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  1. P

    No works right??

    well my last message is 'please...say something....say anything!' and letting her do what she wants? its called trust. which she broke and yes i 'romance' her lots of time, just not ALL the time u guys are twisting everything i say into something else..not everything..but i know what to...
  2. P

    No works right??

    Are you guys dating? Have you had sex since "reconnecting? i think we are doing everything dating people do except actually call us official, and yes we have And why did it bother you so much? You did a bad job at the bar of seducing her; or this other guys is just a pimp. What did your...
  3. P

    No works right??

    i known this girl for 5 years. we went out years ago but broke up but later on 'reconnected' as friends. she went on to tell me she was sorry for the way it was, her fault, she was young, it seemed that maybe we were slowly building to get back together. so i slow played it but yesterday at...
  4. P

    No works right??

    Doin NC right now after a bad bad night at the bar. I need to know that i am doing the right thing, i got ignored last night so now i not answering any texts from her. Is there a time limit for this? When is a good time to start convo again? But this gives the girls time to stir, and wonder...
  5. P

    Car question...

    i had the jumper cables directly on the connectors, not even the battery and nothing...not even a click or even a light at all i mean if it was the battery..certainly a boost would have got things going no? someone also mentioned a fuse..?? what gets me is that the deck was showing signs of...
  6. P

    Car question...

    for the last couple days, sometimes when i get into my car the face plate needs the time reset. I thought nothing of it until i went to start my car and it was completely dead. Even when we tried boosting it i did not get one glimpse of power.... Some say it could be the battery (its a year...
  7. P

    Getting through the nights....

    i thought i was winning her back...long story. and i dont wallow in self pity my days are very good, full of friends, plans, exercise, work, family, hobbies, its just at night its the hardest i mean pills, as in sleepin pills or stuff like that have others had to reduce to stuff to help them...
  8. P

    Getting through the nights....

    Broken hearts, and thoughts going through ones head. Usually the day brings something to occupy my head away from everything. The nights come and i cannot sleep, or i do, and once i wake up, my head runs through tons of things and i cannot sleep All i think about is my girl laying next to...
  9. P

    What puts you in a better mood?

    Ya know i have been searching for something similar. I sometimes have bad days, im having one now, where i sometimes second guess what i have said or done to a girl, wonder when to pull back, maybe regret something i said....then i begin second guessing and doubting myself Days where i feel i...
  10. P

    Correcting behavior....without showing weakness

    How can I go abouts correcting an interests behavior without looking weak? I have just started talking to this girl. I want to appear like I do not care, and that these things do not bother me, so as to not appear controlled and still my own person, yet still come across as caring? I...
  11. P

    The phrase.....make sense?

    "If a girl is missing something in a relationship, another man can easily get in by simply giving her what she's missing" If she complains her boyfriend is too serious...make her laugh If she complains she never gets out...take her to a movie If she complains her bf is cheap, then spend...
  12. P

    tell me what is hard to get

    You should be making them want to fvck you, not the other way around. :)
  13. P

    Why is she doing this?

    I wonder id anybody ever have any 'actual' success with getting back with an ex? That would be an interesting read.
  14. P

    Why is she doing this?

    i would be interested in finding out what she is calling you 'for' maybe she is an attention ***** and is trying to get you again just to see if she can, then cut you loose, thats the fine line to walk I mean, if she can be of some 'value' to you, then keep her around, just dont let her call...
  15. P

    My night at the bar with the ex....she said what???!

    See thats the thing too...its not like she cant find someone else...even if things are going bad with her bf right now, she is not lacking on the looks dept. She is about 5' 9" about 110 blond hair hazel eyes She can and could very easily find someone else besides me. She does not have to be...
  16. P

    My night at the bar with the ex....she said what???!

    she only really mentioned the 'family' thing with alot of other stuff, its just somethings i cant remember.... I wonder what made her throw her whole self out there and say what she said. I don't doubt anything i do, someone else can do better, so im trying to ask her something along that line...
  17. P

    My night at the bar with the ex....she said what???!

    Damn girls spill so much more than drinks when they are at the bar.... My ex was 'beggin' me to come out to the bar last night, pretty please and all that...ive been in that situation with girls...usually they want to tell you something there or have the drunk courage to do something. Ive...
  18. P

    How bad is being skinny for your image?

    I had an ex-gf who wanted to hook up again... She writes to me that she gained some weight and does that matter? And i laughed to myself cuz me, i never gained a pound. Ya know, im a slimmer person but i see others around me, my age, the ones i grew up with and friends, and seen them get...
  19. P

    Clutch in my car....

    while lifting the car up for the tow...yep there is your problem... the rod underneath snapped off near the pin. so its either what they say is a 20 minute welding job or 2 hours of work to replace it ...phew!!
  20. P

    Clutch in my car....

    when i said chord, i meant cable and lol...yeah im not looking to spend alot of money on this, if its too expensive then this car becomes a big ass paper weight im hoping the cable just came unattached, hence the no noise or warning, or bang or anything. Can't check the car till tomorrow cuz...