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  1. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    No, sirs, I don't think you are a problem & I don't want to "solve" you. I want to know what you think. I have to admit your world-view currently horrifies me, but I won't swear on a stack of bibles that my own won't come to resemble it. I wanted information, and you have given it to me. I...
  2. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    Actually THIS post is one of them. It makes me cringe a little bit.
  3. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    Wyldfire, I'm not interested in arguing with you. There's no benefit in it. I have learned what I needed to know & I have chosen the path I want to follow. That was the purpose of this thread. None of the motives which you ascribe to me are true. I am done now--goodbye.
  4. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    *sigh*... Wyldfire, you are so far off topic you are not even within shouting distance. I ask you again, *please* stop trying to hijack this thread. I don't want to talk about "radical feminism" or "radical masculinism," I want to resolve my dilemma. Nothing has "gone wrong" in my life. Your...
  5. J

    what's the nastiest thing a Woman has ever said to you?

    "If I wanted a LTR, I would pick you, but if I wanted to get laid, I'd sleep with Bob" (buddy of mine). That's when I knew I had problems.
  6. J

    wait for her or not

    Kid, you're making all the classic mistakes. (1) Showing lack of balls by being reluctant to talk & hiding behind text messaging, (2) acting over-eager by texting too much, (3) showing weakness by worrying about the outcome. You're only 16. This is a learning experience for you. Calm down...
  7. J

    What to do when beeing ignored during conversation (2 guys, 2 girls)?

    Hey MV, what I meant was, don't stomp off in a huff & show you're angry, just say "I need to hit the head." And do it sooner rather than later, i.e. don't stand there like a lonely dog for 10 min. But always be a gentleman. Edited to add: I like that soft-speaking trick. I notice when I speak...
  8. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    I've heard of it but never heard anybody talk about it. Fair enough re. the tired hand, I'm a hacker, I can relate :-) BTW, I did read your "Zen of Indifference" thread & liked it a lot. Maybe more threads like that would elevate the level of discourse. Side note: I've been averaging 2.5...
  9. J

    Protecting Your Emotions

    BTW Seabreeze, do you think women *ever* tell a man flat out that they are not interested (or not interested anymore) & the real reasons for it? NO!!! Instead, a man will hear: -- I'm not ready for a relationship right now -- I have to floss my cat -- (My personal fave) I like you too much...
  10. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    Wyldfire & SAYNO, you are launching this thread in a direction that is not relevant to the original point. Please don't do that! Let's keep it on track! This is a serious issue. Wyldfire, you know damn well that AFC men don't "choose" *anything*, they don't even know what the hell is going on...
  11. J

    What to do when beeing ignored during conversation (2 guys, 2 girls)?

    Excuse yourself to go do something else (talk to someone else, go to the bathroom, buy a pack of smokes). Don't hang around. Rejoin your friend later.
  12. J

    I think we're moving too fast

    Sometimes it means "I am keeping you on the back burner in case this other guy I'm seeing doesn't work out."
  13. J

    Protecting Your Emotions

    Because if a man runs around telling women some weenie-sounding thing like "I am afraid of being hurt" I guarantee he will never get laid again for the rest of his natural life. You only THINK you want to hear this. When you actually hear it, all you will feel is disgust. I can't speak about...
  14. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    Hey Gixx, thanks for the thought-provoking response (BTW, you & I are almost the same age, FWIW). Ye gods...Excuse me while I go cut my pecker off, put it in a jar of formaldehyde & mail it to the smithsonian :-) Let me talk for a moment about where I am going with this, which I did not...
  15. J

    Question for drzaius, Titman, Ulrick, & co

    Gentlemen, This question may sound like a flame-bait, but please be assured that I am 100% sincere & really want to hear what you have to say. It seems like there are 3 philosophical camps in the DJ forum (excluding the newbies): 1. The Lazarus Longs, who believe that a real man should...
  16. J

    Why sosuave sucks and why you should be yourself

    Lifeforce, you are giving horrible advice because you are splitting hairs & what you say is too easily misunderstod. When I was younger I had a horrible self-image, bad attitude, & did everything incorrectly. Result: few women. Then I decided to clean up my attitude but continued behaving...
  17. J

    Had it with these fairy tales!

    I am so sick of these women & their fairy-tales! Looking for Mr. Right, princess seeking prince, etc. I found this ad on-line under the heading Southern Lady looking for Mr Perfect's next door neighbor So I sent this reply: I am Mr. Perfect's next door neighbor & nefarious arch-nemesis...
  18. J

    enlighten me on cold approaches

    Hey Petty, my grandfather was the king of shmoozers for 50 years--he never fell out of practice :-)
  19. J

    enlighten me on cold approaches

    Here's something that might help. It's impossible to be good at cold approaches unless you're generally good at shmoozing first. Get in the habit of starting little conversations with everybody you meet: old ladies, some dude with an old Harley, the teenage girl who rings up your groceries. My...
  20. J

    What the h3ll is that?

    I froze once in a supermarket. A woman smiled at, I like tall girls as much as the next guy (or more), but I am a short guy & this woman was 6'4" if she was an inch. No kidding, big blonde Viking woman. We like to think we are suave, but this was like a meteor falling out of the sky &...