Sarging College HBs


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
Fellas, I've had it! I dont feel smooth while approaching HOT girls on campus - matter of fact I get all nervous and sh*t! Yet I know within me lies a Lion PUA thats scared to come out! Based on some of the previous posts I've read (by Poet and others) I've decided to jump into the GAME head-first. Tonight Im going to a local campus bar, I will approach at least 10 HBs 8+ ONLY (only the hot ones). I'll be going with my roomate as he will play the wingman role.

I dont care if I get shot down like a helicopter over baghdad.. I will overcome my insecurities. Its time to take controll and become empowerd when it comes to hot women. I want them to FEEL that inner confidence and smooth/indifrent attitude I natually posses.

Any suggestions on how to approach college girls in a loud crowded environment? What are some intresting conversation toppics to open with? Anyone have experience opening College girls?

I'll also do a fallow-up post for anyone intrested how I did. Thanks for any advice fellas.. keep sarging..its fun! :)


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
Results Sarging College HBs

FR 1ST NIGHT in the field
The results are in... it was lose/win situation -First problems then success!

When I got to the club I walked in with a big smile and a feeling of confidence as I was ready to tackle a huge obsticle - losing my fear of approaching. I started looking around and noticed that most of the HBs were sitting at the bar with their backs turned to me, or in groups talking amongst friends.

I know from reading "The Game" by Niel Strauss, that your never supposed to approach a girl from where she CANT see you (dont want to make here feel uncomfortable), yet there seemed to be no other way to approach. To make matters worse most of the girls were there with guys who were hoarding around them, which made it difficult for me to work up the courage to get inbetween and start gaming.

At last I found a target, two girls standing next to the wall chatting away by themselves (good.. no guys/****blockers!), as I was about to approach some girl dashed into their circle and started talking something that got them all excited... Again I didnt know how to approach.. I was like fcuk!

And the worst part is that I only pulled ONE number from a girl that seemed totally disintrested!!! :(

NOW THE GOOD NEWS is right before I went out, I was chatting with Rachel HB5 online (AIM) and busting on her while being very sexual and seductive, and I even told here that "she couldnt wait to see me in person and that meeting me would be very exciting experience for her ". She was clearly getting turned on by my confident straightforward attitude so next thing i know she calles me out of the blue and asks what Im doing tonight and if I'll be staying at my apartment after the bar. So Im thinking if this isnt and IOI (indicator of intrest) I dont know what is!

I act like I could pretty much care less if she comes over later or not, so I told her "we'll see what happens, just give me a call later". She calls me later 12:30am and says she's on her way over! When she gets here Im thinking there's only one motive she could have for driving 30min to my place at 12:30am - S E X.

Knowing this I start teasing her and busting on here at as soon as she arrives. I also let her see that I am HUMAN by getting a little sentimental about some life experiences. She enjoyed this.
I knew I had to AMPLIFY the sexual tension and not let the line go slack. I ask here a question and slowly move around behind her - giving her a light massage I can tell she enjoys it. I move my fingers up to the back of her neck and start stroking lightly - gooose bumps!

I lay her down ... we chat for a sec then I TELL her "you want to kiss me dont you" she says something affirmative, I cut her off with "lets find out.." and I kisser her passionately then pull away saying "I know we can do better" and kiss her again this time even deeper. -Complete Controll! Well you can guess what the result of this was... We got it on in my bed, and you can belive she wasnt going to leave tonight.

She started asking me if i was "KINKY" and if I liked it "ROUGH" ..I took this as a hint that she wanted it that way and like a good lil soldier I obeyed!

...Guys this just goes to show that its best to always have a BACKUP PLAN, in my case a girl that I gamed BEFORE I went out to GAME more chicks!! Awsome!! This almost guaratees you'll be getting SOME sort of action that night. Well thats all for my first night out.. I'll be sharing more as I progress, hope sum of this was intresting and useful. Please let me know what I could have done BETTER - for next time. Thanks!



Senior Don Juan
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
good work man too bad it was a 5 though, huh? oh well im sure she had nice tits right.


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2005
Reaction score
nice going. getting laid is always a success. :cool:

now lets analyze the bar scenario. Since that's where you failed it seems.

Now, when there is a row of HB in the bar all sitting towards the bar and away from everything else I always try approaching one of the guys in the area. Guys are easy to approach because they don’t have a vagina to set your nerves on fire. I BS with a guy, tell him “we had a class together” blah blah. Be friendly to him, be a real nice person. Then when you’re done talking to the guy sneak a peek at the HB that’s next to him (but not with him) make sure she sees you noticing her. Then say something to her. Something very similar to what you said to the guy. Mystery method says neg her, this is good advice it think. Once you have her responding in a non negative way you’re good, i think. From there on just let the convo take over. Be funny, witty, interesting. Neg her again I guess, pay no mind to her HB good looks.

If there is no guy around to play you into a convo with the girl use an ugly girl instead. Ugly girls are easy to talk to because while they do have a vagina, you don’t want to be anywhere near it. then just play off the ugly girl and start talking to the HB.

My 2 cents
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Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
totally helpful!

Logan that advice is steller... now all I have to do is test it in the field next time which will be tonight.

My biggest problem is not knowing what the hell to start convo about!? I'll be posting another field report this weekend. Thanks again bro

Sarge on!


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
Picking up girls at the college bars is easy, man.

The first piece of advice I can give you is this:
Don't get too drunk

I see so many guys at the bar **** up beacuse of this.
Girls think guys that are super drunk are creepy, and they should think that because it's true.
When you're blackout drunk you have no idea what dumbass things are coming out of your mouth.

Get drunk, don't be a rapist or anyhthing. But take it slow, it's a long night and no girl wants to go home with a guy that looks like he's so drunk he'll piss the bed.

2: Stay in good shape.

I think this speaks for itself. I work out 6 days a week and keep on a pretty strict diet, I go out to the bars 4 times a week. I'd be a fat kid if it wasn't for the diet and excercise.
Hot girls don't **** fat guys (and if they do, it's the exception not the rule).

3: Dress nice. I wear dark jeans, a nice designer button up, and black shoes everytime I go out. Most guys in the college bars wear nothing but abercrombie ****. If you look good and stand out, it's perfect.

4: As far as the actual approach goes, if I've never seen the girl before most of the time I just make eye contact, go up to them, and say "Hi I'm Mike" or talk about something that's going on in the bar.

If I've seen here before or had class with her or whatever, it's like "Hey I always see you _____ I'm Mike, what's your name?"
or like "hey, you know ____, right"

Then just talk to them. No lines or anything stupid. Just start with stuff like What's your major, where do you live, are you in a house, etc. Then when she says something that you think you can elaborate go into it more.

For the most part, girls in college really are easy. They're young, they drink, they're excited to meet you.

I guess this all seems pretty basic, but I think this is all there is to it. I don't think you need to do anything special rules wise to pick up girls in general, especially in college. I pick up a lot of girls and I don't think to myself "ok, now let's neg hit her then bust out the C&F" Just look your best, don't be scared to talk with them no matter what, and learn how to carry on a decent conversation.