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  1. X

    Has anyone tried the Kinetic ps2 game for fitness?

    A whole lot of hating on these forums. If you don't want to look stupid playing the game, then play it at home. If you think it is stupid, don't play it. I can promise you though that at the higher levels, you will burn more calories, quicker, than almost any other workout activity PERIOD...
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    Has anyone tried the Kinetic ps2 game for fitness?

    Anybody that says "no games" has obviously never played Dance Dance Revolution. Extremely intense cardio workout on the higher levels.
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    Why is that just before a fight my legs start shaking even though I'm not scared?

    Shaking can mean many things, not just nervousness. I am a poker player, and when I see an opponent's hand shaking as he puts money in the pot, I know it is time to fold; the reason being that it usually means he has a very strong hand. Shaking can be a result of being nervous, but it can also...
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    Lifting and acne

    First of all Gav, you must be commended for actually backing up what you say. Most people would not care less and just shrug it off. The author of the faq does say she does not KNOW that testosterone can aggravate acne, since there has never been a study conducted to prove that there has...
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    Lifting and acne

    How is acne a reaction between skin and testosterone? If that were the case, then no women would have acne, since they have far less testosterone than any man. As we all know, women are just as likely to get acne than men. At the gym, I see very few people that have acne. In my classes...
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    Lifting and acne

    I havve noticed that a lot of people wear hair gel while they are lifting. When you are lifting, you will usually sweat. The hair gel will then come from your hair unto your forehead. Hair gel on the skin will block your pores, resulting in acne. This may also go for anti-perspirants, since...
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    Vitamin C... ILLEGAL without a prescription!

    Once again, Snopes does a very nice job of clearing up the facts. The role of the WTO and Codex are very cleary defined and should pretty must bring an end to this argument. The WTO only affects nations if the nation does so voluntarily, so the WTO cannot compell the US to do anything. This...
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    Vitamin C... ILLEGAL without a prescription!

    Well, he says it with such confidence that he MUST be right. Right? I suppose if you take a whole bottle of Vitamin C at a time it might be a toxic amount. Then again, if you take that much of anything at a time, you are retarded and should not be reproducing anyways.
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    Vitamin C... ILLEGAL without a prescription!

    America is the least free place on Earth? First of all, you are basing your assumption on false premises. The FDA does not have anything to do with this, if it is even true to begin with. So don't say "durrrr, **** America and the FDA cause I can't get no Vitamin C". Second of all...
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    Does a person's weight fluctuate during the day or is my scale broken?

    Before I started lifting, I would play a lot of Dance Dance Revolution. Once I played for like six hours or so nonstop and ended up losing like eight pounds. For the only time in my life I actually had muscle failure in my legs, cause I practically collapsed at the end.
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    Vitamin C... ILLEGAL without a prescription!

    I thought it was bs when I first read it as well, that is why God (or some guy claiming to be God), created Google, to verify things like this. Type "Codex, Vitamins" into a search engine and you will literally get hundreds of sources that all say the same thing. From what I understood from...
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    Vitamin C... ILLEGAL without a prescription!

    Wow, nice looking out Diablo, I never would have heard about this if you didn't post. I looked at a bunch of websites about thsi and it looks like this could even make the sale of creatine and glutamine illegal without a prescription. The only thing you can legally buy without a prescription...
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    Why anger accumulates and HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER

    I don't really have an acne or anger problem. I study psychology and think it's pretty interesting that stress may be linked to acne. The cause of acne is clear, pores get blocked by oil leading to zits. Whether stress makes us more oily is pretty interesting I think. Anyways, I'll look...
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    Why anger accumulates and HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER

    You cited a doctor in the original post so I figured you must have still had the source. It isn't a big deal though, thanks.
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    Why anger accumulates and HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER

    Where did you find the source about acne being linked to acne Jippii? Just out of curiosity, since I am a bit of a skeptic. -Freddie
  16. X

    healthy ways of releasing anger

    Anger causes acne? I never heard of this before, but it does sound pretty interesting. Where did you hear this from? Also, I'll have to disagree with "running or swimming" won't release anger. You said that they would certainly relieve stress. Well, stress and anger are linked are they...
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    I used to do shoulders after legs, or at least tried to. After destroying my legs and calves for 45 minutes, I would slack off on the shoulders. I used to just have another day for shoulders, but with my current school schedule, that isn't an option anymore. School is also the reason that I...
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    Hey, here's a quick question. I've recently been doing this split. Tuesday or Wednesday - Legs Friday - Chest and Back Sunday -Arms and Shoulders So far I've been making some pretty good gains, a lot better than when I was doing the traditional back-bicep, chest-triceps, split...
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    healthy ways of releasing anger

    Something that I forgot to say before that worked great for me in high school was writing. If I was angry, I made up some characters and put my emotion into a short story or a poem or whatever. Once I had typed it and printed it out, whatever negative emotion I had was gone. If physical...
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    healthy ways of releasing anger

    You must be REALLY angry if working out makes you angrier. Anger takes energy, just like depression, happiness, etc etc. If working out isn't enough for you, you can either do something more extreme, or you can make an effort to get rid of your anger and divert all that extra energy into...