

Don Juan
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hi guys. I'm relatively inexperienced in this league but I think I'm doing well. Anyways, I'll tell you what's going on so you can help me.

OK so, there is this girl I've liked for about two years now. That's also around the time I met her. I've never lost interest in her. I like everything about her. We were in the same class last year (when I first saw her) but I don't think she noticed me too much and I don't blame her. I was a "nice guy". I thought that it was the better way to go (but now I know it's not). Last year, I had almost no confidence, my social life consisted of a small group of friends. I mean, no one really disliked me but they didn't get to be good friends with me. I wanted to be with her so much but I never had the guts to just ask her out.

Things have changed since then. Now we are not in the same class. But that's not the only thing that's different. I realized I needed to make a major change in my life if I wanted a better life and a better chance at her. Last year, I had big glasses, OK clothes, not really social too much, I was sometimes funny but not really, and I wasn't really considered desirable. I identified and this huge problem at the end of the year trip that my school held last year. So I decided to completely make myself over. Now, I lost the big glasses, I have better clothes, I started to work out, and I take better care of my hygiene. But it's not just appearance that changed. I wanted more friends so I changed my sociality. I talked more, I became much more funny (so much so that I'm considered one of the funniest kids in the school), and I have much much MUCH more confidence.

These changes have made WONDERS for me. I'm not exaggerating at all here. Compare my group of close friends from last year (about 5) to this year (about 45+, I can't really count them all). When I say close friends, I don't mean I talk to them once every day, but I mean everytime we cross paths in the hall, I get some kind of greeting (high-five etc). Compare the number of girls who liked me last year (that would be zero) to this year (4 that I know of). As I you can see, these changes have made me very very happy. But I still don't have one thing. That girl. I still like her very much. However, I've decided to get off my lazy butt and do something about it.

Forunately, I have been provided an opportunity to do this. My school is holding an end of the year social in about 11 days (like prom, except not nearly as big). So I've decided to ask her to go with me no matter what. I'm not going to talk myself out of this. But, I still need advice about if she returns my affection.

As I said in the beginning, she didn't really notice me last year except for a few "He's so nice comments". Last year I would of thought those were good comments to recieve. But now I know better. I know that it's not a real good comment to recieve because it just landed me in the "nice guy" zone and I don't want to be there. Except, thanks to my changes, she is different towards me. I'm not a real good decipherer or signals of the female kind so I ask some help. These are the things I get from her.

  • At about November/December of last year, she warmed up to me very very much (I probably could of got this response sooner but I still hadn't built up enough confidence). When I say this, I mean laughing or smirking at every joke I make, and sometimes they aren't even jokes, but she still smiles at me.
  • Only after I started to talk to her much more (maybe a few days later), I landed a spot in her AIM profile where only her best friends, closest people, and love quotes go.
  • She acts kind of nervous and fidgety around me like I did to her last year (you know, stupid things like, not responding to a "Hey" because your mind is racing or just waving with a kind of nervous smile while everyone else says "Hey dude!" etc.). Keep in mind she's pretty inexperienced also. We're probably at the same experience level).
  • She gave me the nickname "Marshmellow". I don't know if this is a sign of affection or what. I don't have any resemblance to a marshmellow.
  • She has some Kino going on with me.
  • Telling me and one of my guy friends to make out (as a joke) so we played along. We got in a position like we were going to but before we got closer she started saying "No, Alex (that's me) is mine!" shortly followed by "I like my skinny white boys." Keep in mind that I'm fairly skinny and white.
  • Lots of actions while talking like losing words or being too nervous to say anything.
  • Lots of "lyl's" after AIM conversations.
  • Lots of eye contact.
  • She tends to have her hands open and palms facing up towards me. I've read this is a sign openness and being comfortable around me. I don't know if this will help.

That's all the stuff I can recall. If I think of more I'll edit my post.

So, as you know, I am very inexperienced and I'm not good at reading signals so I need your help. Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks for your time.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score

Alright man, I'm gonna give you some advice. If you like the girl, go for her. Take her on a real date and kiss her at the end of it. And here's some motivation. Would you rather try to get with her and, at worst, get rejected, or see her with some jackass along the line who had the guts to ask her out? It's your call, but at least give it a shot.

Don't worry so much about her interest in you, since her interest in you isn't up to you. Use what you can control and that's your interest in her and go for it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
^ listen to what NRM said

and you are overanalyzingway too much, signs and observation are good, but remembering that she told you she liked white guys 2 years ago (exaggeration) is not something you should be able to do. Also, what about those other 4 girls that like you, you have other options if she bails, so go for it. And maybe give the others a chance to get in.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks guys for the advice. I do have a problem of overanalyzing. :D Oh and JSH, what I meant was 4 girls like me this year, not me liking 4 girls.