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  1. X

    Interesting Results From Lifting Often

    How do you know that having random boners in class and having insomnia is related to lifting more often? Since I started lifting, I can't say that I have gotten less sleep or popped more boners than before. Taking in more caffeine can give you insomnia and more boners can't it, as well as an...
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    Gym Closing for Two Weeks

    I dont think so. I'm just going to do bodyweight exercises for the two weeks and cut back on the eating until the gym reopens, seems like the most logical thing to do.
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    Energy Crisis

    If you have tried all of this and are still feeling tired, then maybe it is all in your head. My advice for somebody that feels lethargic all the time is to actually get MORE busy. When I was in high school, I didn't really get much homework or have a job or anything, so I had too much spare...
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    Gym Closing for Two Weeks

    My university has just finished construction on a new fitness center. While a new building is cool and all, the gym will be closed for two weeks to move everything to the new building. Ironically, I was in the middle of a bulking phase and am afraid that I'll lose the gains I made if I do not...
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    Working out for Three days in a Row?

    Okay, this semester is coming to an end. I may be able to put an extra day in there. How about like this. Wed: Chest, Tricep Friday: Legs Saturday: Shoulders Sunday: Back, Bicep I find that I am too tired to do shoulders on the same day as chest. So would this kind of split be...
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    I wouldn't rely on the results of Online tests to determine whether you are ADD or not for the same reason that you shouldn't be diagnosing yourself through drug commercials on television. Those kinds of tests would diagnose almost everybody as having a problem, and that cannot be the case...
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    Working out for Three days in a Row?

    I started bulking about a week ago. because school gets makes things a little hectic for me when combined with work, I have been doing this split. Friday - Chest, Triceps Saturday - Legs, Shoulders Sunday - Back, Biceps. My question is that since I have about four days in a row without...
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    According to the logic of these posters, a unibrow would be attractive as well since it would be "more manly. And shaving does not make hair grow thicker, faster, or in different colors damnit, it's an old wive's tale.
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    How would I know if I'm finished maturing?

    Well, eventually your hair will turn gray, you would form wrinkles, you'll start balding, and have liver spots all over you. Wow, maturing sucks doesn't it? =P
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    Your thoughts/experiences on Anti depressants?

    It sounds to me like you don't need any drugs. What you DO need is either motivation or to take the initiative to make things how you want them. It's up to you to get out of your rut.
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    Endurance problem when lifting

    Are you using the same weight as the other kids? Or are you going heavier than them? If you are using the same weight as the other kids, then, the way I have it understood is that there's both muscular strength and endurance. You may be stronger than them, but they can lift longer than...
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    cardio question

    Suuuuuuuure you were =P
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    cardio question

    I'm pretty sure he meant for swimming purposes. If he didn't have access to ANY water, then he shouldn't be wasting his energy typing on the computer cause he'll be dead by the end of the week anyways. -Freddie
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    Your thoughts/experiences on Anti depressants?

    That was a great post TurnOver. Something about it caught my eye, and that is the title of the book "Why your Life Sucks". It is really simple in my opinion why your lives suck. The reason that anybody's life sucks is because they perceive it to suck. It is negative thoughts that lead to...
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    cardio question

    You don't have access to water when you are far from the ocean and you don't have access to a pool. It's not really that complicated. -Freddie
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    Your thoughts/experiences on Anti depressants?

    Although lifting weights may not be a cure for depression, it can definitely alleviate the symptoms of depression. Everybody gets depressed for a reason. Think about it this way. When you are happy, there is a spike in the chemicals that make you happy (I want to say serotonin, but I'm...
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    Pimples On Penis??? Std

    A virgin with genital herpes? I would definitely get it checked out, but from the description you are giving it does not sound like herpes. Your description sounds more like genital warts to me, although it would not be easy to get that without sexual contact. Just go to the doctor and get it...
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    is there any way to thicken facial hair

    Why would anybody want to have to shave constantly? Anyways, shaving does not make your hair grow back faster or thicker. That is an old wive's tale. -Freddie
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    Your thoughts/experiences on Anti depressants?

    Before you try anti-depressants, you might want to ask yourself WHY you are depressed. Are you feeling inadequate, inferior, have had a traumatic event in your life? Figure out why it is you are depressed and you can get past it. Everybody has been depressed at some point, and most people get...
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    Sex..... with her Period? . What would you do?

    Although SOME girls might be hornier during their period, most women are not hornier during their period. Women ARE hornier before their period, when they are most likely to conceive. Since women definitely can't conceive at the end of their period, they won't likely be any hornier. -Freddie