Just a reminder: Go for it!


New Member
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
i just wanted to say :

dont frigging wait for something to happend, or THE perfect moment that will never come.
Grab you balls and go talk to a girl
yeah you might ger rejected and all that crap, but if you dont approach you get autorejected (im talking about meeting new girls and such)
i cant say i dont fear rejection and stuff..yeah i do... BUT actually i got way more when i went for it :

there was this girl on the train, i looked at her and at one point our eyes met...and then again...BUT i was so chicken to talk to her....after a while she got off..... guess what? lose/lose situation

THEN after like a week or two i saw that girl again, on the train! and looked at her, she was with a guy, and at the next stop she changed trains (some trains go faster so she changed-i think the guy told her to) anyways..i said to my self : GO FOR IT , well i changed trains with her...i guess i kinda looked like an idiot...AND i went and sit FACING HER...yup i went all the way, and i said hi and all and asked for her number and guess what? YUP SHE GAVE IT TO ME!!!!
and guess what? we went out...
that was before i found out about sosuave so i kinda ****ed it after that point :)

oh and i must say at this point that im not model looking, not hot body or anything.i would say im average

one other nice story:
i was at this club and stuff with a friend
and he introduced me to some of his friends (like 2 guys and 3 girls) the girls were hot, but i didnt gave too much attention actually, i was having a nice time
anyways after a while i was with one of the girls.and doing some chat n stuff
and she had a nice smile and all :p so i said again : GO FOR IT....i told her : i like you
im not really sure if she actually heard it ( cause of the music and stuff) and she replied : nice to meet you (i guess kinda like.....sooo what?)
anyways.. after a while we were close and i began giving her soft touches <on her back and all> well anyways on the end we kissed....
guess what would happend if i would stay on my court and didnt to anything ...being a little chicken

anyways yeah i have got some rejections
talked to girl on clubs and other places and got rejected
but screw that.. i was affraid of the thought of rejection more than the rejection itself.... i got rejected but on the end i didnt care... i took the risk .i had the balls to do it..
i havent approached many girls but many times grabing my balls and going for it payd out...

maybe i wrote too much :p
anyways i just wanted to write this to try to make people forget about rejection and crap
this was my biggest fear..i knew all this stuff from the dj bible and .....i didnt have the courage to actually aproach...or take a further step with girls i liked. I guess i was affraid for my looks, i saw girls i liked being with guys that was ugly and lame.
i saw a girl i liked being kissed in front of me with a lame/ugly guy....that was the point of no return....i was affraid of my looks but thats just crap. after that i just risked getting rejected and all but i didnt...my bravery payd off....

if you dont go out you wont meet girls

probly people said that stuff before
but i just wanted to remind you that:
luck favors the brave ( heh thats what i said when i went for the kiss...and it worked)

hopeful loner

Don Juan
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
This talk of ball grabbing is not helping my game. Isn't it the point to get her to grab your balls, as opposed to having to do that yourself? Now I sit here, with balls totally ungrabbed. Should I grab them myself? Or is that just the mark of desperation? Help me!


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
I thought the whole point of this site / forum was to help and advise not to take the put people's comments down -

Arxidi might be using an over used statement, but some people need to be told things over and over again before it sinks in.