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  1. M

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    As I said before. The only reason for watching porn is to masterbate. So if you are trying to stop spanking that monkey then STOP WATCHING PORN!! Its as simple as that.
  2. M

    It takes 21 days to break a habit: 21 days no masturbation: The 3 week plan w/options

    What all you guys should start to notice is that at the moment all this porn and masturbating means sex is THE main priority in your lives - just reading how hard its been for some to give up proves that. Also you need to stop downloading and watching porn not just stop masturbating. And what's...
  3. M

    Attention Sosuave, I'm engaged.

    Hey blitz congrats. But does this mean you are signing off from this site 'cos you found 'The One' are are you still sticking around 'cos we still need the old skool DJ's to stop this site going off track Also, Destinova's quote is the only one that has stuck in my mind ever since I started...
  4. M

    Mother-Daughter Approach..A No, or a Go?

    It is much easier if the mother is attracted to you too lol. Also works best in pubs/clubs when mother and daughter are there together and your first words are to the mother or at leats make sure mother is involved in the convo.... mother's are c*ck blocking masters !!
  5. M

    What is she up to?

    Sounds to me like she is testing you. First she dumps you just for a guy her age then she tell you just 'cos they not having sex as much, she thinks its ending with them and she is all flirty with you. Then when you don't fall for that trick she changes tactic by saying she's not going to do all...
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    Female version of Don Juan...

    because us guys do't sit around talking to each other giving advice where girls do - its not the 'macho' thing do do we would rather talk about conquests. That's why we need sites like this. To talk to others about girls in an anonomous way
  7. M

    hit a girl?

    The best way to get back at a woman that hits you - especially in public, is to beat her with words. A girl once slapped me in the face in front of my friends and hers after arguing all night, and all I did was laugh in her face then humilliated her with a ****y comeback and she ran away then...
  8. M

    so she mentioned...

    Sezz, I only meant it as a possible reason for the mixed signals I didn't actually want cA to commit virtual suicide by talking to her about it, but I forgot to mention that bit - thanks for noticing.
  9. M

    so she mentioned...

    It depends on how her and her ex split - she may be trying to get back with him but keeping you as a backup in case it fails. But hey, its obvious she really likes you so as Protoman1 said - Just ask her out
  10. M

    This mythical woman-creature you may have heard of

    Good advice Gubby. The fact that sex is not a priority in your mind should make rejection easier to handle. But for the majority of guys here sex seems to be THE main thing on their mind and they just want to be players so when a girl rejects them its so hard for them to handle, and that's why...
  11. M

    Books teaching illusions, magic tricks

    So_Pimp you are SO right this is the first time I've been back to the forum since it got updated. I read a few new posts and I started to wonder wtf has happened? This forum was supposed to be about giving genuine help and advice and the only criticism was constructive (most of the time anyway)...
  12. M

    FR: This is what's wrong with men these days

    I refer to something said on the first page of this post by Back. You say you were paying her to do her job, but then said you weren't interested in her lapdancing as you just wanted her to sit and talk to you all night. I might be stating the obvious here but you were trying to pay her NOT...
  13. M

    Eye contact - just wondering

    exactly - you got to smile as soon as the eye contact has been made. If you wait a moment to long it will look creepy
  14. M

    Just a reminder: Go for it!

    I thought the whole point of this site / forum was to help and advise not to take the put people's comments down - Arxidi might be using an over used statement, but some people need to be told things over and over again before it sinks in.
  15. M

    new female game destroyed my 'game'

    Thanks guys, especially rascal - you just reminded me about one of the main problems with women - the shvte tests! I can't believe that slipped my mind. BTW it will be easy to show her she had her chance as she already knows I'm not only after her. When I saw her the time before last, right...
  16. M

    new female game destroyed my 'game'

    Hi everyone, this is my first ever post so please be gentle.... Now the situation is this:- There is this girl who, for the past 5 - 6 weeks has been showing an increasing interest in me and I knew it wasn't a game as she has told people that she likes me. Recently, I saw her out in a bar...