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  1. R

    How Far At School?

    Sex on the stage and on english teachers desk. Got head on a bus.
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    our double standard

    The only time something like this bothered me was when I found out my girlfriend had a threesome when she was 14. Yea. I don't mind sexually active girls at all, pretty much to any extent, but when I find out how early they started, (Or the number of partners they've had, I wish they wouldn't...
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    Seduction Goldmine!!!

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    Sex tips/ideas/experiences

    Hey SoSuave. A recent thought came over me. This site is full of info on how to overall improve your life to make it better, and make you better at picking up women, but there is one key issue that is not totally addressed by this site: The sex you give them after picking them up. It's...
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    any success with AFF?

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    Good Movies to watch on a date?

    Check these:
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    I feel like total **** right now!

    LOL! This has been the funniest post in a long time. I thought he felt like **** 'cause he boned a girl and doesn't ever plan on talking to her again, as he stated "she's a human masturbation toy", but he feels like **** cause her face got it with the ugly stick. Oh my god, that was...
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    a girl I used to "frequent" with suggested using cuffs one time, so we bought some and used them. Afterwards I hung them on my rear view mirror in my car. Exact same result - from people who rode in the car to people who saw them from the outside.
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    The "I'm not gay, dammit!" FR

    Personally, I believe field reports themselves are stupid.
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    Les Liasions Dangereuses: Midnight in the Garden... (Narcissus Narcosis/Sodom)

    I'm really proud you researched as much as you did and compiled this post. He makes great points, and some of these issues I've heard before in school and other places, but he really puts it togethor to make his point. You say the media is to blame for the stereotypes women have 'become'...
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    Shes with a yr 11

    Wait a second, this guy is 11 years old? Or a Junior? If he's eleven years old I think it's pathetic you're jealous of him. If he's a junior I understand your point. Simply you gotta portray The "Bigger, Better thing" The bible has great articles on this. Senor Finger's "Weapons of Mass...
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    How to flirt?

    Flirting is not a lesson that can be learned in steps and repeated. It varies for every person. Flirting is the act of hints/body language to convey attraction and interest. There's flirting from the very subtle to ummistakeable - the type you use reflects yourself and your confidence...
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    If they are truly into theatre and acting, then yes, usually they do have a lot of love for drama, and incorporate it into their lives. But I'd still see where it goes. Oh yea, be careful with actors - they're extremely good liars.
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    Traditional Girl

    I'd say so. Essentially she 'handed you the car keys' so go for a drive. So you've now got yourself a free "Get out of jail" card too. Cause if you do something that offends her, just say "Hey baby, you said you wanted me to make the moves, and that's just what I'm doin'." You're in a...
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    For those who have dated a girl with a kid..................?

    any chick who ditches her kid on the weekend to go party is just asking to have another one.
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    C&F Comebacks to 'I Have a Boyfriend'

    Nice ones are: You: So, you wanna get togethor sometime? Her: I have a boyfriend. You: I didn't ask about him, I asked about you. How's Wednesday night sound? or Her: I have a boyfriend. You: So you're saying I need to bring a friend to entertain him while we're gone?
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    Looking too young

    Enjoy it dude. Some of us, like me, look a ****load older than what we really are. Yea, its nice now, but I got a feeling it's gonna kick me in the ass when I get around 30.
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    girls love accents

    cant forget the Texan accent.
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    The DJ Soundtrack, Reborn!

    RUSH - 2112
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    Becoming Magnetic

    Post es muy bien, senior! bueno trabajo! Girls like spanish...