how do i handle this situation?


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
i just wanted to know how to handle this situation with this girl. here goes, i was talking to this girl and she likes me but then after a few weeks she told me that she only wanted to be friends so were now friends.:mad: then she didnt call me from there on and i didnt bother to call her up too. then christmas is coming up and i wanted to buy her a gift then kiss her afterward but should i do this because i dont want to ruin our "friendship." or for her to think that im a prevert for kissing her. we havent been though the holding hand part so is it the right thing to do. if anybody can help me out then your help will be greatly appreciated.:confused:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
her giving you the "just be friends" spiel indicates that you fvcked up somewhere during the seduction phase two weeks ago or whenever you tried to "get her to like you" know it looks as if your seduction is in the "damage controll" phase. Dude, if you want her as your "friend" then dont even bother trying to be "sweet" to her (thats soo AFC!). On the other hand if you want her sexually, then you must be willing to put your "friendlship" on the line to get her feeling ATTRACTION. Right now she probably just sees you as a friend and not a potential mate/suitor. Buying her anything WONT help her feel romantic feelings toward you. RATHER, start busting on her.. get her to feel like buying YOU a x-mas present. Be jokingly funny and playfully ****y around her, using your "friends" relationship as justification to see her. Tell her how silly and cute she looks when stuff. Dont be too "friedly" or "nice" with her. Also get yourself a copy of David Deangelo's Double Your Dating obviously need the info. You need to build attraction and closeness FIRST, before you can even THINK about kissing her. You dont have to be at the hand holding phase.. you need to build the attraction by being funny, ****y, and totally indiffrent to the outcome. good luck brah! ;)


Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by loner4shou
i just wanted to know how to handle this situation with this girl. here goes, i was talking to this girl and she likes me but then after a few weeks she told me that she only wanted to be friends so were now friends.:mad: then she didnt call me from there on and i didnt bother to call her up too. then christmas is coming up and i wanted to buy her a gift then kiss her afterward but should i do this because i dont want to ruin our "friendship." or for her to think that im a prevert for kissing her. we havent been though the holding hand part so is it the right thing to do. if anybody can help me out then your help will be greatly appreciated.:confused:
Tell her you have enough friends, and if she's not interested in a relationship than she can "f*ck off". You know what your intentions are and the whole idea of being her friend is this thought in the back of your head that some day she'll just lust for you. It's a fairytale.
Seriously, you have a better chance of getting this chick if you told her, you're not interested in being friends and if she doesn't want more, than you're not going to waste your time.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Originally posted by Phame
her giving you the "just be friends" spiel indicates that you fvcked up somewhere during the seduction phase two weeks ago or whenever you tried to "get her to like you" know it looks as if your seduction is in the "damage controll" phase. Dude, if you want her as your "friend" then dont even bother trying to be "sweet" to her (thats soo AFC!). On the other hand if you want her sexually, then you must be willing to put your "friendlship" on the line to get her feeling ATTRACTION. Right now she probably just sees you as a friend and not a potential mate/suitor. Buying her anything WONT help her feel romantic feelings toward you. RATHER, start busting on her.. get her to feel like buying YOU a x-mas present. Be jokingly funny and playfully ****y around her, using your "friends" relationship as justification to see her. Tell her how silly and cute she looks when stuff. Dont be too "friedly" or "nice" with her. Also get yourself a copy of David Deangelo's Double Your Dating obviously need the info. You need to build attraction and closeness FIRST, before you can even THINK about kissing her. You dont have to be at the hand holding phase.. you need to build the attraction by being funny, ****y, and totally indiffrent to the outcome. good luck brah! ;)
exactly. also, you can look on for Allen Thompson's "Girl"friend v. firlfriend report. You have to sign up for the DJ Newsletter, but it gives you a detailed way to get out of the friendzone. I think we all know how you feel bro.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
thanx's everyone. yall made me feel better and more confident now ill take yall sugesstions and use them. just wanted yall to know that i greatly appreciate all yall help! :) :cool:


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo OH
Your welcome.... just remember DONT BE A WUSSBAG BE A MAN! And dont be affraid to NEXT her if your not gettning exactly what you want. ;)