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    Whats Your Moto?

    You only think when you don`t know what to do next - ME I can deal with faliure, but cannot with not even trying - Michael Jordan
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    Ima Li Koga Iz Srbije????????

    Dovoljno sam rekao u naslovu, ja sam iz Cacka.
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    I`m still in high school but i need mature men help

    Man, u should`v wrote it smth like this the first time u posted, anyways i`m sorry for calling u an idiot, anways, i got what i needed to know from this thread. And one other thing, when i started this thread i acttualy wanted to find out how to make more friends, not how to become a poser...
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    I`m still in high school but i need mature men help

    TooColdUlrick, ur a fukkin idiot, u act like ur still in the elementary school so do me a favor and SHUT UP!
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    Im pissed off and disappointed in myself

    If he trully is ur good friend than he`d stay away, and for him beeing an AFC and still geting the chick, well, as W.Snipes once said "even the sun shines on dogs a*s some days." Hope I helped.
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    Exmplain me 2 things about the DJ Bible and DJ Boot Camp

    I still haven`t started with the dj boot camp when i asked for help, second it is impossible to read and do all of the exercise in 8 days step by step, i mixed 3 or 4 exercises all at once and so far i`m doung fine (not great but fine).
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    We are in the same class and I think she likes me... HELP!

    OK I called her today and TOLD her i want to meet with her and she should only decide when, today or tommorw, she laughed lighltly and asked me why, then i started being c/f, anyways she told me today she can`t maybe she`ll be able tommorow, i told her to call me and she plesantly replied that...
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    I`m still in high school but i need mature men help

    Thanks and i`m sorry for intruding ur temple.
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    I`m still in high school but i need mature men help

    I`ll keep it short, this really isn`t about girls but it is closely related(if ur popular then it`s a lot easier to get chicks I need an advice about how to become one of the most popular kids in HS, right now i`m in the upper middle but...
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    ^ Couldn`t agree more.
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    How to know whether a girl is playin you or not

    Well if she comes to u then ok, but just in case she doesn`t...
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    Exmplain me 2 things about the DJ Bible and DJ Boot Camp

    Well i read 75% of it and i`v been reading it for only 3 days. And no one answerd me the difference betwen the HS Bible and the regular one.
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    Had first date with her but have some questions.

    Think u did allright, if u had kino than it really isn`t that big of a deal that u didn`t kiss her, i myself prefer to kiss on a first date but thats only me... Anyway here`s a tip how to do it: go out, have fun then pull some c/f on her, offend her just a little bit and then grab her head and...
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    Exmplain me 2 things about the DJ Bible and DJ Boot Camp

    Ok, is thre a BIG difference betwen the regular DJ Bible and High School DJ Bible and does the training form the boot camp really needs to be done for 8n full weeks, i feel like i can complete it in 8 days. Try clearing it out for me.
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    How to know whether a girl is playin you or not

    Doesn`t rally matter if she`s an attention ****, she is still a girl, so show her some attention and then the next time she`s around u (comes close to u because of u) simply walk away or if she starts talking just say yeah yeah and move on. Then she`ll start chasing u for real.
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    Is this good or bad?

    I`d do this if i were u, for a couple of secs i`d listen to her very carefuly and act as if i agreed with her and then i`d tell her ``yeah yeah girl, STOP boring ME`` and would walk away or if there is another person sitting next to her i`d stay and start talking to her/him and ignore the girl...
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    Girl Problem

    DON`T CALL HER, and if i were u i`d now start playing her, just for fun and who knows, maybe when u show her that ur the BOSS she`ll start chasing u.
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    We are in the same class and I think she likes me... HELP!

    Just want to add that i asked her if she liked me year and a half ago and i now know it was dumb, sh!t why doesn`t it stop rainning so i could ask her out
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    We are in the same class and I think she likes me... HELP!

    Just want to add that i asked her if i liked her year and a half ago and i now know it was dumb, sh!t why doesn`t it stop rainning so i could ask her out
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    We are in the same class and I think she likes me... HELP!

    Thanks a gazzilion times Dimebag