This mythical woman-creature you may have heard of


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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I'll give you a quick background here, I'm English, I have lived in Spain for a year and a half, and whether it's just some freaky psychology or language difficulties really do that to you, I am really uncomfortable interacting socially in Spanish. I've also entertained the idea that my friends are just boring, because I seem to do okay with some people. Anyway, all this time I've been learning DJ stuff pretty much as a hobby with very little field practise (though I did the first parts of the bootcamp and that really helped me). (When I was in england a couple of weeks ago that was another story though... I [edit]..rocked :D)

I'm getting off topic, you can comment on that if you like, but where I'm going is this:

When I read all this PUA stuff the image that formed in my head was some sort of mythical dragon woman, breathing fire, and the men as attackers, trying to beat down this impossible obstacle. If not that, as some sort of object, that is, a game to be played.

So, me not actually doing much field work, it took me a while to notice that I had one image of women from the material I was reading, and a different image for the real life woman.

There was a seduction blog I read, and in one entry it showed a clip of a talk show off TV with Style and some hot woman. He was asked to show them his tricks on her, and he did some routine. She played along and had fun, but obviously he couldn't exactly pick her up on TV. AND THE GUYS IN THE BLOG WERE ALL TALKING ABOUT HOW SUCCESSFUL HE WAS!

I wasn't thinking about him having any "success" with the woman. They were talking, and she was friendly. The bloggers were analysing her smiles and posture, saying she was showing interest.

Who cares? That's the thing. They were dehumanising her. Like every conversation you ever have with a woman is either "successful" or a "failure".

I think of everyone I meet as a person. You want to stop being so AFC? To learn to be "disinterested" and "cool"? Stop looking at only the beauty! Look for the person behind that beauty!

Since I've got more than girls to define my life, I'm not worried too much about having sex. I mean, I'd like it, but when I can't get it I put it out of my mind. Everyone I talk to, no exceptions, is a PERSON.

As much as I hate to help feminists, they've got something going here. Don't objectify women. It's unhealthy. Plus, it hurts your game :D
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Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Good advice Gubby. The fact that sex is not a priority in your mind should make rejection easier to handle. But for the majority of guys here sex seems to be THE main thing on their mind and they just want to be players so when a girl rejects them its so hard for them to handle, and that's why they get scared of even approaching girls So they need to either 'dehumanise' women to protect themselves from the rejection and fear of approaching them, but if they want quality women, (and I don't just mean looks wise) they need to do as you have and stop making sex a priority - it's horses for courses.

A few good posts on this site DO state that you should not make women the main priority in life but most people ignore this little nugget of advice

Oh and you said when you were back in England you flamed - It might have been 'cos you were trying to be a 'player' but as you said, you can't 'dehumanise' women. When the time comes when you just want sex then you need to learn to do just that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, I meant flamed as a good thing. I was just trying to think of a metaphor. Like *shone* :p