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  1. J

    About Living With Parents

    Don't ask for anyone's approval on how you live: you're in school, & right now your future is your top priority. God, man, you're only 19. Be proud that you have the ambition & drive & foresight to focus on your schooling. If a girl thinks it's not cool, hell with her--she'll think otherwise in...
  2. J

    (LOVE IS A LIFE CHANGING THING)follow ur heart

    I think there's a subtlety that a lot of guys here may be missing: affection, respect, and romance comprise your long-term maintenance program. HOWEVER: these rewards must be doled out sparingly, and only when she is a good girl! Think of a mouse in a behavior experiment. If you give the mouse...
  3. J

    Shiny Shoes

    You can have my Doc Martens when you pry them off my cold, dead feet :-) (The shoes, BTW, not the combat boots).
  4. J

    I am absolutely fed up with sh!t tests

    My friend, there's an old Turkish folk song with a lyric that goes, "They invented the pistol and honor is dead." Well, guess what? They invented TV and breeding is dead. I can't help noticing that Jay Leno and Mel Gibson do not have Hollywood showbiz wives--they have plain wives who love...
  5. J

    Growing Up

    I'll only give you one piece of advice, and this is the last advice you should ever take from anybody: only listen to people who have the kind of life you want. Do not listen to people who have lives that you wouldn't pay one thin dime for. Remember: his ideas are what got him where he is!
  6. J

    I am absolutely fed up with sh!t tests

    From on Johnny to another, I don't know very much, but I _do_ know about this. It's pure Darwin, my friend. Beautiful women behave horribly because they can. They don't develop anything else besides their looks because they don't need to. Why would a fish grow wings? What use does a snake have...
  7. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    I guess heaven & hell are in the eye of the beholder :-)
  8. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    Yeah, you guys are right. He's the kind of guy who will disappear anyway as soon as he gets married, he won't expend any effort to stay in contact with any of his buddies, so I'd best just write him off right now & forget it.
  9. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    Or better yet, round 'em all up together with the evil pimps & put 'em in a penal colony somewhere with plenty of sex toys & TV & let them all hassle each other to death.
  10. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    Is this girl attractive, btw? I don't think so, but he sees something in her that is invisible to me. You already said she treats him like crap, so no she doesn't realize how lucky she is. Good point. She probably thinks she's entitled to be treated like a princess. Which means her...
  11. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    Re: Re: Should I be worried about my friend? Yes, she makes good money, but more never hurts. Obviously. But is it possible that he, by sheer dumb luck, has fould the one woman on earth with enough common sense to realize how lucky SHE is & not screw everything up? I'd like to believe so...
  12. J

    Should I be worried about my friend?

    A friend of mine is about to get married. Allow me to quickly enumerate the rules he's broken: -- Chose a woman he liked even though she didn't like him. -- Chose a woman with a young child from an abusive ex, & all the issues that go along with that. -- Came down with a case of oneitis so...
  13. J

    Question: great pickup spot that isn't

    Hey Avon, You misunderstand the chopper, my friend. I spent less than $8000 building it; the monetary value is not what's impressive about it; it's the fact that I built it (which you can tell just by looking at it). It's 500 lbs of "flair!" :-) What I was getting at is, usually people (male...
  14. J

    Getting togheter tonight

    +1 for what Lost in Translation says. Break up with her. Do it quick, make it clean. BTW, yes she is a flake, but I also think she was testing you & you failed. Do a search on "testing," there are many threads about the ways in which women test men.
  15. J

    Why do much, much older men on dating sites....

    Thanks, Ivey, but I don't see this as a deep/shallow dichotomy, & I certainly don't want to be a paragon of moral virtue (the hours are too long & the pay is WAY too short). All I'm saying is, how many of your opinions are yours, and how many were implanted by someone looking to sell you...
  16. J

    Why do much, much older men on dating sites....

    Wyldfire said: "Just as most men aren't attracted to fat women, I am not attracted to older men. I never have been. What you are attracted to is not something you can control or choose. And yes, I am able to attract what I'm attracted to. Would YOU settle for someone you weren't attracted to? Of...
  17. J

    Question: great pickup spot that isn't

    Hey Avon, actually I AM looking for LTR (I am 35 Y.O.), so no trouble there. Buck, I am not terribly good looking & I do live by my wits, but I do not look like a hippy, nor am I into all this bull$h1t with the crystals & the beads & the (bastardized) Eastern religions, and that could be the...
  18. J

    Why do much, much older men on dating sites....

    I too am a bit snozzled by the tone of your posts. (I say "snozzled" because I can't think of the right word, so I made one up :-) I am 35 and have seen attractive women aged 45, 55, and even 60. (Not many, mind you, but some). But you are vomiting into the keyboard at the very thought of the...
  19. J

    Question: great pickup spot that isn't

    There is a place in my town which ought to be the greatest pickup spot on earth, but isn't & I'm confused about it. Most places I go (like coffee shops, book stores, etc) I occasionally get a woman making eye contact. But at this place, never. Let me describe it: it's a hippy-esque...
  20. J

    Difficult week

    Thanks, mate...Some people suffer for their art, others suffer as a direct result of it :-)