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  1. S

    Fire Discussion: Boozin N Schmoozin

    Great thread. I think alcohol has been doing me a lot of harm recently. When I drink I drink to excess. I slur my words and get sloppy. I think girls find it a turn off. My personality is very different drunk from sober. Sober, I'm an introvert and drunk totally extrovert. Also, drunk I...
  2. S

    Help me out here

    Thanks El Payaso, I appreciate that. It's definitely true that I was too attentive but I wasn't by any means blowing up her inbox with dozens of messages. This is an e-mail she sent me less than a week ago. Hi Stringer, this exam is a life changing exam (it depends whether I stay or not...
  3. S

    Help me out here

    Thanks DrYoung, Absolutely, that's sound advice. Colombians (at least the two I've been involved with which is a pretty small sample size, admittedly) do seem to exude a warmth and femininity I've rarely encountered. They're easy to like, at first anyway. A lot of guys say they are great...
  4. S

    Help me out here

    El Payaso, Anyone giving an account on this forum is only giving one side of the story. I'm not sure where you get that this is purely my fault from, aside from you speculating that I bombarded her with messages. I have sent her as many messages as she has sent me. I'm not sure why you'd...
  5. S

    Help me out here

    On the one hand, I totally agree. On the other hand this kind of thing is congruent with the way this chick behaves, so I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't the end of the story (I wouldn't surprised if it was the end of the story either). This behaviour is totally inconsistent with somebody...
  6. S

    Help me out here

    Very interesting PairPlus, I will keep this thread updated. For now I am absolutely no contact. Let's see what happens. I think if she contacts me I'll post before responding, if I do respond at all. To give some more background (and I think there's a lesson in here), this is the second...
  7. S

    Help me out here

    Thanks for the responses guys. Have gone NC on her, not to try to get her to come running, just out of disgust for that e-mail she sent and what a self-important little princess she is.
  8. S

    Help me out here

    So I got this e-mail from a girl I went on a date with last night. We've seen each other three times before, making out but no sex. She has exams coming up, but in a month. On the date all she went on about was how 'busy' she was. She is one of these girls who really seems to get off on just...
  9. S

    How do men that blossom later in life stop thinking about the lost years?

    This is 100% true. It's not about looks, it's about being in with the incrowd. The guys that got action at school or college weren't necessarily the best looking but they were in some team (at my school, rugby) which was perceived as cool. Girls are dumb as f**k, they just want to be accepted...
  10. S

    How do men that blossom later in life stop thinking about the lost years?

    ha ha yeah. Stringer had it all. well i'm not about to start slinging dope (yet) so..... i don't know man, i hear you about being married. sometimes this here game is just a f**king pain. i've considered retiring from it for that reason. but man, i get bored easily
  11. S

    B*tch calling me out

    They're all bland. I remember 'interesting' conversations. Everything else just washes over me. I see it as the price of pvssy. Honestly speaking making notes is the only way I won't forget what the hell they've told me and stopping them morphing into one.
  12. S

    B*tch calling me out

    Ha ha, ok. that makes more sense. Well, honestly I don't pay that much attention to what they're saying. I don't remember conversations with most women simply because they're so bland. But I take your point, if I'm to play the dating game I have to at least appear on top of things.
  13. S

    B*tch calling me out

    Thanks asa_don. Yeah, I'm still not sure what Jaylan meant by 'your kind'. Would you care to elaborate Jaylan? Very odd thing to say.
  14. S

    B*tch calling me out

    Jesus, the stuff they say is so tedious. Are you saying I actually have to listen to them? Half the time I'm just looking at them 'understandingly' and thinking about something else.
  15. S

    B*tch calling me out

    "Your kind"???? Sorry but what does 'my kind' mean exactly? I don't like listening to some tedious skank drone on about her 'fascinating' work or social life but I don't repeatedly call her out on it. As for taking notes, spare me, please.
  16. S

    B*tch calling me out

    So I went on this date with a girl I have seen a couple of times before. She kept telling me (again and again) that I kept asking her the same questions. she didn't call me out on it once, but many times. I have been dating a lot of different girls recently and after a while everything they...
  17. S

    How do men that blossom later in life stop thinking about the lost years?

    This. And what ambitious player said. The system is rigged, there is no doubt about it. But once you are aware of it you can navigate your way out of it. It makes me angry though, when I see it for what it is. But better to be angry at seeing the trap, than to have fallen into it. You guys in...
  18. S

    Why is it that....

    I don't even know what to say to this. Mind blowing.
  19. S

    Why is it that....

    .... when you aren't 'gaming' a girl, I mean when you genuinely don't care one way or another about what happens, you can break all of the 'rules' of game and still have them lusting after you like crazy. If there's a girl I want to like me I will implement at least the basic tenets of game...
  20. S

    What does she want.

    Things like this are worth it for the entertainment value alone. You simply have to go for it and keep us updated, for the good of this board. You're doing God's work. Remember that.