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  1. P

    just got my own place!!

    ISOLATE then SEDUCE.. Listen, you must ALWAYS find a way to ISOLATE your target from the group.. especially from her friend(s). One way that I do this is by saying "Hey, come check out my fishtank, guitar, kama sutra book...etc". Then lead her by the hand (as though she were your lil...
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    Fantasy Girl

    First of all, do like the guy said above and READ THE DJ BIBLE! Second, learn how to post a question, and be sure to give more DETAIL.. we cannot help you if we dont know your story/situation. Phame
  3. P

    Physical Attraction Determination Theory

    ..nice discussion but if you want to know what your rating is as far as looks are concerned: Go to and post your best picture. People will rate it relatively fairly and you will know how you appear to the opposite sex ;)... Phame
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    Reinhart’s Turning into man guide.

    Reinhart you have made some very good points in your post. Congradulations! I've more men start listening to this rhetoric there will be far fewer postst on this site as men will start acting like MEN. About EGO... This ego, in american society is often "over-valued" i.e. people place to...
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    Anyone here read "The System" by Roy Valentine???

    The system - nothing special I read it a year ago.. its not bad, but honestly I wouldnt recomend spending much money on it. It doesnt realy offer anything mind-blowing that will change your game much. I prefered reading "The Game" as it was written in an entertaining and informative story...
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    With this kind of "clingy" chick, you need to set boundaries early on in the relationship. I know what your talking about as all my GFs become clingy and want to hang out every day. I would tell her that I need "alone time" and/or time with friends.. let her know in no unclear terms that you are...
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    Help with a model?

    Thanks for the advice guys.. that realy helps my situation. Now Im just going to play it totally cool and laidback like I could care less to see her or not. The truth is that beautiful women come a dime a dozen so i neednt trip over one of many. Thanks for the advice! Phame
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    Help with a model?

    I've been dating this 24 yr old HB9 who used to be a model. She opened up to me a lot in the last couple weeks, telling me about how she was abused in past relationships and deep stuff. She's attracted to me and feels compfortable around me, but for some odd reason she isnt answering my phone...
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    PUA University - Are you interested?

    Great Idea! Hey I think this is a great Idea and I'd like to see the results of your efforts to create the first online PUA UNIVERSITY - Awsome! The idea of Phone coaching is absolutely what we need in the community. Most cell phone plans include free long distance so we could do over the phone...
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    how do i handle this situation?

    Your welcome.... just remember DONT BE A WUSSBAG BE A MAN! And dont be affraid to NEXT her if your not gettning exactly what you want. ;)
  11. P

    how do i handle this situation?

    her giving you the "just be friends" spiel indicates that you fvcked up somewhere during the seduction phase two weeks ago or whenever you tried to "get her to like you" know it looks as if your seduction is in the "damage controll" phase. Dude, if you want her as your "friend" then dont...
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    Please help straighten my fundamentally flawed inner game

    Spitfire had some great ideas on overcoming your fear of chatting up women. Quite honestly aproaching a million and a half girls just to overcome your shyness or to get rid of the wierd feeling in your stomach is impractical and unneccessary! Even the TOP PUAs still get nervous when...
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    full close

    Important observations Congrats on closing a stripper! I think there's some important stuff here. For example, by you NOT watching her dance like everyone does, you displayed some super attractive qualities: - she wonders: "isnt he intrested in me sexually?" [Your not desperate] -...
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    ~~Max Out Your Attractiveness~~

    >>>Well I guess I've got it double good then cus in addition to having been a college cheerleader, Im also in a fraternity and date a sorority girl ha!.. Dont knock the cheerleader thing.. we get lots of HOT ass trust me.javascript:smilie(':cheer:')
  15. P

    ~~Max Out Your Attractiveness~~

    On staying Fit Hey i think some guys realy don't understand the value of keeping up their apperance, like working out, staying active in sports and tanning regularly. Yes its true that your game will always be more effective over your looks and outer appearance. However, it helps initially...
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    Sarging College HBs

    totally helpful! Logan that advice is steller... now all I have to do is test it in the field next time which will be tonight. My biggest problem is not knowing what the hell to start convo about!? I'll be posting another field report this weekend. Thanks again bro Sarge on!
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    Sarging College HBs

    Results Sarging College HBs FR 1ST NIGHT in the field The results are in... it was lose/win situation -First problems then success! When I got to the club I walked in with a big smile and a feeling of confidence as I was ready to tackle a huge obsticle - losing my fear of approaching. I...
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    Sarging College HBs

    Fellas, I've had it! I dont feel smooth while approaching HOT girls on campus - matter of fact I get all nervous and sh*t! Yet I know within me lies a Lion PUA thats scared to come out! Based on some of the previous posts I've read (by Poet and others) I've decided to jump into the GAME...