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  1. P

    Thoughts, Swordsmen..

    I can see what you mean. For sure moving on is the goto move for this and what we always tell each other and others. And its not wrong to do that. She might come back later. If she does the dynamic will likely be the same and later it doesn't work again. She is ready to lockup. If the op...
  2. P

    Thoughts, Swordsmen..

    flowers..., sing..., chocolate, dress nicer than you normally do. the point is to shock her about your big try to get her back. its sort of cool looking when a solid guy does this. knight in shinning armor stuff.... This stuff usually works, but sets up a poor long term dynamic...
  3. P

    Thoughts, Swordsmen..

    I am divided on this. I like Amsterdam and Duke ideas. At almost 50 years old you have more options than you did at 30. So your not forced to take anything you don't want. If she is very feminine, you can try again. Her emotions come through strong in the letter. Two weeks away from when...
  4. P

    Thoughts, Swordsmen..

    what is the situation with her that you would like to have?
  5. P


    getting from home country does not give the smv advantage.
  6. P


    not legal but common and accepted.
  7. P


    investigate Germany also., brothels are legal.
  8. P

    Women With Criminal Histories

    Just select women from those that select you.
  9. P

    communication and discipline in LTR's it's an Art

    not much need to manager her, if we can manage ourselves. never had much issue with dogs. unless the dog is really dumb.
  10. P

    If I plan to live in the US the rest of my life...

    for a date or hook up, does not matter. for relationship, its best you know the language of the girl if she is speaking that with others.
  11. P


    do you want to pay or get free ?
  12. P

    The case for admitting cheating

    interesting question. its not the cheating that increases the attraction, its the available options. make it obvious that you can cheat anytime you like, the options are visible. but don't do it; your respect from women and men will increase. you are choosing to be a man of integrity and...
  13. P

    Social circle game guys aren't getting laid as much as you think.

    discretion. the guys that are in the group or other than women, do better with the women.
  14. P

    Girls constantly changing topics

    the feelings and truth changes just as fast as the topics. sorry to say it sounds like your trying to adjust to her instead of her adjusting to you. if her interest level is high enough she will adjust this. if they are attractive, its likely that other or last guys also noticed the same...
  15. P

    36 years old, and getting redpilled

    I sounds like your doing well or better than average. In your head, you can see your faults but also your success. It sounds like you worry... about the past and also about the future. Doing this can make the "now" not fun. The more fun you are, the more women and men will be attracted to...
  16. P

    How to manage delayed replies from a girl?

    Young women wait and hope that some guy will notice and give them attention. They get a lot of anxiety about it and discuss it with other girls. When they get a guy that shows interest that they also could accept, then they go into crazy mode and worry worry worry about when the guy will...
  17. P

    She lies to the men she doesn't respect

    I like your view. It just does not play out. We have a spectrum of lying. I usually don't trust a person that insist they never lie.
  18. P

    She lies to the men she doesn't respect

    Almost everyone lies to almost everyone. Remember, you get what you negotiate AND can enforce, not what you are worth and definitely not what is fair. You never know what she is thinking, only what she tells she is thinking. Women lie to men, women lie to women, men lie to men, men...