ughh i really need help


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Alright... Well lately Ive been having a lot of trouble getting girls, and geting into some preeeeety awkward sitations. Anyways, lemme give u some examples. First off, a major downfall is that I dont have a license or a car yet, which means that whenever I'm with a girl, I'm usually in the presence of both her friends and mine. (and honestly.... im not afraid of being rejected n never seeing someone again... but being rejected and completely embarresed in front of my friends and "potential" new friends) Yeh.... sounds lame but its true. I have good self confidence at times, but the whole embarrassment thign scares the **** outta me... happened to me 3 times this week... with 2 diff girls. Tonight, for example, I really blew it biiiiiig time... and hav been kickin myself in the ass all night. Its summer, and as usualy I go n drvie aroudn wit hmy friends... not a big deal. Well one of my (female) friends i nthe car brought her cousin with her, from South Jersey (im from North). Anyways, the girl was definately cute, and it seemed like we hit it off (i got her attention.... she sided with me on many little "arguments" we had in the car... yada yada yada). Evidently, my friends noticed this, (as well as the girl- firnd in the car). Surprisingly thyey actually encouraged me n her hookin up =].... l8er on that night... we stop by a local park or whatever, and pull out a 30 pack n drink a little bit. (and btw... i also foudn out that she has a boyfriend =0 ) Welll.... after only 2 beers, this girl getssss drunk, and is pretty much all over me... on the car ride home she puts her head on my shoulder and stuff.... and im aboooooout to make a move when she has to leave.... (reason i didnt do it earlier is bc my consciese kicked in... grrr..... hookin up with a drunk girl with a bf...hmmmm). Well, that tends to be a major problem of mine.... overthinkin the situation. And not only with girls, but with many other things... Sorry if I bored you guys with this sob story... but my dumbass actions are really starting to get on my nerves, and I'm desperately lookin for a way toc change my ways. ANY help advice would be much appreciated.... Thanks a lot.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hey buddy, hows it going. Good i hope.

Well the first thing i noticed is you seem to love to put yourself down alot. Your post was filled with that. You make apologizes for yourself even posting. I have no idea why you would want to do that.

BUT STOP. Stop feeling you need to apologize for taking up space. Or for anything you do.

Start thinking more positive. You made a good decision on the drunk girl. Be proud of that.

Now when it comes to the whole thing about girls in general and your decision making. The solution is simple.

Become more comfortable with yourself and your decision. Understand that its not everytime things will work out. But the key is as long as you are having fun everything will be good in the end.

Everyone fcuks up a set, some more than others. But the difference between you, a DJ or PUA, and a regular chump is you dont kill yourself over it. You move on. Why?

Because you are money. And there will always be more opportunity. Life doesnt end when you dont hook up or you completely screw up a perfect set.

Add this to your mindset:


Stop being so attach to the outcome. I bet when you spend the rest of the night kicking yourself for your mistake, you missed great opportunities. Then you kick yourself for that, miss more opportunities. Then you kick yourself again. You see where I'm going with this. It becomes a cycle.

So buddy, dont worry so much and have fun. Thats what life was design for. Despite what others believe. Keep gaming and having fun. One day, everything will just click and you'll look back and laugh at your old self.

Just have fun.



Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks a lot for the advice man, Ill try to follow it, but its kidna hard. Like I'm not a big fan of being the center of "embarrassment" and stuff, especially in front of people who I barely know.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
You need to get out of the mindset that the outcome of your actions will be embrassment. Because the more you are in that mindset, the more likely you will ended up embrassed.

And dont worry about being embrassed because if you do something that ends up where most guys would be embrass and you just laugh at yourself, it builds respect from your friends and who else is around.


I try to open a set in a huge crowd and get blown out. Of course people see, i should be embrassed but if i just go along with it and have fun and am not afraid to laugh at myself, its all good.

It's like if you trip in from of someone or people and you get up embrassed they are more likely to laugh at you. But if you get up laugh at yourself, they are less likely to and even if they do, it will just be fun. Instead of making it a huge deal, you make it into something that just happened and means nothing about who you are or anything meaningful
