Has anyone tried the Kinetic ps2 game for fitness?


New Member
May 15, 2004
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there's a PS2 game that comes with a little camera.

The game has several exercises and it gets the players movements through the camera.
It seams that there is stuff on the screen where the player needs to "touch" (move body towards it) - to get points (?).

Images :

Has anyone tried this? Is the movement captured well?

An interesting way to do some exercise while gaming ?



Don Juan
Nov 23, 2004
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your mom
Anybody that says "no games" has obviously never played Dance Dance Revolution. Extremely intense cardio workout on the higher levels.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by KillaPetehog
a man does not look smooth on those dancing machines.....

I know I'm not the only brotha who knows this.

You could make 45000000000 points on that game...and STILL be looking like a damn fool.

Word of Note: Don't dance like that at the clubs.

P.S. Only hot girls look good on those machines.
This is health and fitness, not Don Juan Discussion. Keybord coaches are unwelcome here. And you're an idiot if you think there's even ONE DDR player who confuses it with real club dancing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by KillaPetehog
I'd rather play some B-ball...rather than that shyt...

but....whatever works for you....

I have some pride.
Actually, you're just a clone of every other wannabe-ghetto fool who's concerned about looking cool when he's really not.

And hell, I play at home anyway (or used to, I never do anymore because of a nagging heel injury, concentration on weightlifting and a broken DDR pad), so what you are saying has no merit.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Re: so much hatred on this site

"Dog, everytime I go to Dave and Buster's...and I see guys on those machines......it looks fuking hilarious. You gotta admit it, man. Don't trip. It's just an opinion."

I'm not your dog. Don't tell me what I "gotta" admit. And don't come around being an idiot and then tell me not to "trip". Speak English, kid.

"Hey, it may work...or it may not."

Hey genius, yes, it DOES work. I'm living, breathing, walking proof. Don't give me "it may not", because it does. That's just stupid of you.

"If you say you lost 45 pounds on it...that's tight."

I said 78 pounds. At least 45 pounds I attribute to DDR, but it may have been as many as 60 that were in total credit to DDR.

"I'm not discrediting the fact whether it works or not...cuz how the fuk do I know...I don't even put my foot near those machines."

You just said it "may or may not" work, smart guy. The fact is it does. Since you don't play, I highly suggest you don't talk about what you don't know about.

"And if you're wondering about my merit in basketball skillz......shyt, I got none. I ain't trying to lie. I fuking suck at it...I'll be honest. I can't shoot worth shyt in basketball....let alone dunk. I can't aim straight."

Okay, so you're a poser in that sense too. Don't come around acting cool because you'd rather play basketball than DDR because you "have some pride", if you suck at basketball.

"All I'm saying it's another fun way that helps BIG in cardio."

No, that's not all you said. You posted acting like you were too cool for DDR and only basketball was good enough for you.

"and don't worry....I ain't even gonna try to act like some bytch named....Rawblood. If I don't know shyt...I will let you know..cuz everybody's got something to learn..."

Funny, seeing as you've BEEN acting like Rawblood this entire time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Originally posted by KillaPetehog
I don't give a fuk what you think about me.

But I stay by my word.

Those guys who play on those machines look like bytches.
You can fuking talk shyt all you want...I frankly don't give a fuk.

If you want pictures, send me a PM. I don't back out of talking shyt like some people and I don't try to act all tight without proof.

I'm not the swollest cat on da street....but I definitely got something to show. Send me a PM ASAP.

I hope you ain't got no shyt with black people..

That's pretty cute, a picture of you with jizz above your upper lip. What the hell are you trying to do, make me lose my appetite? I didn't join Sosuave so I could have fools send me gay ******* porn. Nice fake bling, too.

What the hell is with you Jesse Jackson worshipping idiots who think everything is racist? I never said anything about being black, and I have plenty of black friends and coworkers, and my former stepdad was black as well. I have nothing against your skin color; it's your "I have to act black to be cool, and acting black means talk about basketball, act like I'm too cool for this and that, and use bad English, so I have to do those to things to be the blackest mofo around" attitude that makes you an idiot. I want to kick ass on every one of you clones. You're the kind of idiot who would shun a black CEO, lawyer, doctor, or businessman for "selling out" or "acting white".


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
USA arguments are hilarious.

Hoggyboy, what the **** is that on your lip?

Nice abs by the way. They look a bit like hot cross buns.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Vienna, VA
Originally posted by MetalFortress
This is health and fitness, not Don Juan Discussion. Keybord coaches are unwelcome here. And you're an idiot if you think there's even ONE DDR player who confuses it with real club dancing.
It's obvious this is not DJ discussions because someone who has read ANYTHING this site has to offer would not get rilled up over a internet post. Calm down.

There was a article written where a woman lost 40lbs on a McD's diet. Does this mean that EVERYONE should go on a diet at McD's? No. So just because you lost 48 lbs (Which you credited to DDR, and which you called him out for saying. He was just quoting your post) playing ddr does not mean that DDR should be used for everyone. I would much rather go out and run then sit in a arcade or at home spazzing randomly to hit bright arrows on the screen.

I didn't join Sosuave so I could have fools send me gay ******* porn. Nice fake bling, too.
THEN WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR. This is NOT a health and fitness site. As a matter of fact, besides 3-4 people here, this H and F forum is a JOKE. You obviously don't come here for the MATERIAL since you get so riled up over internet crap that it just validates why people like Pook and all those big heads never come here. Because this site is overrun by little kids playing around like you and Killapete.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
Heizen, did you just imply that the only reason to use this site is for gay ******* porn? I'm here to keep a journal and read viewpoints from the INTELLIGENT HF posts such as Warboss and MOM, as well as add my own, and mostly here for the hell of it. You can keep looking for gay porn if you want, but I'm going to use this site for what I came here for.


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
your mom
A whole lot of hating on these forums. If you don't want to look stupid playing the game, then play it at home. If you think it is stupid, don't play it. I can promise you though that at the higher levels, you will burn more calories, quicker, than almost any other workout activity PERIOD. Not only that, but the fact that it is a game with high scores and competition against other people will motivate people to do it harder and longer.

BTW, I have never looked at any forum outside of this H&F forum since I found out about it searching for workout tips on google, and found Diesel's sticky post.