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  1. B

    Field Report!!to share

    FIRST Aprroach First Rejection HOLY CRAP (w/ my i dont give a **** attitude i finnaly approach someone) i was ordering something and she was in my back) so i told myself lets do it BES... she is all alone and w/ my dont give a f u c k attitude. and she is not my type anyway just for...
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    Daily Journal for Cold Approaches

    hey jwhite, for that are u single question? do u ask for there name? J white boot camp cold approach question, u see a chick ...approach....say hi.....can i ask you a quick question.. are u single? if yes i really need to go and i want to talk to you sometime can i get your...
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    1st 2nd date question

    I Am Just Wondering what is the best place to have a first date? 1.)Dinner and a movie? or movie and dinner? kino level? just hug ? 2.)who will pay? Me or both? 3.)I heard end a date early on the first date is good? like for example i have to say bye not her......i have to say "its...
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    Field Report!!to share

    Ok i went to the supermarket and mall no luck. So i got frustrated and lay low for a while(AFC). Today: Ok i work as a cashier now and one HB was by herself. So i realized i have to do something to improve myself. COnversation(she went into my register) ME: Hi! pause for a moment...
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    new asian

    stop this non-sense. white,black,asian,indian we are all the same but everyone have different personality and culture. Well for me i am attracted to any girl who i find is beautiful regardless of race. I am asian and girls are attractive of me and look at me (white,black,asian or indian)...
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    what do you do when you feel extremely lonely?

    this happens to me ....its a missed of oppurtunities and having a oneitis(thinking she is the one). So i read the dj bible and i was wacking my self in the head because i miss a lot of signal that this girl is giving me. so i moved on got another job and start all over again and keep telling...
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    the kind of car she drives

    i have this one girl she drives a truck. she's got the attitude of a tomboy. casual car like lexus, honda accord etc means they are profesional looking. sports car = they are hyper. thats what i notice about girls with cars.
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    I need help!

    hey i work as a salesman. sell some electronics. I see some HB shopping for themselves i approach them and i just ask do u need some help ...just make a converssation about the product i sell . but i dont ask for phone # yet. cuz i dont know what to say. 1.)whats the best lines i could say...
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    where are they?

    bay area / about an hour away from san francisco (the triangle).
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    where are they?

    d@mn where are the HB?i am frustrated 4 hours of nothing. 1-4pm ( should i hunt at night?) I went to borders and i have nice convo with fellow coworker. I went to the mall a lot of underage girls(just practise eye contact and smile ...they do work lol)..... I didnt see any single women...
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    Approaches when people are around

    Hey walden is it good to pick up girls by yourself or with friends? like in the mall/supermarket be alone or with friends? I read your boot camp journal and its helping me a lot its harder than i thought hehe. probably i will start at the basic ......just convo and when iam comfortable...
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    Iam Doing it

    yeah it is ! but u know some girls loves accent lol
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    Iam Doing it

    Iam a AFC :D lol iam changing my lifestyle iam going to do it!!!! My feedback! In my last job women are attractive to me sometimes, (maybe they are attracted to my eye cuz i dont take off my eyes off them when i was talking to them:D lol) They approach me (customers/co worker) and i didnt...