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  1. J

    Success rate for sarging??

    Actually, 5% is hardly "piss poor." It means you have to cold-approach 20 women to get a girlfriend. If you commit to approaching 5 women per week, you will have a girlfriend by this time next month.
  2. J

    Difficult week

    Ugh...I knew there would be weeks like this for a new/aspiring DJ like myself. Reading similar posts by others made me feel better, though, because now I know this is the norm. To summarize: Date 1: Woman I know is making goo-goo eyes at me, so I took her for a spin around the lake on my...
  3. J

    The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"

    I just thought of something else I wanted to add to this thread. Last year in Philly, I participated in an event called the "Mile of Meet" which turned out to be an utter waste of time. They lined up a mile-long row of single men, and women could cruise the row, talk you you, or just write your...
  4. J

    The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"

    Hey Big Man, I've been forced to rely on the personals more & more because normal women my age (mid-thirties) are tired of bars. Love it or hate it, this seems to be the way society is going. Some sites appear to be worse than others. Match is the worst of all--myself & a buddy of mine each...
  5. J

    Losing your virginity won't boost your confidence

    oops, my bad. Aftershock talks about the OP in the 3rd person, so I didn't realize he was talking *TO* the OP. I guess *MY* caffeine levels are getting low Time to tank up... The coffeee bean is a cruel mistress, my friends. :-)
  6. J

    Losing your virginity won't boost your confidence

    Aftershock, what are you talking about? You just reiterated the exact same thing I said using different words, and yet you say "I couldn't disagree more." I think you failed to get the analogy between the OP's virginity & the Devil's Thumb. Your caffeine levels must be getting low :-)
  7. J

    Losing your virginity won't boost your confidence

    This reminds me of a story by mountaneer Jon Krakauer where, at age 19, he decided he was going to change his life by climbing the Devil's Thumb. He made the climb, but it changed nothing--his life was the same as before. That's the way it works. It sounds like sex was your Devil's Thumb.
  8. J

    The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"

    These women are full of $h1t. 3/4 of the ads on Match specify a height requirement, but if you specify that you want a girl with big t1t$, you're the antichrist. There are some women who think having a pu$$y automatically gives you the moral high ground. They try to convince you that you are a...
  9. J

    Is this a "next"?

    Wow, fast reply. OK, I'll keep Monday open & try her once more in a week before I write her off.
  10. J

    Living Without a Girl In Your Life.How to handle it?

    OK, I'm an expert at this one... How to live w/o a woman in your life? Two words: STAY BUSY.
  11. J

    Is this a "next"?

    This is a set-up by a buddy who thinks me & this woman would be perfect together. She's a single mom, which I'm not wild about. I cut short a very awkward 1st phone convo with a suggestion that we reduce the weirdness factor by moving it to the real world--i.e. coffee date after work next...
  12. J

    Be Non-Reactive

    Take this w/a grain of salt b/c I'm a noob, but I'm having a *lot* more success now that I've realized (a) just b/c you're asked a question doesn't mean you have to answer it, and (b) you are not on a job interview. Example 1: Her: "So what do you do for a living? My last boyfriend was...
  13. J

    Help reading body language?

    Yes, that's true... I *am* already at the worst-case scenario, you're right. I must work on my "who cares," I'm still too attached to the outcome. Thanks for bottom-lining it for me. Trying to read body language at that level of detail is (a) impossible, (b) unnecessary.
  14. J

    Help reading body language?

    Gentlemen, I'm a noob, but learning fast (3 dates this upcoming week) thanks to Doc Love & the DJ Newsletter. I, like most hackers, am slightly autistic & therefore have to study body language like an American studying Mandarin Chinese, and I would be grateful if anyone could help clear...