Help me out here

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Stringer_Bell said:
Thanks DrYoung,

Absolutely, that's sound advice. Colombians (at least the two I've been involved with which is a pretty small sample size, admittedly) do seem to exude a warmth and femininity I've rarely encountered. They're easy to like, at first anyway. A lot of guys say they are great relationship material as well. Maybe they are, who knows.

This girl doesn't owe me anything, I enjoyed my time with her. At the end of our last date she was the one suggesting we went somewhere else for one more drink. She seemed keen enough but I think my game could have been tighter. Anyway, as you said it's not worth focusing on her. I wanted to hit the town tonight and meet other women but I'm laid up in bed with flu.

El Payaso - one further point. Why would I lie? I could easily twist facts to engender support from posters here but, given that I'm asking for advice, what would be the point? Any advice I got would be based on false facts and so would be worthless. I don't know why some posters on this board are so quick to go on the attack. A couple of posters did say, '...unless you spammed her inbox', which is fair enough. They qualified their advice whereas you just assumed that what I said was untrue. Really weird.
My apologies for the name calling. Perhaps I was a bit too brash. Whether you sent too many emails or not, we will never know but be thankful regardless that you are now certain of her interest level and can move on to women that have higher interest in you.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks El Payaso, I appreciate that. It's definitely true that I was too attentive but I wasn't by any means blowing up her inbox with dozens of messages.

This is an e-mail she sent me less than a week ago.

Hi Stringer, this exam is a life changing exam (it depends whether I stay or not in this city). I really like you, so I hope you don't forget about me so easily. I hope to see you soon. xx

There were other messages like this, or her sending unsolicited pics of her blowing me a kiss, etc. Just things that made me think the girl was really into me (like the first Colombian I dated).

The point is, you guys shouldn't get sucked in like I did. Don't take this sort of stuff too seriously and drop your guard. I have no doubt I could have banged this girl, had I played it better.