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  1. B

    i need help from exp DJ's

    been going out with her for 2-3 months. This girl is inexperienced but it doesnt matter anyways. Quote: "I don't want to get hurt" means one of two things: WEll I dont want to think which one would be the answers. again i am going to use a DJ MENTALITY: If she really wants me she...
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    i need help from exp DJ's

    Special friend=potential girlfriend to me. this what she said: she was saying i dont want to get hurt (scared I might dump her or something cuz she never have a relationship before)
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    i need help from exp DJ's

    i forgot to mention this line i have: i told her that "I got a lot of women out there that really wants me and your different". ME: do u like me? SHE: "I like you as a friend...i don't want to get hurt".Are you mad? ME:ME: well I am not looking for a friend i am looking for a speical...
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    i need help from exp DJ's

    I want a relationship with her.
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    i need help from exp DJ's

    ok i told this girl if she likes me or not ...she said "I like you as a friend...i don't want to get hurt". (she is a shy girl,never had a boyfriend before)( i feel she digs me but she is afraid of commitment ) 1.)how do i handle this? SHE:Are you mad? ME: well I am not looking for a...
  6. B

    damn. i didnt make a move :(

    for me bowling is not a good date unless you have some friends willing to have a double date. take her to arcade games, pool, Also win something for her... stuff toys... (she will remember dat date for sure), paintball, clubing (good kino! if you know how to dance), ice skating or roller...
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    phone games

    KISS? GUYS SHE DID CALL BACK the next day! she was busy (overtime at work!) Well i was asking her to go out this week but she told me maybe next week (she must be tired) BUT she suggest to help her out with something this week (school). So i said ok just call me. NICE ADVICE REED...
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    phone games

    i hate this when a girl do this. I know she llikes me (followed the bible)i can give you more detail but you know.... I was asking for a third date and she said busy (finals and work)(true she got 2 jobs work 6-7 days a week and 1 class in college) and suggest maybe next week. Told me the...
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    need tips on a new girl!

    she is 22 and i am 23. We both are new to this I just started dating this year. I was AFC and learning not to be one right now with help of this board. I learn how to approach but cant get into a relationship thats why i am asking advice. i am learning thats why i came to this websites...
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    need tips on a new girl!

    To my fellow and exp DJ's i need your help. I need tips on this new girl i am seeing right now. background: she never have a boyfriend before and new to this. 7.5HB and 9 Personality. how do i handle this? First date: dinner (no move yet) did ****y and funny talk! Second date...
  11. B

    how often you date a girl?

    how often you date a prospected LTR girl ? ask a girl once a week? (anti-dump tips) what if she is busy...wait another week? ask again. I date college girl with jobs so thats make things more complicated getting a free time with her. also i am still in college too at the same time i...
  12. B

    GF w/ a lot guy friends need help

    Ok i just broke it off with that B{tch !!! ATTENTION W HORE!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHH well she is ugly anyways ..feeling down right now but I now know how to handle women.. become a prize and chaleging... I was like a doormat wheni met her....ilearn from my mistake.......
  13. B

    GF w/ a lot guy friends need help

    i am not afraid to lose this girl she is a 7.0 i see girls better than her including her friends hahaha...but i like her personality and there is chemistry. I got a lot of girls who look at me and want to go out with me. i will be ****y and funny every time i see her and make it worth...
  14. B

    A girl wit no time???

    my gf is busy all the times and my schedule too (work and school) but we make it work sometimes. lke visiting her at work and making feel special..... they need space sometimes ...and trust is the right word for it..... and also be busy at all times dont just think about her think about your...
  15. B

    GF w/ a lot guy friends need help

    Turns out good!!!!!!!!! Alphafox your right.... well i call her tonight and she said she just friends with them and again she feel comfortable have a guy friend cuz no gossip and no backstabbing female friends (the whole drama thing like road rules from mtv girl fights) she told me... that...
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    GF w/ a lot guy friends need help

    my solution..... not a HB7.0 anyways but she is feminine. I am going to tell her that she needs to tell all her guy friends and tell them clearly or truth that they are just friends. cuz she told me some of the other guys thinks they are romantically involves with i am going to...
  17. B

    GF w/ a lot guy friends need help

    She is my GF for 1 week and i found out this. Before i ask her to be my gf i told her "if I am the only she is seeing right now. she said yes and now this thing pop up .......... My GF have a lot of guy friends and she have few girl friends like her best friend. I told her I promise you i...
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    How to get a girlfriend?

    after a couple of dates with a lot of girls i decided to become steady with 1 girl. (just want to thank all the don juan members who answer my question cuz i was a AFC when i first started...i was a wussy asking phone numbers and now its all gone now) you wont gain anything unless you do it...
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    2nd date/ at her house

    are u serious dog? boy i am lucky lol ...Fock but her parents is at her house.... i dunno still (she is very religious)
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    2nd date/ at her house

    OK my plan was to go out bowling this friday with her (KINO) buts its good friday she ask me just to hang out in her house watch movies (she lives w/her parents) ./..oh damn scared and ****less right now....i dont know how to act ...I need advice again!.......plaease! PS:i was...