need tips on a new girl!


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
To my fellow and exp DJ's i need your help.

I need tips on this new girl i am seeing right now.
background: she never have a boyfriend before and new to this.
7.5HB and 9 Personality.

how do i handle this?

First date: dinner (no move yet) did ****y and funny talk!
Second date: pick her up no flower and did the small things open her door for her ans stuff. always laugh at my joke.
(she introduce me to her parents!) wow that was first for me.
we watch movie (no move yet) she suggest we split cost (thats why i like her and when we talk her eye always lock in my eye.
We just talk and watch the movie and humor her a little! forgot to say bye cuz her parents caught us going home late 12:30am. hehehe (got a strick parents i think) i feel liek a badboy cuz i told her dad she will be probably be home by 11:30pm but next day i call her and she told me its cool.

third date(in progress) :MY PLAN: i am going to do an action date and kino...... or do the kiss test. (bring her flower too)
Asking for the third date on the phone: she was with her friends going out to birthday party just dinner with friends8:30pm.....but i said i will call her back and she said something (the phone got static) and i think she said i will call you or i dont know.... how do i handle this??????
shoud I call? 1 day have been past.
when? Is this a test?

Is this normal?
she dont call me to just to talk to me (MUST BE A NEWBIE OR SHY OR I DONT KNOW) i am confuse...... (should i ask her to call me sometimes??)
I always call just to ask for a date. (following the advice just talk, check on her and tease and also only call and ask for a date) minimun 10 minutes.
also i am giving her some space not calling her everyday only once a week just to get a date. Am i doing this right???? I feel like calling her every other day but i need to control myself.
(ALSO SHE IS ALWAYS DELIGHTED WHEN I CALL I CAN TELL FROM HER VOICE excited) i think once a week thing is working ...but would she get bored on me doing this or should i bent the rules a little bit?

I am learning ...and i like her but i cant tell her that i like her yet... cuz it said in the rule 90 days minimum. (i dont want to fall on a friendzone again)(guys this is true, women will run away if you tell your feelings right away!) liek my past girl i have dated i next her though has some exp....from men (attention *****)and i confess to early. but this girl is different!

How do i get her to call me sometimes and check on me? or is this too soon?

I need some tips on how be her girlfriend and phone tactics???????? i am new to this... i want to do this slowly and make it right. I want her to be a LTR girl with me.

I am just curious on those tip on dj bible tips would it work on newbie girl and normal good looking girls?
it said it will work on HB pretty women 9-10 defintely.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2005
Reaction score
Dont bring her flowers. Just dont. You can call her jus wait a few days. Also dont ask for a date, tell her you should go on one. your reading waaay too much into this. Dont try to analyze everything a person says cuz it will drive you crazy. Ppl like almost all the time anyway...


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
seems like your doing an allright job, i woulda went for a kiss on the second date. but DO IT on the third or your ****ed. You have to do it.

90 days before you tell her you like her????? where the hell did you here that?????

dont be afraid to show that you like her, BUT dont start going "i luv you i luv you". you see you have only gone on 2 dates so you cannot possibly have feelings for her yet, if you feel warm inside chill out thats not love, just the warm feeling that your getting in a new relationship. In time love will grow but as for DO NOT LOVE her.

you see girls get freaked out from this kinda **** for 2 reasons:

1. you were a wuss and never made a move and so put into the friends zone. when you finally confess your love to her after developing a strong "freindly" relationship, she is freaked out cause you NEVER made a move. and since you were a wuss you are not bf material
2. You say it 2 fast. After a couple dates you say it. That automatically puts you into the desperate stalker category since how could you love her after only breifly meeting her a few times.

Romeo and Juliet is a story not reality.

so phone her wuts the big deal??????


Master Don Juan
Mar 31, 2003
Reaction score
yeah dont do flowers. she does not deserve them yet.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score


background: she never have a boyfriend before and new to this

if you believe that YOU ARE TOO GULLABLE

how old are ? how old is the girl ?

i am assuming from how *cough* innocent your time with her is you are both under 18 years of age ?

read the DJ Bible

look up KINO in the bible. you need to use it on her. or you are going to get the " lets just be friends** "

personally i think you are LJBF** unless she is under 18 and has never really had a boyfriend before and has lived in a cave for the last 10 years and has never read Cleo magazine

but other than her being a hermit i think it's game over

learn from this and grow

Lost In Translation :D



Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
she is 22 and i am 23.
We both are new to this I just started dating this year. I was AFC and learning not to be one right now with help of this board.
I learn how to approach but cant get into a relationship thats why i am asking advice.

i am learning thats why i came to this websites.

My background:
my past girls:
I think i got scared not to kino her to fast cuz the last girl I dated got scared cuz I hold her hands and confess my feelings to quickly in the second date...arghh i know i am an idiot. ....but right now after not calling for 2 weeks cuz i told her we should not see each other again and told her LJBF....
I was suprised she started talking to me via instant msg and checking on me if i found someone else...

anyhow i move on to this new girl.
Lost In Translation
Game over? hahaha not yet i dont give up to easily bud. she never a decline a date yet on me and she always answer my phone call. I am going to play this game right. And this to me is a challenge and a learning experience.

90 days (ohh thats de angelo book i didnt buy it so dont worry) i think his wrong 90 days is just too long aint it?
What should i tell this girl then?
1.)I really like you?
2.)i enjoy spending time with you?

thanks for that analyze a person say tip yeah its drving me crazy.
dont ask for a date just suggest we should go on a date?
whats the deal with this? i am just curiuos? should i say i am off friday we should do soemthing fun? how about bowling? ( she mentions bowling before)

I would definetly go for the kino and kiss on third date flowers!

Thanks for the advice guys!!!!!