to her, one last thing. QUALIFY HER.
Make her qualify herself to you. Ask her questions. Dont make it too interview style. Examples are

YOu: are you sponanteous?
Her: yea (or yea sometimes)
You: whats the most sponanteous thing you do in the last month (year, 3 months watever)
Her: blah blah (make sure she gives you something, dont let her get away with a "i cant think of something" or crap like that)


You: hmm thats cool, i like sponanteous girls


You: o crap but now i have to worry about you raping me. Note to self, dont walk down a dark alley with this girl.

Simple as that. Bait, hook, release. Sometimes she might end up qualifying herself in normal convo. Use that chance but make sure after you hook, you release. So you dont come off as too easy.

Well dude, thats all i can give you. You didnt give much detail so thats what i worked with. But dude, this girl cant be that fine that you are so in need of a plan. My advice move on. But if you want use the plan i gave you. You might get her back but its a waste of energy in the long run.

This game is about you, not about one single girl. Remember that.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
I had a similar situation. I'm in my 30s but look college-age. So, I met this 20-yo, and apparently she really liked me and asked our mutual friend for my number and everything, asking all these questions about me. Well, I saw her twice after that briefly but nothing ever came of it..

So, I'm guessing maybe she finally found out how old I was and it was too much for her? :whistle:

I mean, no sweat off my back, I wasn't sprung on her, but I would be curious to hear what exactly happened to make her apparently lose interest so suddenly?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Come on we know very well age has nothing to do with. David Deangelo, Style, Mystery, Juggler i believe are all in their 30's and they still date girls in their 20's.

Dont make age a limit for yourself. It just doesnt matter. Celion Dion's husband is twice her age. Demi Moore is married to Ashton. There are so many examples.



Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Come on we know very well age has nothing to do with. David Deangelo, Style, Mystery, Juggler i believe are all in their 30's and they still date girls in their 20's.

Dont make age a limit for yourself. It just doesnt matter. Celion Dion's husband is twice her age. Demi Moore is married to Ashton. There are so many examples.
Trust me, there are more than a few 20-yo's who like me, including one of my recent ex's.

However, I think these often tend to be girls with absentee daddies looking for father figure sugar-daddy types. In other words, a certain profile and one that not ALL girls will fit. Which is fine with me too, it's a free world, and there are still plenty that DO.

I'm only curious if that was the reason, or maybe something else?


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Thats possible. Since nothing is impossible. In my experience, its never been about age.

Age range doesnt seem to bother anyone once you are over 18. For some even younger. Its funny how something like age that used to be a big deal is reduced to nothing once you understand the game.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks guys
I think i should add some details about myself and her

1)I'm just 17 years old and she is 16 but i am look like 20 not 30,I think thats why she feel little shy and nervous around me.She can't believe I'm 17

2)She was shy at the begining.exactly since I looked at her for the first time
but she talked very friendly when I start convo with her about everything like sport,hobbies and .....

3)That day when I asked her to go and sit on another desk alone first she come but after a minute she said can't we go back and sit with the others

4)a good thing to say.Yesterday I don't show that I confidence is good and I think when I said Hi to her she is completely mixed up.(you should be there and saw her face).may be she didn't think that sea me such friendly again after the rejection.

I want to try your advices.I think I can do it.specialy with the ****y funny strategy.

please tell me more about this situation if you can.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
another thing to say
yesterday her friends are fully attracted to me.Don't you think may be this could help me?